The Farming Little Girl

C254: barren mountains and wild mountains

Well, it seems that the theory of love balance is not clear.

Chen nianran waves, lazily and he again.

Instead, the two children looked at each other and quarreled, until, wow, they cried out in unprecedented unity.

So Zhou Aoxuan hugs his daughter and Chen nianran hugs his son.

One person coaxes another, and this debate is the only one left behind.

On the first day of family reunion, Zhou Aoxuan coaxes the children to play with the scroll.

The man, since he had a daughter, seemed to revolve around his daughter.

Of course, Chen nianran is still important. However, sometimes Chen nianran would suspect that this man has everything to do with a woman.

Maybe aunt Fu can't stand Zhou Aoxuan's attitude, because she is so upset about Tuan Tuan.

Fortunately, Tuan Tuan Tuan is really sensible. Even if the roll is spoiled, he doesn't cry or quarrel, so he can play with those carved squares.

Block words play almost, by the women and girls holding the street. Look at those words, you will learn them seriously.

In this way, aunt Hua'er, who was illiterate at first, under the forced leadership of the small regiment, learned several words when he was forty years old.

When her son and daughter-in-law came here and saw that the old people could read and read, they were really shocked.

At that moment, aunt Hua was proud of something.

The stinky girl dragged her daughter-in-law for a long time and read a half long essay. But she swore to herself in surprise. She would have to train her later. Otherwise, the old lady would be more and more arrogant

Compared with Tuan Tuan's diligence, curly girl is really a wild hair child.

Look, just follow her father and run wild outside.

If you catch anyone, you'll make friends. Anyone can hold it and giggle all the time. It's a pity that this guy hugs her. She's actually a pick.

For example, the Lord recalled a few days ago that he didn't hold her. One day, he took the bright Zan flower that he bought for his wife. The little roll reached out and said hello to her initiatively.


Warm yo, the mouth is sweet.

In this way, you can make the city Lord happy.

I love you when I put my hand around the roll. However, the little princess ignored him and just stared at the hairpin flower in his hand to grab it for fun.

I'll give it to you in my mouth. Such a bright Jiangsu must be delicious to eat.

Zhou Aoxuan on one side was scared. He hurriedly grabbed the hairpin flower from her daughter's hand. In case the flower ties her little mouth, it will not hurt for a long time. However, the little princess vowed to defend her own welfare. Leng is not to let this father rob things.

So, shaking left and right, Leng is to let Zhou Aoxuan spend a long time, just snatch down the hairpin flower.

It's amazing to snatch it down. The princess's broken voice burst into tears.

"Wow Whoa... "

Zhou Aoxuan, who couldn't hear his daughter's grievance most, ran to the shop with a ruthless heart and carried back a lot of beautiful things that were bright, bright, but didn't tie hands.

There are still tears on the little guy's face. When he sees so many funny things, he doesn't cry. He just hugs this one and kisses it.

Meidiyo, from time to time, she even gave her father a shout, or coaxed softly, "Dad..."

"My daughter is really good. She has such an aesthetic point of view since she was a child. When she grows up, she must be like her little aunt and her mother. She is also a capable person in the beauty business."

Chen nianran listened to the praise and walked away without saying a word.

In his eyes, all the faults of his daughter are good. Son, no matter how well we do it, it should be

Come to Jincheng, of course, we have to care about men's career.

On this day, Chen nianran also took a group of women to the construction site.

The expansion work of Jincheng is very heavy. As Zhou Aoxuan said, it can't be completed in one or two years.

What's more, we have to expand a palace for the emperor.

It's a place to think about.

For this reason Chen nianran also planned for him.

They took their children as a distraction, and the family wandered around. Finally, Chen nianran met a place with mountains and water outside the effect of Jincheng.

"How is the place, lady? It's not far here, but it's from the mountains. You let the emperor's palace be built here, this one? "

Zhou Aoxuan is hesitant. You know, it's built for the emperor. What if it's not well built?

"Xianggong, you should ask the emperor specifically. It's just a place for vacation. Then, it must be a place for low-key behavior, isn't it? Vacation, if let everyone know of the palace, how to vacation? So, in this place where there are mountains and water, build some nice looking houses. The main thing is to do the safety work in place. You can find the emperor's built security personnel. Others, the humanities here and the tourist places are all good things. "

Chen nianran said that his eyes were shining, and he had a ready mind.

Zhou Aoxuan knows about her daughter-in-law. When she listens to her proposal, she knows that she has ideas in her heart. Take a silent look at the surrounding terrain, and then look at the wild mountains in the distance.

He said to himself, "lady, you don't mean to plan this place as our site. In the future, we will expand here and make room for something."

Chen nianran shook his fingers and said, "yes, I have this idea. There are many mountains and mountains in this area, and people are poor. As far as I know, people in this area, apart from going out to do some short-term work for you, can't support people who work for farming or anything else. Because Zhang Min in this area is even less pitiful. It must be easy for us to acquire this place. However, if you want to buy this large area of land, you will get a lot of money. It depends on how much money you have. I have a plan. "

When it comes to this, Chen nianran is rarely serious.

"Tell me, lady. Zhou Aoxuan always listens to Chen nianran's ideas about future investment and so on.

Because he knows that Chen nianran's idea is often right.

"I'm thinking that although you hate the Zhou family, whether you admit it or not, you are also a member of the Zhou family.

So you can't get away from the fact that you are a Zhou family. We can plan a place to arrange the Zhou family members. If you want to come here, you can arrange it.

In the future, we can let the Zhou family not accept the Royal business, but develop their own business.

For example, in this area, let the Zhou family have their own farm fun and divide them into small groups and small groups. After they make profits, we will charge a certain fee

In this way, you not only look after the Zhou family, but also open up a new prospect for their future career. "

Zhou Aoxuan's eyes were shining, but he was still unwilling. "Just help the Zhou family. Will they work honestly? These people are all heartless people. "

At the thought of the Zhou family's elders after Chen nianran's accident, these people are still in trouble. They say that they will not accept Chen nianran any more. Zhou Aoxuan's heart is not comfortable.

"Xianggong, I know where your trouble comes from. In our society, it takes the state as a large collective unit and the family as a small unit. When I was younger, I was a family, a person Life is like this. When we can't change, we have to work hard to adapt to life. Can't it be difficult? Are you really suffocated by it? Let's take it as a kind of enjoyment. The family doesn't have the right to talk with anyone. Let's stand tall and look far away. Even the head of the family has to look at us at the end. What we have to do is to override the patriarch. What we have to do is to let them know that it's not that we can't live without the family, it's that the family can't live without us. So... "

She didn't go on, but the confident smile on her face made Zhou Aoxuan's blood boil.

"Since life always rapes you, why don't you rape life in reverse. Lady, I want to rape you now. "

The smile on Chen nianran's face turned into convulsion, and his eyes stared, "roll..."

"Lady, really......"

Someone grinned and acted directly.

Some woman who escaped to the wild grass in the barren mountains turned around and laughed ferociously.

"Man, you think you're Superman. Today, I'm going to challenge you, sister. Hum..."

Zhou Aoxuan listens, in the heart blossoms, but the appearance, is actually the expression which is afraid.

"Don't be a lady, I can't do it..."

At the end of the day, they spent half a day in the grass. When they came home, Chen nianran couldn't rely on them.

At home, I still knead my waist.

"Never play with this man again, Nimar. This is the rhythm of a dead man. What's more, the spirit of smelly man is so good. "

Staring at the refreshing, obviously spiritual man not far away, the latter came together very considerate to help rub.

"Lady, you are not comfortable in the future, just take me out of your anger, I like you to abuse me..."

In Chen nianran's silent tears, all men are white eyed wolves.

Let's say that Chen nianran has no problem in buying a large area of wild mountains and mountains. However, it's a bit difficult to persuade the Zhou family to move away from the current fertile land.

So what she has to do now is how to develop this area.

And then we can invite people from the capital and Jincheng to play.

Let's say that ordinary people may not like to play in this wild mountain and mountain area.

However, the scholars and guests who have lived in the city for a long time have different ideas.