The Farming Little Girl

C264: Innocence

Looking at these people's bitter eyes, she silently shut up.

In her eyes, this is a painful thing, but in the eyes of these short-sighted women, her life is not happy Because, this is the ideal life that they have been pursuing.

"Little grandma, you used to be so smart, how could you come back and become stupid. As you said, it's better to have an activity or something when you are tired to receive a group of villagers. Then everyone will have a chance to see you and the young master. It's a good day for a hard reception. You can also go out for a walk and visit your relatives when you save time. "

In fact, qiao'er wants to go home. It's just that little grandma is really too busy to go home.

When it comes to visiting relatives, Chen nianran thinks about Guan Shuyuan and the small house in the countryside.

Although I haven't lived there for a long time, now I think that the small room is a very close one.

There, she has sweet memories with the group roll, and more beautiful and bad memories with the villagers struggling

"Well, Qiaoer, it's a good proposal. Let's see. This activity is easy. Isn't it going to be a fruit harvest festival recently? I'm going to celebrate the harvest and invite these people to taste all kinds of fruits. Ha ha, that's it. I'll go and talk to the old ancestor now. "

On the way, I met Zhou Aoxuan. At this time, the man was standing impatiently in the courtyard, sucking in fresh air. When he saw his daughter-in-law coming, he made a few steps.


The aggrieved look made Chen nianran burst out of joy.

Led by him, Zhou Aoxuan complains.

"You don't know. All these people know is to say something. There are several daughters-in-law in my family. What's the size of them? How about gambling at ordinary times? Or I'll ask you how the women in the capital taste and how to get started..."

Chen nianran is speechless. No wonder this man is bored. She will die if she wants to change.

"Xianggong, you and I are suffering a lot, so let's not have a fruit Festival. On that day, we received all these people. In the next time, how about going to live in the countryside for a while?"

When it comes to living in the countryside, Zhou Aoxuan is rippling.

What he thought about was that he and his daughter-in-law should do something not suitable for children at the edge of the river or in the field. Well, it's so interesting. Well, he will never admit that he will receive a group of country men when he comes back. Now his mind is full of these dirty and dirty parts.

But, he is the inner ripple, on the surface, it is a good expression that you can arrange well.

Chen nianran was afraid that he would not like to go to the countryside. He was criticizing the benefits of the countryside.

"Xianggong, let's go to the countryside. We can touch small fish, small shrimps, and those happy groups you like. I can also get them. There are wild mushrooms in the mountains. If we are lucky, we can buy some or pick them up. Besides, you can also beat Rabbits... "

"My daughter-in-law, make arrangements quickly. I don't want to stay here for a moment."

The more Zhou Aoxuan listened, the more he thought it would be a waste of time to stay here. He has only one idea now, so hurry to leave this disgusting, stuffy place.

Chen nianran chuckled at his impatient manner, only when he was bored by these rude men. But I don't know, this man is thinking about how to find some wild fun in the countryside. And then we will have a good discussion on the technical issues.

The old ancestor will not be in her room at the moment. Chen nianran goes straight to her room. Far away, I heard the old ancestor was smiling proudly.

"Oh, my little ancestor, please run slower and faster. Look, my grandfather is faster than you now. Let's call the ancestor. "


The call of sweet and honey made the heart of the old ancestor soft.

"Well, it's my family's great grandson. He's smart. Tut, he's so small. He calls the one who is called" understand "and the one who is called" clear ". Who's got such a smart kid like me? It's so small that you can recognize so many words. Ouch, it's called "soft peace" to the heart and soul of the ancestor. "

Not far away in the corner, a lonely child is staring at the interaction between the ancestor and the Tuan Tuan.

Once upon a time, such a favor belonged to him.

The eyes fell on the small group's face, his eyes were fierce.

But since the little boy came, all this no longer belongs to him.

Even all the people in the mansion are around the little guy.

In particular, when I saw him, I would yell about the group

As soon as he heard the name of Tuan Tuan, he was very uncomfortable now. But he also had to accompany them, because his mother said that if he didn't accompany him, he would not have money. If he didn't accompany him, he would really have to suffer later. He would not go begging again

But I really hate that little meatball.

After all, he is a child. Unconsciously, Yuanyuan reveals his jealousy.

Chen nianran came to the yard and inadvertently saw the child's fierce eyes. She frowned and walked slowly to the circle.

Aware of the arrival of people, Yuanyuan suddenly turned around, saw that she was in a panic, and immediately showed a sweet smile, "Auntie, are you here to see them?"

The innocent eyes and innocent appearance should not be a deep-seated child.

For a while, Chen nianran was a little dumb. She doubted that she was wrong.

How can such a small child have such a changeable expression. Even if it's a genius, it shouldn't be!

"Well, how come Yuanyuan doesn't play with Tuan Tuan? It's not good to be alone here alone. "

She tried to speak in a gentle and round tone, which she always liked for children. However, this child always makes her uneasy.

Yuanyuan asked happily, "Auntie, can I play with them? I'm afraid. I'm afraid that I'm just a boy. I'm afraid that I can't match the group and the volume. I'm afraid... "

Round timid, beautiful eyes overflowed with a few desires.

Chen nianran became softer and said, "well, yes, in fact, people are equal. They are all born smooth. There is no distinction between high and low. In fact, it's just the people behind who talk about the birth of gold... "

Yuan Yuan listens to an earthquake, Chen nianran discovers to say much however. In fact, it seems unnecessary for me to tell you about it. Alas, you are still young. If you want to play with them, you can go. However, tuantuan seems to be a guy who likes to play with building blocks. There are only rolls. I think you and her can play together. "

Roll is a sit down, to her honest stay and play with building blocks, that is to her life. At this time, the little guy is holding a small net and catching dragonflies with the lady.

Yuanyuan looks at the roll with a smile, and his eyes are full of envy.

Born in such a family, we have been surrounded and grown up since childhood. But he

He clenched his fist at the thought of those people's white eyes and ridicule.

"Good aunt, then I'll go to play with the roll. Auntie, you're looking for my grandfather. I'm looking for you. "

When the little guy finished calling for her, he made a salute and turned to run for the roll.

Looking at the round body disappearing in the flowers, Chen nianran's smile on his face converged.

This child, if it is true and pure, but he is too polite, and also too able to speculate about people's hearts.

If it's only one or two accidents, she can understand. But just now, she didn't say anything, so this kid figured out that she was looking for the ancestor.

How can a four-year-old be such an excellent person?

"Is it round? I don't know. What's your origin? A child who looks similar to Zhou Aoxuan, a sensible and sensible child, a I can't see through the child, are you really a child? "

She sneered, not because she was suspicious, but because of the experience of these years, especially when feng'er betrayed herself, she had a deep memory.

With her children, she must not be taken lightly in life. Otherwise, it is not only her, but also her loved ones who suffer.

At this time, she understood why the famous women in history were so cruel. Maybe, they will go up step by step to protect their dear ones, until power is in their hands and they can protect their relatives

"Oh, but here comes the girl." When the old ancestor lost Zhou chennianran, the smiling faces all bloomed.

Small group is more direct, a few small steps to her.

"Mother, mother..."

The cry of milk, Chen nianran can't help laughing. Take up the child tut tut two mouth son, "Tuan Tuan, have fun with the old ancestor, yo yo, looking at the little face son are red."

Looking at the interaction between the mother and the son, the ancestor had to sigh that there was really little interaction between the girl and the son like ran.

According to what she saw, even if the women in the family had children, they were only showing themselves in eating and playing. It was very difficult to see such a mother and child expression of affection. In contact with Chen nianran, the ancestor also found a fact sadly. It seems that he has put aside other prejudices, but actually he is comfortable with this girl.

Er, she must be evil. How can she feel comfortable with Chen nianran? She used to stay in this mansion differently. What was she like then?

The old ancestor wanted to recall Chen nianran's appearance, but there was only the laughter of Tuan Tuan and Chen nianran in his ear, and he couldn't remember anything else.

"The child is quiet. He only knows to look at the diamonds. If it wasn't for my grandfather, I would have dragged him out to play and left the little diamonds in the room."

The old ancestor began to complain and hugged her mother. "Mother, square......"