The Farming Little Girl

C279: blood dripping recognition

The old lady also took a deep breath. "An Da is in charge. Go quietly and call doctor Liu outside, and let him come Drop your blood! "

An Da manages a matter to listen to, frighten of a shiver, his eyes sweep a big Ya Luo complexly, "this wench is?"

"It's a round, close fitting girl, and it's also his aunt."

Although Mr. an doesn't manage the affairs in the mansion any more, the old man still knows what's going on and who's going on in the mansion.

When it comes to roundness, he makes a sound. In the twinkling of an eye, the child's face was exactly the same as that of Zhou Aoxuan. When you think about it, the old steward's face has changed.

"Well, I'm going to find someone to look ugly."

As for the descendants of the Zhou family, he dare not slow down. Luo Daya looks unbelievable. I just stood there in a daze, "ancestor, I think, how can this be possible?"

The old lady was upset. She is happy and sad now.

If Yuanyuan is really Zhou Aoxuan's grandson wandering outside, she has fulfilled her wish. But if not?

"Old ANN, please don't go out about it."

Lao an also knows the importance of this. "It's the ancestor."

After answering the call, he went to see Doctor Liu himself. This is the personal doctor of the old ancestor. People are the most honest and trustworthy.

After taking blood drops in the water, the blood was actually integrated with the blood of the ancestors.


The old lady was relieved to see the blood melt together.

When I look at the roundness of the bed, my eyes are much more complicated.

Luo Daya, on one side, looks at the scene with a dark, indeterminate eye color. Until the old lady called her out.

"Ancestor, here?"

Luo Daya still looked at her stupidly, with an unbelievable look.

The old lady with a heavy face looked at her and shook her head at last. "Well, this is even a round child of Xuaner. But you can see it. It's a little difficult for him to recognize the circle. "

Luo Daya is secretly worried. "What's the best way to do that? Yuanyuan, I only want Yuanyuan to recognize his ancestry. If Zhou's mansion can't accommodate him, I'd better beg the old ancestor that you have completed me and Yuanyuan, and let us go out of the mansion. "

Then she kowtowed again.

The old lady gave her an angry look. "No more nonsense. How round is the offspring of my Zhou family. Let me think about it. Think about it. "

Chen nianran and Zhou Aoxuan's feelings are all in our eyes. But now, there is another circle without any reason. To say, this is a good thing for the Zhou government. What's the matter? Yuanyuan is also the son of Zhou Aoxuan. This is her long Di grandson of Zhou mansion. Would such a person let him wander outside again. For this reason, the ancestors are one hundred unwilling.

In the end, she said with a stick, "that's all, that's all. It's an old steward. Go and call five girls. I think it's up to Wu Yaya to talk about it. "

It's not proper to talk about it with Zhou Aoxuan first. The old lady's meaning is obvious. She wants Chen nianran to work.

Chen nianran, who was rushed here by fast interest, saw Luo Daya kneeling in the room. The face of the old ancestor was very confused.

Pick pick eyebrows, Chen nianran smile Yingying salute.

The old lady falsely helped her. "That, girl, I haven't been moving for a long time. Please help me to walk outside the hospital."

I have something to say to myself.

Chen nianran answered, and went up to help the old lady go outside.

When she came to the pavilion in the yard, the old lady waved again and motioned for a moment.

"But wench, I still remember that when you and a group of wenches entered the mansion, I picked you and looked at you, but I also liked it. Especially that small smart, look at people love ah. Later, it turned out that I didn't see the wrong person, you ah, is a good one. The most important thing is to know the book and know the etiquette, and to help our family xuan'er very much. "

That's a good word. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Chen nianran mutters to himself, but he just smiles. "Thank you for seeing the girl. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be sure where to beg for food."

People say good things, this face, is to give. Chen nianran just gave the old lady some face, and the old man happily stroked the back of her hand, "yes, you are a sensible girl. Well, I'm very satisfied with you now. As for our women, the most important thing is to open branches and leaves for my husband's family. I think Xuaner's heirs are still too thin... "

Chen nianran's face is not very good-looking. Here comes the old woman. What kind of demon moth is it again.

"The old lady, Xuan and I now have Tuan Tuan and Juan Er, which is not very good. It's so good to be a couple of children in a lifetime. Can't we? There are many other people like us in this city? Giggle, it seems that we can't find several. "

In the town of Bajiao, the example of having two children is a blessing.

It was Chen nianran who dared to fight back with such a smile, ignoring the old lady's untidy face, she said to herself. "Besides, Xuan and I are still young. Our first child is a pair of children. If in another period of time, she is pregnant and gives birth to a pair of children, that will be four. Oh, they say that it's very easy to have a pair of twins after birth. In that case, I'm afraid you won't be able to coax the old ancestor

The old lady's face twitched. "How could it be so easy to have twins. This is not easy. Let me say, girl, we women's family, but we have to be generous. I don't think there is even a single room in xuan'er's room. Ah, you're very small. Who is Li's daughter-in-law? She is the concubine and aunt who has taken several rooms for her husband. And the wife of the Qian family, who also gave her husband a dozen rooms as a housemaid. What's more, the Mingjia, the settled, the Yuejia... "

The old lady is going to let Zhou Aoxuan take a concubine.

Chen nianran still smiles as if he didn't understand.

"But, as my husband said, he doesn't love the mess of the screwdriver. He also said that he did not like concubines and aunts who were separated from each other like the master. Old lady, you also said that we women and families should listen to our husbands. You say, if I follow the practice of Mrs. Li's wife of the money family and bring some messy people to my husband's house, at last he is not happy, I have to suffer. They will also cry because of our quarrels. It's not peaceful in such a house. You think Is it necessary? "

She turned the problem back to the old lady. For a while, she couldn't breathe.

"What do you mean, girl? Which one of these children's is not a room with several rooms or the like. I just mentioned the beginning, you can't say it with words. Shouldn't being a wife be magnanimous? "

Chen nianran's face was cold. He just looked at the distance and said nothing.

Look at her silence. The old lady has to hold on and teach her arrogantly.

"If you are Chen nianran, you are not a small housemaid. If it wasn't xuan'er who took a fancy to you and picked you for the round house, would you have today's prosperity? To be contented, you can't just occupy Xuaner. Your identity, I didn't pick you even if it's good. Take a concubine or find a room for xuan'er, do you choose one? "

This is angry and despicable. I have to force Zhou Aoxuan to take a concubine.

Chen nianran's smile is the same, but his eyes are cold.

"Old lady, you'd better keep your mind and body wide. It's good for your health. People, there is always a time when they are old, and when they reach a certain time, they have to keep them. "

The old lady was shocked, and immediately pointed at her angrily and growled, "Chen nianran, you bitch, are you cursing me that I'm too old to care about this family? Hum, you are my grandson's daughter-in-law on the day I live. What, don't you agree? If you don't agree with me, I'll wait for you to live up to my age

This is relying on the old to sell the old.

Chen nianran smiles away, gets up and salutes respectfully. "Well, I'll go to my husband and ask him to promise to take a concubine and a room."

The old lady almost choked on her.

"You, you You come back to me. "

After the breath, listen to Chen nianran had to look back, indifferent to the gray hair of the old man. Although she was well maintained by the rich and angry, the white hair and full wrinkles of the two guests showed that she was old.

"Today, if you and xuan'er can agree, it's strange. That's all. You are a stubborn child. The reason why I didn't want to leave you was because you were so temperamental. If you really don't want xuan'er to take a concubine or something, I won't force you to ask for it. "

Eh, Chen nianran is a little surprised when he is so easy to talk. However, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. It seems that the old lady is a little different after she comes out of the round room today. This matter? There must be ghosts.

Chen nianran is blessed and deserves thanks.

"Thank you very much for the completion of the ancestor. It's not that the girl disagrees. It's that my husband doesn't love the mess of the screwdriver. When I was in the capital some time ago, however, I also picked some nice girls for my husband. But my husband finally threw people out directly. For this reason, the people outside said that the husband had a bad temper, and that Liao people were not easy to get along with each other. "

The old lady's neck was a stick. "Bah, the person who chews the root of his tongue with a screwdriver is blind. My xuan'er, that's serious. I don't like the person with the screwdriver in a mess. It's not like those silly dandies. Forget it. "

After that, the old lady took Chen nianran's hand affectionately.