The Farming Little Girl

C303: exercise from childhood

Congealed fragrance is thoroughly joyful. "Ha ha, Chen nianran, you are one by one rejected by my family. He means to stand up for the roll elder sister. Look at it. People have to insert small rolls. "

Chen nianran touched her nose awkwardly, and then looked at the scroll in the last autumn. He was disdaining her. "Niang, I love eating one by one."

Well, feeling is that she is a bad person, and it's her fault not to eat one by one. Chen nianran was annoyed and took a look at hengcongxiang. "Hey, you don't care about being a mother. Didn't you see that my son was fed out? "

Congxiang chuckled, "nothing, didn't you find out? One by one Even if I could think, I would choose to stand in line. "

Chen nianran's eyes widened and suddenly held the scroll.

"Oh, honey, you are so wonderful. You have cured them one by one."

One by one, he looked at the crazy aunt bewildered, frowned, and stretched out his little hand to pull the volume back. Do you want to be so crazy? Crazy women are the most terrible. So you're going to step back.

The sweet tears come up again. She doesn't know why there are so many tears now. Looking at the recovery one by one, her heart really fell in an instant.

God knows how scared she is to go on living like this.

However, 11 still do not want to call other people. He is now a junior roll attendant.

Like Chen nianran and Tuan Tuan, they do not call each other. Even if it's Congxiang, it's called Niang occasionally. The same cry as a kitten, but even if it is, it also makes Congxiang very satisfied. There's something about Zhou's backyard. Little one seems to have forgotten it.

According to Chen nianran's understanding, it should be that the little guy selectively forgot that memory. Fortunately, he still remembers Ningxiang and them.

Because of the loyalty of one by one, the volume is now proud.

Every time the car comes to a place to rest, it's time for the little guy to take him around one by one.

"One by one, you come, you come, aim at that thing, launch."

Looking at the rabbit in front of me, I drew the scroll proudly.

The bow and arrow made by Xiwu also went out askew. Unfortunately, this shot was only shot into the grass. As for the rabbit, he glanced at the small arrow that was about to fall and buried himself in the grass.

"One by one, you have to teach him a lesson. The rabbit is a little more brave." It's hard to smooth the air. Ya dare to ignore elder sister, see my younger brother to clean me up.

Xiao Yi can't pull the bow. However, even if she can't do the task she ordered, she must finish it steadily.

So the little one drew the bow and shot the big rabbit. Momentum is there, and pulling is also full of bows

If we have all the momentum, we will be short of strength and aim.


The arrow passed the rabbit.

Although he didn't shoot the rabbit, he scared the rabbit. After a look at the arrow and a second's study, the little white rabbit ran quickly. However, we are calm rabbits, so you harass me, then I will step back and let this one out to continue to nibble grass.

The volume is very excited, wave, "come, clap, celebrate one you have defeated this rabbit goblin successfully. Good. Another arrow. I'm sure I can shoot it this time. "

The little guy is very happy to harass the rabbit, which is also a great achievement.

Looking at the look of my little brother again, the volume is the same as the big flower that I got, and the small chin of deser is raised high.

One by one was praised, and the little face was as excited as dyed. Then the bow and arrow, swish, and shoot several arrows at the grass gnawing rabbit. One of the arrows hit the rabbit.

However, this strength is really just tickling on the rabbit.

Brother rabbit has no choice but to look at this little arrow again. Forget it, the people here are so annoying that they always disturb brother to chew grass. If I can't provoke you, I'll hide. I'll give you this place in pain.

So, after calmly glancing at the two despicable human beings not far away, brother rabbit had to go elsewhere.

"Oh yes, you are so wonderful. Let's defeat the goblin rabbit."

The volume jumped up excitedly, laughing one by one, slowly swallowing the small palm.

Small volume Leng for a while, then excitedly mercilessly slaps a palm.

"Pa......" Clap to celebrate.

"Ha ha, these two little babies are very interesting."

Chen nianran laughs. These two living treasures are together. It's not a lonely journey.

Look back at Tuan Tuan. Little guy is learning stone carving with brother Zhang Chunming.

"Young master, you are not carving right here. It should be like this."

Zhang Chunming is a serious teacher of the group. The little guy is modest. He carves and looks at Zhang's brother.

On one side, Zhang Shoude looked at them happily and corrected their mistakes from time to time.

Chen nianran shakes his head. Tuan Tuan is tired of reading words on the road. He will find Zhang Chunming and his son to learn to carve.

Originally, Chen nianran wanted to stop learning these little things. He was afraid of being hurt by a knife or something.

Xida told her seriously that children should exercise from childhood.

If you learn this kind of carving well, it will be good for concentration, strength and so on.

If you think about this kid's growing up, you have to learn some self-defense skills. Chen nianran will follow him.

With the help of Xi Da several people, Chen nianran also entrusted them with the rolls of the regiment to be their masters.

After all, martial arts training and so on have to start from primary school, especially those like standing posts, and they have to be trained since childhood.

Don't think that people who are good at Kung Fu on TV can learn it in a year or two.

Zhou Aoxuan can become a master, and it is also the result of training from small to large.

Even some of the modern Kung Fu taught by Chen nianran at the beginning is just a show. After that, Zhou Aoxuan came to the conclusion that those things are only suitable for self-cultivation. In ten or eight years, they have no effect.

It's a set of self-defense skills he learned. It's very effective to fight tigers on the mountain.

Chen nianran's idea is not much, that is to say, I hope some children don't have any Kung Fu like her. Go out, even in the face of one or two robbers and so on, they can only stare. There is a self-defense skill, which is not afraid of being bullied.

Because of this, every morning a few children will not be urged to forge early. For this reason, the little scroll is very protest. However, Chen nianran is very inspired by the little girl's face loving and unyielding character. The little girl can still barely follow up.

Tuantuan is a precocious child. Chen nianran can see it.

Early literacy, play with friends is also old to play together. This no, carve for a while, two children hand sour, begin to read a word.

Zhang Chunming can't read. At this time, Tuan Tuan became his teacher seriously.

"Zhang Spring... Ming... "

The child taught Zhang Chunming a few words to recognize and repeated them several times. Zhang Chunming climbed up to his father happily, "Dad, I can read now. Look, this is my Ming character. This is a character. Do you know how to read, dad

"Yes, but I just know a little. When your grandfather was still alive, I was taught to read when my family was relaxed. Unfortunately, I didn't understand at that time. Chunming, you'd better read with the young master. Those who can read are promising people. "

"Well, Dad, I also want to learn to read. Like a young master, I'm a promising person. Don't be ridiculed by them. It's a child who plays with stone


Take back your sight. Chen nianran looks into the distance. Congxiang is looking for wild vegetables. On this trip, whenever we have a break, she and Congxiang like to find some wild vegetables to be processed by the restaurant.

In many places, only the vegetables and meat are the main food.

They are used to having some wild food on the table.

"Congxiang, if only there were mushrooms."

Congxiang shakes her head. "I want to eat mushrooms. When I get to the border town, let lady Yi help me find them."

Lady Yi is Chen nianran's godmother. The mushroom soup she made is really unique. Thinking of this, Chen nianran can't sit still.

"Let's go. I want to see my mother."

"Be careful if you want to be a mom or a dad."

"I'm not afraid. My godfather is doing a big business now. She's too happy. You don't know. Now the old man is very happy. He thinks he has a place to use. More importantly, he is also a capital official. If you come back to this small place in the border town in the future, it will be a wonderful place. "

"That's right, old man. It's a long face. I'm not happy to have a chance to have a long face at this age. "

Because Chen nianran wanted to get to the border city earlier, the rest people that the party had originally set were shortened.

For this reason, the volume also made a little angry, but after Chen nianran gave her some food and a small toy, it was no longer noisy.

All the way, little five girls are very quiet.

She was just bored with Dalang and was silent all the way.

"Well, don't worry about your sister. Now she gives you the beauty salon in advance, and I hope I can make some achievements. You should be satisfied, but the girl is really nice to you. I don't have a sister like that. "

Little five sister's eyes are red.

"But I still don't like her to separate me. It's like not being my sister. Darron, am I really wrong? Is it wrong for me to take my eldest brother and his family? But the sister doesn't recognize me? "

Five younger sister is very confused.

Da Lang sighed and looked up at her helplessly. "But the sister has her concerns. You should be considerate of her. She has tasted too many human feelings, and you have not yet tried deeply. So she's separating you now for your own good. You will be able to manage the beauty salon and share it with Congxiang. "

After all, the beauty salon made great efforts in that year. When Chen nianran was separating it, he only mentioned that he would share it with congealing incense. As for her, she took nothing. This is to give her the dowry of little five younger sister in advance.