The Farming Little Girl

C272: the village Party

But Chen nianran, after seeing that tiger and the charred mark on the leopard's body, was clear about his feelings. The man used the improved bomb to blow up the tiger and the leopard.

When people were fighting with tigers and leopards, he put aside and threw a bomb. It has to be said that this pair of fighting big guys, the death is not ordinary injustice.

However, it's a good thing to have food, so at the end of the day, the whole village shouted and gathered together in the ancestral hall of the village.

This is ancient times, collective consciousness is still very strong.

As in the village, there are usually ancestral halls.

Large families, such as the Zhou family, will have special ancestral temples.

Whenever there is a family or a large-scale party, or a wedding ceremony, it will be held in this open place.

Generally speaking, the happy events in the new village are held in the ancestral hall of the village.

The whole village party this evening is also held in this area.

It's the whole village Party, that is, the village holds the ancestral hall sacrifice, or whose family has a great good thing, so the whole village party.

The villagers took out the burning knives that they had stored in their home. The men carried the wine and the women led the children.

The old people were taken by the younger generation one by one. This group and that group of people went to the ancestral hall.

The old ancestor looked at such a hot popularity, a face also smile open bosom.

It may be that he has really changed his character, or that he has come to do as the Romans do. At this moment, the ancestor is an old man dressed appropriately and with a rich face.

She was surrounded by the old women in all kinds of villages. She let her grandson not be praised for his ability, bravery, flexibility, and ability to take children

She has countless descendants in her life, but today, she is admired and praised by some simple villagers, which really intoxicates her.

"Old lady, your Xuaner is capable. If there is a man like five young masters in our family, I will burn high incense to the Buddha. Do good things in the afterlife... "

"Oh, don't say that I'm satisfied with half the children born in my family, just like the old lady and the old five. Alas, old lady, how many good things have you done in your past life and this life to teach such people as five young masters and little grandmothers? Old lady, please teach me some experience... "

Although it was a group of women and sons in the countryside, they could be admired by so many people, and the ancestor also felt unprecedented pride.

"Ha ha, my Xuaner is brought up by me since I was a child. I know a lot about it. A man knows a lot. It's good to teach his daughter-in-law what to do. "

The old ancestor said it implicitly.

After all, it's a group of women in the countryside. It's very implicit. One by one, they don't understand it very well.

Someone was shouting at the top of his voice. "That old ancestor, how do you teach? I also want my daughter-in-law to be filial. Oh, you don't know. This daughter-in-law looks gentle in my face, but I don't think it's exciting. In a word, if you have nothing to do, you can keep your son in the room and feel uncomfortable. "

"No, my daughter-in-law, when I was a mother and my son said a few words, she just stood there listening. As if I were going to rob her of a man. You said, this son was born to me. I raised him and married his daughter-in-law. At last, I recruited the daughter-in-law to guard against me. What's the matter? Bah! "

These words, listen to the old ancestor on the spot to teach.

"Oh, you don't think so of this old lady. Don't worry about it. It must have been sticky at the beginning. Just keep your eyes open. It's not a good thing to have a grandson earlier? He he, you should be relieved that your son was yours when he was a child. When he grows up, he must be a daughter-in-law. The best way for you is to put your daughter-in-law and people together, so that the family can be reconciled. "

She said this, listening to the deep look, all the women in the countryside looked at her with their eyes.

"My ancestors, you have experience. China, we accept your approach. From now on, we have to make up for our daughter-in-law. Oh, my ancestors, you must be good to girl ran? Tut Tut, no wonder young master Dixuan is so good. I have nothing to say to you, because of you

The old man laughed. But I thought to myself, am I good at Chen nianran?

Well, it seems that I need to give her a meaning. Otherwise, this group of old thieves will pick their own mistakes if they have nothing to do. I can't lose face.

In this way, I feel better about Chen nianran.

Things in the countryside are almost planned.

Next, the village's blessing Festival. Chen nianran thought, waiting for the blessing festival to pass, he went back to the town last week together.

This blessing Festival. In fact, it is a kind of ceremony to pray for blessings before farming.

Every year when it comes to this kind of festival, every family will make a lot of delicious cakes and snacks.

Who has a good home, in front of the villagers face not to say, the most important, but also pray for the gods to take care of themselves.

Although it is only a spiritual sustenance, the villagers regard it as a major festival. For this reason, Chen nianran is also planning to make a vigorous blessing snack.

After all, there are also shop people, see more, do more. There are more snacks to make.

More importantly, Chen nianran also wants to take this opportunity to entertain the villagers in the village.

There has always been a custom in this place, that is, whose family has made money outside, and some have paid to pave the way.

Others treat. When I came back to the village, I did have a treat. However, the old ancestor said that he was not addicted, so Chen nianran thought that, anyway, there is no lack of money for these meals. She is the main force to produce most of the food, such as snacks, and then the villagers make all the food and make a feast.

Tell the villagers the idea, and they will swallow their saliva.

"Ah, Zhou Dongjia, you have a good idea. You can not only promote the friendship of the villagers, but also make everyone lively. Let the gods have fun. In our village, you are a lucky star. At that time, our village didn't follow you very much, but under your guidance, many people in the village are rich. All of these are in our eyes. "

Chen nianran smiled with relief.

In the past, I'm afraid this group of people only focused on the small money in the pot. Never like now, still drinking water to think of the source.

People, after being rich and trying all kinds of heartache outside, their eyes are longer.

In the past, people in the village could not see other people's families getting rich. That's because everyone is still behind, only one is rich, which is a big problem in their eyes. This is also the phenomenon of hatred of wealth in ancient and modern society!

Now it's different. She is rich, but the villagers are also driven to be rich. I can see a lot of things outside, and my hatred for the rich has faded.

There should be some people who are good, and they have recovered a lot. It's a good phenomenon, isn't it. It seems that sometimes it is necessary to lead others to the road of prosperity. Just like big Lang. Without proper guidance, the child would not know where he would end up.


"Ah ah, Juan juan'er, where is a girl like you? If you don't want to, come back quickly."

The old ancestor chucked out the small volume happily. The little girl is shaking her arm wildly and running in circles.



Although it's called Zu, Chen nianran listens, but he feels like a homophonic pig. I can't help it. The children who are still learning to speak are not able to speak clearly. Especially for this ancestor, I can't pronounce clearly.

Fortunately, Tuan tuan'er seems to be sober. All the time, it's not bad to learn Chinese characters and words. Except for calling dad a little slower at first.

Zhou Aoxuan went hunting with a group of people again.

Back in this small village, Zhou Aoxuan fell in love with hunting. Because there is a ceremony to be held in the village, so this time all the old and young men in the village are going out. If you can't hunt or run, wait to carry the prey.

With Zhou Aoxuan, a martial arts expert, these people are optimistic that they will fight back a lot of prey. For this reason, Chen nianran is also very proud. After all, the men in her family are so powerful and feel good.

Kneading the dough with Huang's family, I was still thinking about what was worse. There were shouts outside.

"No way, no way. The fifth young master of the Zhou family hunted a big money leopard. That big man looks like a hill. "

Listen to this roar, Chen nianran is scared and quickly throws down the regiment and rushes out.

"Leopard of money, is anyone hurt?"

Generally speaking, a big man like this can't hit it easily.

It is often to disturb the people, or to do something else that will cause the villagers to chase and beat them.

"Haha, one got a paw, and the other got scared and rolled to the bottom of the cliff."

Listen to the old ancestor in the next son also follow ah voice.

"It's so dangerous. Hurry to call back wu'er!"

She glared at Chen nianran fiercely, but she almost didn't say that you let my grandson out for nothing. Now, something happened. Chen nianran is calm. She knows that Zhou Aoxuan is not so weak.

"Haha, old lady, your grandson is very kind. He was not hurt at all. The others were injured. You are so powerful. You can raise such a hero's grandson. There are many young people in our village, but people like the master on Friday are not sincere. "

When the old ancestor heard that his grandson was ok, his heart fell.

Once praised again, the smile on that face will be even more jubilant.

Looking back, I was about to say two good words to Chen nianran. But see Chen nianran stride forward.