The Farming Little Girl

C308: exploitation of mountains and rocks

It doesn't matter how many children are. It's said that they can sleep all day and roll happily on the ground.

Congxiang also changed clothes and followed the cleaning. Looking at her diligence, Chen nianran was a little upset.

"Congxiang, if you can't stand it, go back. I won't look down on you. "

Congxiang glared at her fiercely, "get out of here, don't let me tell you that. What's this? At least we can live here. We can improve our food. This living person can also be suffocated by urine. If you can live, so can I, and I'm sure we can work together to make things better here. "

With such a good foundation, Chen nianran sighs. Just about to say something sensational.

In fact, I left it for your scroll. One by one of our family, I'll spend less money on medicine when I stay with your family. What a wonderful thing. "

Well, if you're grateful, take it back. Ya, you shouldn't be grateful to this woman.

Congxiang takes her mother to clean up the house. Chen nianran goes to prepare dinner with Shuangxi.

Xiwu and Zhang Shoude, though they didn't expect to come to such a broken place. But these people are not complaining.

Under the leadership of Xiao Anzi, I went to look for stones that day and prepared to mine them to build a house.

After all, if so many people want to live here, they have to get the house ready.

"To build a house here, stone is the most convenient. As for the wood, tomorrow we will score some people to cut some back. Other tiles and so on. This one can be bought. However, it's better to buy it than to make our own kiln. " Xiao Anzi sighed as well.

He and Shuangxi are ambitious to come to this place and want to let go of their feet to do a big job. But who would have thought that after he came here, the bad environment almost forced him to turn around and run.

"Little Anzi, how can you stay in such a bad place?" Wash 2 some to wonder of ask.

"Well, to say it, it's Shuangxi. When I came here, I was a fool. But who would have thought that after a night, the girl would stay honestly. If she doesn't make a name here, she's not double happiness. Alas, as an old man, I can't be worse than a woman. So stay here. "

Wash five is the most lively, a listen to double happiness strong demand to stay, poof to jump out. "Brother Anzi, you're not kidding. Shuangxi's black and thin girl asked to stay. I think she's very soft. "

Wash big to shake hands to give him a slap, "in this world, the most important thing is women and children.". The first rule of wandering in the Jianghu, have you forgotten it for me. Let's go. These things can be forgotten. "

Wash five duzui, didn't dare to wash Dading.

Inside, Chen nianran and Shuangxi clean up a wild badger and a wild rabbit that they brought back today. The master and the servant are talking about the construction of the cold city.

"Little grandma, when I first came here, I was disappointed. However, as I have said, we need to make some achievements before we can come out. Young grandma, didn't you start from scratch? Since other people can do the same thing, I think I can do it. Even if I can't, I have to try. That's what I think. I'm determined to stay. "

Chen nianran takes a look at the black and skinny little girl happily, though she grows thinner. But spirituality is getting better. Especially a pair of eyes, even more brilliant like the stars in the sky. Such she, believe that after that person sees, can regret.

"By the way, you have seen this place, and there are not many places to go. Do you think there are any projects that can be developed in this cold city? Young grandma, I'm here to fight for the city, not to play. "

Shuangxi stomped the badger meat into lumps and didn't prepare several wild melon roots at the same time. I'll cook the badger meat with wild melon later.

"Little grandma, I also save you what you came to this cold city. But it's not about hitting you. If you want to eat some meat in these places, you have to climb over several mountains and walk for most of the day to get to the mountains. There are many trees and wild animals in that place. Unfortunately, there are many big ones. I dare not go hunting in that kind of forest. The badger meat we eat today is from Anzi and another villager. You must have seen this place, most of which are stones, others are wasteland. Alas, when the water rises and the slope is high, the soil erosion in this area is very serious. "

Chen nianran's heart sank. The one who scolds the capital secretly in his heart, Ya's still very nice. What rewards a city. This is a reward for an empty city.

What's more, the former city Lord adults were unwilling to take over. You can imagine how dilapidated it is here.

"The population here is also sparse.

If you want to gather people, you have to run all over the mountain. Alas, little grandma, I really can't think of any project that can become money in this place unless it can turn stones into all kinds of exquisite things. "

Chen nianran's eyes brightened.

It's the same as her idea on the road.

By the way, it seems that Zhang Shoude's income this time is really right.

"Double happiness, I have thought that stone can really become silver. Ha ha, people will start tomorrow, we will go to the mountain. I'm not sure. I'll find some stones and pour them out for money. "

Shuangxi shook his head. "Oh, I hope you don't suffer too much tomorrow."

That night, the washing five still opened a bottle of wine, poor little Anzi like almost did not stare through the eyes.

"Oh, little grandma, you don't know. I haven't drunk such pure wine since I called this place. There is also a wine seller in this place, who sells wine in the morning and doesn't do business in the afternoon. Then the wine ah, I don't know how much water, that is, a little wine. It's too expensive. It's a drop of money and a cup of wine

Look at the size of his stroke, wash five and laugh.

Chen nianran paid attention to these people. They are not very depressed. As for Zhang Shoude and his son, they are even more calm. Also, they couldn't even get enough food and clothing before. Follow yourself, at least you can get enough.

As for women and girls, some people may have some inner opinions. But now, she doesn't care.

Since we chose to come to this desolate city, we must build this place well.

In the middle of the night, there was a soft sob in the distance. I was too sleepy. I just listened to it and fell asleep again.

The next morning, the number of people was divided into two.

Xiao Anzi took the men up the mountain to mine the rocks and brought them back to build the house.

There's not much else here, but there's a lot of terrain.

Because only as a temporary residence, Chen nianran's requirement is to simplify everything.

As long as we can live, the house will not be blown away by the strong wind, and the rain will not come in, that is successful.

With the hostess's words, washing five is to start mining rocks vigorously.

Mining rocks, or need to shoot and so on. When he came, Chen nianran also prepared some cannon sticks and so on.

This has to be controlled. Fortunately, Xiao Anzi knows how to do it. As long as the stone is blasted and mined again, it will be much easier. However, in order to solve the problem as soon as possible, Chen nianran asked Xiao Anzi to mobilize some villagers to pay for the construction of the stone house as soon as possible. She is the Lord of the city to pay for this money.

When Xiao Anzi went to find someone, he carried a string of copper coins in his hand. Along the way, many people stared at the copper coins.

After a walk like this, many people are asking what they want to do. Knowing that it's to build houses and mine rocks, they all jumped to sign up.

"Well, the people in this place are very active." There are thousands of washing senses.

Xiaoanzi laughed, "if you stay here for a long time, you will know that you can't do anything else in this place. It's absolutely possible to pay for people and other things. There are too few workers in this area. You can see that people with a little strength have crossed the river out of this cold city and gone to work in Pingcheng outside. Alas, the present cold city is really the same as the ghost city. There are only some old people, children and so on. And there's the kind of idiot. "

Xi Wushan touched his nose and looked at the wild mountains. He was also depressed. "You say, these five little grandmothers are also good. If they don't stay in a good city, why do they have to run here to build a cold city?"

"I said, don't look down on women. Tell you, little grandma is a capable person. Anyway, she made a lot of money. I don't see much now. Maybe I can mix up the cold city in the future. "

At this point, Xiao Anzi, influenced by double happiness, was blind to Chen nianran.

Wash five pour is to turn one's mouth, see again this city is not like the city, the town is not like the broken street of the town, "difficult, difficult, really difficult."

The next morning Chen nianran went out with the others to inspect his territory.

The eyes are bleak and the fields are yellow.

Occasionally, there is a little black land suitable for growing crops, but also to prevent flash floods

The more she looked, Chen nianran's eyebrows were more and more wrinkled. Now she knew how cruel the reality here was.

Loess land, the modern Loess Plateau is a famous poor place. Modern high-tech can not solve the problem, in this era, she can?

"Well, little grandma, we can't. let's leave. I've seen this city. It's really more difficult to plan and build it."

One side of the double joy finally consoled the voice. She's been here for a long time, and she knows exactly what's going on here.

However, Chen nianran just looked at all this in silence and didn't stop drinking for a long time.

When she came to the place where the yellow and black mud meet, she stared at the plant and stopped talking.