The Farming Little Girl

C285: despicable means

"Three uncles, this is the filial duty of our younger generation. There's also a scroll for Grandpa. "

At this point, Zhou su'an's face is ugly.

"Alas, the eldest brother is a man. Even if he can give him good things, Xuan can't get them."

This word, can have a little eyebrow.

Chen nianran raised his eyebrows and sat down quietly.

"Well, Xuan is used to it. Anyway, we can't stay for a few days. We've left the matter of grandma, so we're going to start. There is not much time given by the emperor. "

At such a mention, uncle San's face is even worse. Such him, make Zhou Aoxuan have to doubt.

She looked at her uncle tentatively. "I heard that you have a family meeting today?"

The third uncle was embarrassed. "Well, it's This is what happened. "

"Oh." Seeing that he didn't speak, Chen nianran was 100% sure. I'm afraid that Zhou Aoxuan was also involved in the family meeting. However, this is bad news. I think Liu Xinran came to find Zhou Chaoyang today.

She had some bad guesses in her mind.

Simply, look at this three uncles to open the skylight to say the truth.

"Third uncle, is there something important in the family? I don't care what it is, but if it's not good for Xuan, Xuan and I will stand on the opposite side. If we get annoyed, what will Xuan do? I can't guarantee it. When she was in the capital, Xuan almost left the family and wanted to establish her own door. "

It's not a threat, it's their bottom line.

After all, they don't owe the family anything. On the contrary, so many troubles have been solved for the family. If the funeral of Zhou Aoxuan's mother can't be solved, is it necessary for the family to stay.

In fact, sanshugong also thought of this layer. Moreover, I also know Zhou Aoxuan's temper. Because of this, he would be so worried after the meeting.

"But girl, it's not that I don't want to say, it's this Forget it, I'll have a blast. Come here and I'll tell you

At present, the third uncle still said the decision of Zhou Chaoyang in the ancestral hall today.

Before leaving, Chen nianran said to his uncle seriously. "I haven't heard of it. You have a rest earlier, uncle."

Three uncles is a Zheng first, Xuan even understood the meaning of Chen nianran. This is to prove to him that she did not hear the news from him. Even if it's a fall out in the future, Zhou chaoyangyifang's people can't blame him.

Chen nianran will leave sooner or later, but he will not leave. If you offend Zhou Chaoyang because of the news, his life will not be easy in the future.

After returning, Chen nianran thought more and more angrily.

What is Zhou Chaoyang doing?

After Zhou Aoxuan received his mother's grave to the ancestral hall, he immediately announced Liu Xinran as his wife in front of the whole family. It's the right wife, that is to say, Zhou Aoxuan's mother-in-law and mother-in-law can only be a wife who can't be a wife.

Even if it is to establish, it should also be to establish Liu Xinran as a flat wife. Now it's good to squeeze the people in the big room aside and help the present concubine to be the first lady. That is, Zhou Chaoyang, such a bastard man can do it.

She used to smile at each other. Now think about it. Some people, ah, really should be a word, is how to raise, it is a wolf, you can't raise it.

It was night. Zhou Aoxuan came back tired. He just picked a few meals in a hurry, then compared some materials and began to find the best stone. Chen nianran only thought that how could this man's fate be so bad.

She cuddled Zhou Aoxuan from behind, and her head gently rubbed his broad shoulder.

Put down the information in his hand, Zhou Aoxuan patted her face gently with his backhand, "daughter-in-law, I'll come to sleep with you after reading this."

"My husband, how I want to leave here earlier?"

Zhou Aoxuan no longer checks the stone material, but stares at her. He knows his wife, Mo Rufu, and is very clear about his daughter-in-law's temperament.

"Today, what happened?" Dian Chen's affirmative inquiry made Chen nianran feel helpless.

She bit him. "I'm transparent in front of you."

"What's the matter? Are you in a bad mood? You shouldn't be such a person. " The little daughter-in-law is an optimistic and cheerful person. When has she been so sentimental. What's more, they haven't been playing for a few days since they came back, and they want to leave, which only means that something unpleasant happened today.

"Some of the clan leaders were called to a meeting by their father today." Sure enough, Zhou Aoxuan looks ugly when he hears this.

She didn't have to say it again, and his eyes were full of pain. "What does he want to do? Want to stop me from moving graves for my mother? "

"It's not, it's, it's about to straighten out the wife."

"Snap!" The teacups in Zhou Aoxuan's hands were crushed.

When I look up again, my face is cold.

"Good, really good. I didn't expect him to do that. "

After a series of good words, he closed his eyes and didn't speak again. Chen nianran's little hand has been caressing him, "no matter what, I am on your side."

"Daughter in law, do you know? Mother is a very polite person. Her education is different from yours. Because she is the eldest daughter, she must meet the standards when she is young. Because she is an example and shoulders the face of the Su family. When I was 15, I married my father.

She thought her life would go on like this. I think it should go on like this. Because it's a low marriage, so before the marriage, the man promised that he would not mess with her, would not lose her and so on.

But when I was four, the woman came in with a boy older than me. The boy's eyes were greedy when he saw all the food at home and the clothes on me. And women, looking at those luxurious furnishings is greedy.

She knelt in front of her mother and said that she was pregnant with the man's child, and there was one in her stomach. That honest woman, just looking at it silly, completely unable to respond. Liu Xinran kowtowed all the time, tugging at the man and kowtowing at the same time. They hit the ground full of blood, so their mother woke up from the shock.

However, before she came and said a word, she was slapped severely by the man. The reason is that her heart is so poisonous that she even kneels on the ground to kowtow to her. My mother was hit askew to one side, and her abdomen hit the bar. I saw with my own eyes that the woman was stunned first, then looked at the blood spilled between her legs excitedly... "

At this point, Zhou Aoxuan's whole body trembled.

"Husband, husband!" Chen nianran did not dare to imagine that Liu Xinran was so hateful.

"It's clearly Liu Xinran's fault. Why does Zhou Chaoyang blame your mother for not asking her so much?"

"Ha ha Because my mother has no interest, she can't be coquettish and she can't laugh with him, so she is a rigid woman in his eyes, who can make him earn a lot of dowry. But what he didn't know was that my mother made soup and vegetables for him. As long as he rested there, all the food and clothes were made by my mother herself. Every time he went to see her, the woman would be silly and happy for half a day. Tell me how Dad is good and how he treats us both... "

Chen nianran's heart tightened again.

What kind of spoony, stupid woman this has to be. Also, it can be said that Zhou Aoxuan's mother is the most typical good wife and mother in this era. Unfortunately, the man she's looking for is too heartless. So fate always makes good people difficult.

Mother was pushed to miscarry, I was also angry.

Run over and hit the woman hard.


Zhou Aoxuan got up impatiently, his eyes were red.

"Five year old you pushed Liu Xinran."

"Yes, but I didn't push her down. Zhou Aoli, standing beside her, protects her, cries and cries at me fiercely, saying that I want to kill his brother, murder his brother, and say that I am not a good man Ha ha... "

No wonder, no wonder Zhou Aoxuan talks about Zhou Ao's hatred. It turns out that there is a reason.

"I can't believe that Zhou Aoli is half your age. He, at such a young age, was so resourceful? "

"Yes, I was too small at that time, and I was always poor in that small world. It was only after the mother and son appeared that I knew that, in fact, the world is to play tricks. You don't know how disgusting that man is. He kept crying and pretending to save his mother. Mingming, the woman was stopped, but she hit the porcelain on one side by herself. Similarly, she and her mother were bleeding between their legs. The man scolded his mother and then picked up Liu Xinran and left. My mother struggled in bed for several days until I persuaded her to take the medicine. Unfortunately, since then, she has been bedridden. And the mother and the son, from time to time, pretended to serve, but in fact, they were angry with her.

At that time, I didn't know how to defend my mother. I only knew that when they came, they would scold me. But in the end, I got the name of evil son and unfilial son. Mother, on the other hand, has a reputation as a jealous and poisonous woman. Until one day, a man sent a piece of medicine, but also sent some fresh fruit. After a while, my mother closed her eyes forever. The man, on the other hand, hugged her and cried. When I was going to pull him apart, Liu Xinran accompanied Zhou Chaoyang into the house. That woman can really act. Her first reaction was to stop Zhou Chaoyang.

But the more you stop like this, the more you want to see Zhou Chaoyang. At last, I saw the man who gave the fruit was crying with his mother in his arms. "

"Since then, your mother has a reputation for being a traitor. Even if you are not protected by the ancestor, you may be expelled from the mansion and treated as a wild seed, right? "

Zhou Aoxuan nodded heavily, while Chen nianran clenched his fist.

"I can't see that this junior's palace scheming is so mean. In fact, Liu Xinran's wrist is not very good. She just does it hard. And you and your mother were so kind that they didn't understand the twists and turns. "