The Farming Little Girl

C313: true confession

Chen nianran grinds his teeth. Magpie and double happiness fish both look at her with ambiguous eyes and smile, "little grandma, hurry up."

Scroll to see these big girls are urging their mother, also follow the coax, "mother you go, my father want you."

This one wants, more read Chen Ran to impetuous yo.

She said angrily to these girls, "OK, as soon as he comes back, you won't treat me as the master, will you? Take care of your skin later. "

Learning the way aunt Hua lectured people, she was fierce but not evil. Several girls couldn't help laughing for a while. Magpie pushed her more thoughtlessly, "little grandma, you should hurry in."

Zhou Aoxuan explicitly implied that she should go in earlier. She was stared at by these girls. Chen nianran didn't want to go in. This man, if she goes in, is not sure what will happen to her. But now Zhou Aoxuan calls again, and she can't push any more.

Stare at these girls, then carry a bucket of water into the room.

Magpie and others a look at her in, then coax the three children to go out together.

"Father, mother." I still want to leave. I want to play in the room.

Magpie, a smart little girl, picked up the things on the ground. "Little girl, if you come to catch up with me, I will give you this toy in your heart."

Roll this small competitive heart, a look on the fire, rubbed his legs and followed out.

It doesn't matter where Tuan Tuan and Xi are playing, so they also stepped out with short legs.

There was silence in the room for a moment. Chen nianran held the water to open the door, snatched the man's bucket, turned his body, and the whole man was pushed against the wall.

"Daughter in law..."

When the rain stops, Chen nianran lies on the edge of the bucket and can't move. Zhou Aoxuan rubbed her back with a nightmare face.

"My daughter-in-law, you have become much softer."

"Zhou Aoxuan, don't talk nonsense." Chen nianran breaks his steel teeth. This guy, do you want to be so shameless.

"By the way, I ask you what kind of price you paid for persuading the emperor this time. What's more, we don't know how those machines are doing? "

At the beginning, Chen nianran was forced to transport machine parts and other things to binjin city for safety. After the couple got together, Zhou Aoxuan went to deal with it. She, on the other hand, no longer manages. Now when Zhou Aoxuan returns, she wants to know.

"When I left, I let the ten monsters rent a shop in a side town of binjin, and also sent some dark guards to wait. As long as it's not intentional, nothing will happen. As for the emperor, I have promised him some benefits. "

Zhou Aoxuan said it was easy, but Chen nianran frowned. "I'm afraid it's not a little bit good for him to let go."

Knowing that he could not conceal the shrewd daughter-in-law, Zhou Aoxuan reluctantly turned her around and hugged her and kissed her. "You, sometimes I wish you could be a little more stupid, so I don't have to confess everything in front of you."

"Ah, that is to say, if I want to become a stupid, stupid and naive woman, you can mess around?" Chen nianran pinched him.

Zhou Aoxuan is happy, "you get it, my daughter-in-law doesn't talk to you. I said that the emperor wanted me to take over the temple. Now the most important thing is to expand business and so on. Without economy in hand, the emperor could not go on. But you know, even if they have that kind of machine, it won't pop out in a flash. So now all I have to do is wait. Wait until their textile machine base is found, and then start working. "

Chen nianran understood a bit, "that is to say, you have to settle this matter. Otherwise, how could that old man let you back. "

That is to say, Chen nianran dare to turn the saint into an old ghost. Zhou Aoxuan says he is helpless, but he loves his daughter-in-law's cunning.

"Yes, my daughter-in-law, what you said is absolutely right. If it were not for this, the old man would not let it go. In short, I'm now doing business outside, and I'm wearing the brand of the leader of the business name in the capital, and I'm also wearing the brand of doing business all over the country. Don't worry about it. But I won't stay in this cold city all the time. I have to walk outside occasionally. "

Chen nianran is buried in his chest without a sound. She also wanted to understand that the emperor's return to Zhou Aoxuan was nothing more than to transfer him to a more useful battlefield.

After all, urban construction can be replaced by others.

The most important thing he wants to do is to fight against the talents in the temple. Of course, Zhou Aoxuan is the chess piece. If he can play a role in the most critical moment and control the lifeblood of Kaiji in China, he will win steadily.

Back to ten thousand steps, even if Zhou Aoxuan did not do well and did not succeed, this matter will not have too much influence on him. Just a few more years.

"This old man, damn tight."

"My daughter-in-law, it's at the feet of the emperor. We don't have much ambition. It's the safest way to build and develop our cold city. What are you looking at? "

Say, Zhou Ao Xuan unexpectedly scoops out a brand from bosom.

"Is this?"

Chen nianran grabbed the sign and saw only a big cold word on it.

"What do you mean? Why don't I understand? "

This brand does not mean that we can establish the prestige of cold city from now on?

Zhou Aoxuan knew that she wanted to deviate and scraped her nose.

"This token was issued by the emperor after he talked with me. He promised that there would be no tax in Hancheng for ten years. Ten years later, when the economy was booming, taxes began to be paid. This city can be inherited by us. "

Chen nianran also heard that he took a breath. "It's almost the same. You can't just work without rewards. However, in this way, you can't work hard. "


That is to say, as long as the emperor does not fall, her descendants in this area can be hereditary city leaders. In fact, Chen nianran didn't think how good the hereditary system was. He felt that his children and grandchildren had better earn their own property.

Who knows what kind of lazy person the offspring will become if they are hereditary all the time. Future generations, it is the most terrible not to think about progress.

"My husband, I don't think much of this hereditary cold city Lord. However, from this point of view, it can be seen that the old man has some conscience. Then you can do it at ease. What are the personnel enough? "

"Enough, when he left, the emperor sent me one of his dark guards. Lady, this is the family expenses that my husband turned in this year. "

Zhou Aoxuan said, then took out a full stack of silver tickets. Looking at such a thick dozen silver tickets, Chen nianran gasped. The denomination of each one is actually the largest at present: one thousand Liang.

After counting, I can't believe how many of these thick dozen

"100000 Liang, husband, you robbed people?"

After counting for a long time, Chen nianran asked the man anxiously.

Zhou Aoxuan opened his mouth and bit her, "do you think I'm the one who robbed people? But... It's similar to robbery, haha... "

This time, Zhou Aoxuan did not confess, Chen nianran did not ask more. Some things, the man does not want to say, she also lazy asked.

"There are many profits from my earlier caravans. They have been my husband's profits for several years, but they are all here."

This is to give all the property to oneself.

For a while Chen nianran was moved. It's self-evident what it means for a man to give you all his possessions.

You know, these money, in modern times, is Zhou Aoxuan's personal property income before marriage. But now, because of the investment of Hancheng, he took it out without hesitation. Such a man, how can she not love.

"My daughter-in-law, I know you are more capable and smarter than me. Although I can't catch up with you, I will drive you seriously and try not to be left behind by you. Lady, you don't need to wait for me on the road. I just need to follow you all the time. "

This is the true confession. Chen nianran blinked his eyes cleverly, "husband, you need to cheer up."

For a long time, Chen nianran and his wife had been working hard outside. If Zhou Aoxuan had not been in business before, he would not have accumulated so much silver.

But a man, as long as he is focused on himself, even if it is slightly worse than his own strength, what? What suits you is the best. It's enough that he knows what he should do and how to treat her wholeheartedly. People can't demand perfect life too much. Chen nianran thought about this very clearly.

The couple work together to build the future of the cold city. This drive is so strong that even Shuangxi, xiaoanzi, Fuan and others are clear about it.

Zhou Aoxuan's arrival means that more people belong to him.

The first step, of course, is to rebuild an engineering team.

Zhou Aoxuan has done this work before, and he will be much easier to do it again.

One of the bodyguard team's brave and intelligent people was chosen. With the help of Xiao Anzi, they served as the head of the Construction Project Office of Hancheng.

As for the selection of the following personnel, it is up to the two men to plan again.

Cultivate technical talents and so on.

Feng saner's family, who has lived in Hancheng for some years, has been in a wait-and-see state since Chen nianran came here.

On this day, the family was at home and began to gossip about the prospect of the recent cold city.

"I didn't expect that the woman who looked at the delicate would not leave after she came here. Now there are many people coming. Look, we are building the cold city today and building houses tomorrow. Now the newly built houses are close to a hundred. " The wind man sighed and smoked.

Old lady Feng also sighed.

"That's not true. When I first heard that the Lord of the city said that he would come here to plan and build a cold city, the first reaction was that the lady came to relax. In a few days, I'm sure I'll leave here. I never thought that people are really staying now. And it's loud and powerful. "