The Farming Little Girl

C251: teasing

Aunt Hua is still looking at the two sleeping children, listening to her self-talk, she looks up and asks with a smile.

"Well This is nothing. Aunt Hua, can you tell me something about the son of the city Lord? Does he have any love for his sick wife? What did he do to his wife, you hear? "

Mei Sanniang thought about it carefully, and then responded cautiously.

"Because he is a handsome man and a relative of the Lord, people in the border town still know him. As far as I know, he treats his wife Listen to other people, the two make do. But I saw once that the city Lord's dry son was polite to her, but polite It's not a couple like you and the young master. It's too polite. It's not bad that Mei Sanniang, who can't read, can see things so clearly.

For this reason, Chen nianran has a number in his heart. It seems that the city Lord's dry son, heiziming, doesn't attach much importance to his wife.

But, because it's the first wife who was engaged from childhood, so He is still more polite. I think it's also a bitter marriage. Ancient people, that's it. Once you are engaged, if you ask to leave or leave others for any other reason, it doesn't make sense.

Thinking of the city Lord and his adoptive father, Chen nianran also expanded a little.

After the old man came to the capital last time, Zhou Aoxuan thought that he was a steady and good man. He also appointed Zhou Aoxuan to be in charge of the construction of a new city.

At this time, the old man must be still working.

After a while, I have to go back to Bajiao town and get together with them.

After sorting out these ideas, Chen nianran began to miss home.

However, when she thought of going back to Bajiao Town, she would face the family with the surname of Zhou, who was a big son in the town, and she felt a little upset.

The old ancestor obviously didn't want to see her, and the rest of the Zhou family didn't want to see her.

"Well, it's another fight back to the Zhou family. Come on, step by step. In short, I earn my own industry, and how you like to fight is your own business. "

Rubbing his forehead, Chen nianran opened Da Lang's letter again.

This kid, I don't know what's going on?

The last time that two married daughter-in-law's affair, should give him a real lesson.

Da Lang's letter, as Chen nianran thought, has not much to say. It's nothing more than business.

And some of his planning ideas, as well as the words that everything is OK at home.

Finally, it's aunt's letter.

As soon as I saw the handwriting, I knew that it was written by Erlang.

This boy, the words have improved.

"Aunt's letter didn't say much. But I also mentioned that Dalang had not married for a long time. It seems that aunt is eager to hold her grandson. In the end, I mentioned one more thing. Erlang is not small now. If Dalang doesn't talk about marriage all the time, he is afraid that Erlang will be delayed... "

"Well, it's also true. The big ones in the family don't have family affairs. The brothers and sisters below can't talk about family affairs any more. It seems that we need to pay close attention to Dalang's family affairs. Don't know if this kid will find a good one? "

Chen nianran found that this trip home really needs to go back quickly.

Zhou Aoxuan has been away from Jincheng for a while, and I don't know how the man built it?

Chen nianran fell into a dreamland. I was sleeping soundly, but I heard the sound of killing outside.

"What's the matter?"

Chen nianran subconsciously hugged the baby in his arms.

A dark whoosh got into the car.


Just for a moment, the man was in a coma in the car. When Chen nianran looked at the man's face, his heart pounded. This man is Sima Qian'an.

I can't imagine that this guy hasn't left, and he was chased here. I don't know which one got a thousand dollars.

Chen nianran's first reaction, that is, this man, how can he be saved.

But how can we save the people outside, but those who kill people without blinking.

No way, Chen nianran can only make up for the fallen Sima Qian An Yi Rong.

Mei Sanniang has been paralyzed by fear for a long time. Seeing Chen nianran calmly put his clothes on Sima Qian's body, and then put on some cosmetics for Sima Qian's body, she knew that little grandma wanted to save the exhausted man.

Sima Qian'an soon woke up. Seeing her, he forced himself to get out of the car.

"You stay with me, don't worry, I will keep you, but you have to cooperate with me."

Chen nianran said and rubbed his face again.

Sima Qian'an looked at her stupidly, "what are you doing? : "

" make up for you. Remember, someone will come up to check later. You must scream and make a look of panic. Because you are now a woman, a timid girl

Sima Qian'an's face was drawn. One of his grand princes was going to be dressed as a timid woman.

Before refuting, Chen nianran glared fiercely. "Which is more important, life or face? Of course, a fool's life. Don't tell me about your man's face. Compared with saving his life, these reasons are bullshit. "

This woman, only a few days away, unexpectedly become so rude.

I don't know how. Seeing her like this, Sima Qian'an's heart was surprisingly calm. Let her change her face and make up. Until the slim figure was pulled out, Sima Qian'an was relieved.

This woman, at last, no longer bothered him.

When Chen nianran took a look at the mirror on his face, he was also frightened.

Mom, I didn't expect his image as a woman. It's really gorgeous. It is... The eyes are a little long, it's too enchanting.

Turning his head silently, Sima Qian'an admonishes himself that this is not him, certainly not him. This is Chen nianran's blind transformation according to a woman of all kinds

Before long, there were horse thieves blocking the road. All of these people stopped. When they saw the car, they lifted the curtain.

Anyone who has a car passing by all the way is not brave to be angry.

Chen nianran asked Sima Qian An to hold the roll while he went down with the roll. At this time, the only thing she can do for Sima Qian'an is to let her pass the customs smoothly.

I don't know if Sima Qian'an's make-up is too beautiful. During the inspection, the bandits still have people to take advantage of them.

Seeing that Sima Qian'an is going to get angry, Chen nianran hastens to come over. "Some uncles, our family with children is afraid of something on the way. Please let us go. Some of you will take this silver for tea. "

Those people just started to run. What they were looking for was a man. All the people looking at this car are a group of women, old and small. They miss money, wave impatiently and let it go.

Unexpectedly, Sima Qian'an climbed to the car with a roll.

The delicate and timid look amused some bandits who had been checking.

When the car was far away, Chen nianran hurriedly asked people to catch up with it. A group of them bought a car from another agent with money and set out for binjin city together.

"Well, madam, I don't know if you little girl would like to go out or not. I'm short of a girl in the room outside the Councillor. Looking at you, she is a good person. I'm not the councillor..."

The steward who let the parking space out looked at Sima Qian an all the time. In that way, if you want multi-color squint, you will have multi-color squint.

Sima Qian is very angry. He almost didn't Pooh the wolf's face full of water. At this time, listening to him, he was even more angry and constantly bumped the child. The face was almost black and squeezed out the ink.

Chen nianran can't help smiling. I can't understand him.

"Ah, you mean this little girl. She doesn't allow anyone."

I was even more excited. "No one, it's a good thing. I like the girl who has no one."

Sima Qian an raised his head and glared at the bold woman fiercely. Dare to tease him like this again, hum, don't blame him for being rude.

Chen nianran coughs again.

"However, this little girl sold it to our family in that year, which is a little special. At that time, his parents said that although it was a lifelong contract, we should not interfere in her marriage. So, even if no one is allowed, he has to be willing to find family affairs. Yuan, is it difficult? Do you have a good candidate to introduce to my girl? "

The agent was more excited. He waved a fan, a talented man's gesture, "yes, I said, I'm just a girl in the house. Look at this little girl. She looks like a human being. She looks really good. Why don't I marry her as a housemaid. Of course, if she serves well, I can upgrade him to an aunt. "

This man really looks up to himself. Peacock's hair is really not open in general.

Chen nianran almost didn't laugh.

Mei Sanniang has been buried to coax the roll.

Grandpa, you are looking for a man. Poor Sima Qian'an. At this time, he was so angry that he killed Chen nianran with no eyes.

"Ah, Yuan Wai, you've taken a fancy to my girl. Well, let me ask for you. Xiu'er, you are willing to marry this master. They want to promote you to be an aunt. It's such a great event, you can... "

Sima Qian'an said word by word, "I don't want to!"

Turn your head again and glare at the man who thinks he is smart.

"If you are a pig like me, I will fight one by one. If you dare to marry me in front of me, I will let you become a pig brother."

Yuanwai looked at this charming little lady. How can she speak so loudly.

Instead of being angry, he clapped his hands.

A pair of eyes can give out the light like a wolf.