The Farming Little Girl

C307: Farewell

"I don't want to have such twists and turns when I work under my hands, so from now on, you'd better work steadily. You can take people to deal with the ship. With the expansion of resources, you can harvest the resources of other small fish villages and use them for processing. "

After mentioning a few points, Chen nianran also said that he wanted to form a caravan. If you want to sell cloth, you can also get something else for export. This is just for me to recruit some people.

After checking the affairs of Xiaoyu village, I was sure to return.

In the life of leaving, little fish girl also came back. Behind her, there was a simple young man. Looking at her eyes, it's emotional. Needless to say, it's the loyal pursuer of little fish girl in this period of time.

Being watched and laughed by the two masters, the fish girl stamped her feet shyly, "two grandmothers, you laugh at the fish like this again, I'm in a hurry with you."

They just looked at the man behind her, and then looked at her and smiled.

The fish was annoyed and turned to stare at the silly young man behind him, apricot, and said, "big cousin, hurry up, I'm home."

"Oh." After the young man answered, he did not leave on the spot, but boldly walked to Chen nianran. "Little grandma, I know you are the owner of sister yu'er. I can fish, watch, do work, eat less, and build a car and bridge. If you don't dislike it, I'll follow you. "

Finish saying, he still quietly goes to aim at the fish mother, but the fish girl is in a hurry.

"Little grandma, don't promise. That is to say, he used to work outside in a disorderly way and knew something about it. It's not very good at anything else. "

Chen nianran is surprised. This young man is good. There are many things worth meeting. Build roads and pave bridges. In cold city, this is not an all-around competent general. How could such a talent have been caught up in the past.

She didn't care about the fish girl either. "Do you really know how to build roads, cars and bridges?" Chen nianran looks at the silly goods curiously.

The young man smiled very pure, "go back to little grandma, I will. I used to do a lot of these things outside. I'm also a person who just needs to watch. "

There is a village head looking at it and nodding, "yes, little grandma, you don't think bold is a simple and honest person. Actually, this kid has a set. A lot of technical work, he just look at two, can study thoroughly. In other words, he is one of the famous talents in our neighborhood. Fish girl, you distant cousin, but it's very good for you. "

After that, the fish girl's face is red again. Stamp your feet, turn around and run to your house.

When yu'er is far away, Congxiang is teasing the young man. "I said, you are after our fish girl. You look so good in this village. You still follow us. It's obvious that you are fond of fish girl. I said boy, why are you so infatuated? There should be many beautiful girls in the village like you, right? Why are you staring at our fish girl all the time? "

Chen nianran also stared at the big man curiously. The young man smiled. There was a happy smile on his sunburnt face.

"Fish and I have known each other since childhood. Anyway, I thought she was my daughter-in-law when I was a child. In this life, I want to catch her to the horizon. In order to get her, I have been working hard to earn money. "

Well, it's an infatuation.

Chen nianran smiled and said, "from now on, you can follow me to Hancheng. But first of all, it's a very poor place. Don't say it's too hard then. "

"No, as long as there are fish in the place, no matter how bitter I would like to stay."

Well, a man with only love in his eyes is an unreasonable existence. For this reason, Chen nianran is no longer concerned.

On that day, I brought some dried fish and other dried sea plants to the road again.

The original four carriages, this time into five carriages. Fortunately, now there is another guy who can repair cars. Besides, they can not only repair cars, but also build cars. This kind of person is on the road, there is a big and small problem that can be solved.

When I leave, Mrs. Yi is a million people.

Seeing her red eyes crying, Chen nianran was embarrassed.

All left for a long time, Chen nianran is still wiping tears. No way. Mrs. Yi has been running after the car. I don't know how it is. This time, it seems that thousands of Italian ladies don't give up on them. The old man's feeling of not giving up made her cry. Several times, I almost stopped and went back to comfort the old man.

"Well, Mrs. Yi is only old. Maybe the older people are more reluctant. Let's not go there without coming back. " In fact, Congxiang is not very comfortable.

This border city, in the eyes of others, may only be a less prosperous city. But for them, this is the first place for her to stand on her feet.

Here, there will be some special memories.

"I just feel that Ganma seems more reluctant this time. Her health is getting worse and worse, and it's not that I think too much. "

Chen nianran sighs sadly.

Congxiang's listening eyes turn slightly. If she remembers correctly, this time she was a guest in the city Lord's mansion, and seemed to smell a faint smell of medicine.

At that time, I didn't think about it very much. Now I think about it. It seems that Mrs. Yi's face is not very good.

It's human nature to live, grow old and die of illness. Congxiang didn't do much consolation.

Che, just drive all the way to the north of the cold city.

A group of people still play while walking.

Along the way, I also inquired about the anecdotes of various places. Of course, the strange people will inquire about it.

In this way, it was not until twenty days later that the party arrived at the destination of Hancheng.

Laomo is a native resident of Hancheng. With the occurrence of mountain torrents, there are fewer and fewer people lost here. Every year, there are mountain torrents, which make the resources of this place less and less. Many stones rushed out, and there were fewer and fewer fertile fields. There are not many places to plant.

His family had seven sons, but only three survived.

Now they both went out to be their son-in-law. This one in my family is the youngest one. Because there is a little limp from the lower leg, so even if it is a door, no one is willing to accept it.

I don't dare to dream of marrying a daughter-in-law for this son any more. Now he only hopes that his family can have enough to eat.

Unfortunately, it's not easy even if you want to have enough to eat. Because there is less and less land. There are not many places to cultivate.

Looking up at the sky sadly, Mo went home with his hoe to two acres of thin land. It's really a little difficult to support three people in the two mu land. So even a lame man with a son will pick up some small jobs in the cold city when he is idle in the countryside. It's a good thing to be able to mix his food and clothing.

After all, this cold city is really poor.

While walking, there was a sound of carriages on the side of the road.

Don't look back at the road. Only one carriage was caught in the mud and could not be pulled out.

Lao Mo was so excited that he hurriedly stepped forward with a hoe.

People in the distance may have misunderstood that he rushed over so excitedly, looking alert. However, Lao Mo started to help dig the ground and pull out the wheel without saying anything.

Chen nianran looks at this scene and feels relieved. Feelings, people are here to help. However, people in this place will have such enthusiasm?

Said that her suspicion is not unreasonable. After the old man helped, he looked at several people.

Chen nianran understands that this is help. I hope it's some money.

Chen nianran politely scooped out a small ingot of silver. There is a lot of reward for this money. Generally speaking, for roadside help like this, it's OK to give only one or two dangles of money. But Chen nianran came to the boundary of the cold city because he wanted to know more.

"Thank you, old man. You are in good health. You look great. Thank you. "

Old Mo looks at Chen nianran's scattered silver with dim eyes, and his excited eyes are very big. The breath seems to be gone. After Gulu for a long time, he looks up at Chen nianran with difficulty. "Madam, you want to reward me"

Chen nianran has been frightened by Lao Mo's surprise for a long time. Seeing the old man calm down, he smiles and shoves the broken silver into Lao Mo's hand. "Well, thank you for pulling the car out. I want to ask. How far is this cold city from the city? "

Old Mo took over the silver. He put it under his nose and sniffed it first. The familiar smell of silver can't be fake. However, this is not true enough. He put it into his mouth again and bit it gently. Seeing a shallow tooth mark on it, I smiled and grasped the silver quickly.

"Back to my wife, to Hancheng. I can take you there. On the way, in case the car gets stuck in the mud again, I can help to get it out. I have to take care of all the money I've collected from you. "

Today, I don't need to work in the field. Then, such a large group of rich guests have to send people to their destinations after receiving their money.

Chen nianran was not polite, so he invited him to get in the car and sit forward together.

But old Mo looked at the bright and clean car, and then looked at his yellow foot pole covered with mud. "Madam, I'd better go with these big brothers who are driving."

"Uncle, what does this cold city generally produce?" Chen nianran did not take him seriously, so he came out to chat with him.

"Production?" Don't frown, and ask me in the end. "Is the stone what to say? We have the most stones here. Alas, there are too many stones, and with the rising water, the terrain is also high. No, there is less and less soil on it. Now there are fewer places where crops can be grown. "