The Farming Little Girl

C248: clear rewards and punishments

"Now many people are working in the shops outside. They work for one year and earn one year's wages. Most of the time, it's at the end of a year. This is not the case here. You know it. I'll settle your wages in that month, and I'll give you a year-end bonus at the end of the year. Of course, the bonus of this year-end bonus depends on the amount of revenue you have generated in the year. If you don't make any profit for me, I can't always lose money to give you benefits, can I? "

Qiao'er and others laughed and said, "no, no one can do this. If everyone does this, the whole world will become a welfare center. Young grandma, we will try our best. "

"Well, I know you will try your best, but our welfare is not just a little bit like this. There are many, for example, this insurance, we work people, where there is no accident. If you hurt because of our work while you are in office, my little grandma will ask people to reduce the cost of governance, and I will pay most of the treatment money. Work injury, work death, these I will let Chunsheng list a detailed security system after the meeting. This will solve your worries. There is also the life insurance system. This one, you may not understand. I also explained it today.

Young grandma, I have launched a system, that is, entering our Chen shop, as long as we have signed a lifelong contract, we can buy endowment insurance for you. What is endowment insurance? Endowment insurance, in fact, is when you are old, you can get a very good salary. This amount of money is converted by deducting part of your money from your regular monthly salary, and I will supply you with twice of your money. Of course. I can also say that for those who do not want such pension insurance, I will convert all this money into your wages. However, there is no such double endowment insurance that I am subsidizing. At that time, Chunsheng will make a record of who is willing to pay for this kind of life-long endowment insurance and who is unwilling to pay for it. They will register when signing the contract. "

Chunsheng, after all, is a scholar, and soon understands.

"Little Young grandma, I listen very well to the pension system you mentioned. That is to say, we only deduct a small part of our wages. When we get old, our little grandma will give us twice as much money. In total, if I deduct twelve liang of silver a year. When I retire, my little grandma will have to give me the insurance fee for this year, 362. This, this, little grandma, you're not losing a lot of money? "

And when they were so explained by him, they understood.

"Ha ha, how can we lose money. This is to stabilize your mind so that you can stay in my shop. Of course, it's not only you who are willing to sign this long-term contract with our store, but also our store's assessment. As long as we all work hard and regard our shop as our own business. In the future, the old people will depend on it to protect their injuries. This is the guarantee mechanism of our store. If there are casualties, there is a suitable person at home to work, and our shop will give priority to receiving your relatives. Well, at present, this is the system of our shop. "

"No, you said the whole family just now, little grandma." Qiao son spit out tongue to remind naughtily.

Chen nianran laughs, "Oh, I forgot this one. As for the family portrait, it's actually very simple. Every three or five years, our shop will invest money to let the good guys who have performed well in these years travel outside. Of course, this cost is also included after we check it. For example, for those who have never been out to play in the past three years, we can provide a minimum of fifty-two for the whole family. If it's not enough, don't worry about me. It's too much. You have a big family of hundreds of people in your family. I can't afford a little grandma. "

It's called poverty. It's good for everyone.

All the guys here, listening to so many benefits, are thrilled.

Some of them are slower, muttering softly. "It's a guarantee for the wounded. When I'm old, I have to rely on it. After three or five years, I can still swim with it cheaply. How do I feel about this? It's like pie in the sky? Usually, the salary is not paid annually, but monthly. More importantly, from the current negotiated price, the salary is not less than that of others. The deducted pension can be doubled. In fact, apart from the pension, our wages are the same as those of others. This... This... Will you lose money, young grandma? "

Chen nianran was touched by the person who asked. In modern times, would anyone ask?

I'm sure not. They think so. You're a big boss. You have to give me more money.

The ancient people are very simple. It's good to have no social opportunities for pollution.

"As long as you create wealth for me, it's not a problem to protect anything. For our future, come on. Oh, by the way, if you have good and excellent children when you retire, you can also recommend those who come into our shop. In a word, I hope we can go further and further in Chen's shop. If you don't work hard, you'll soon bankrupt our shop, then you won't have to play. "

Chen nianran shows his hands and combines his own interests with those of all. Nowadays, you have to do everything if you are human.

Immortals also have to drink water, not to mention the real money, where the power comes from.

One of the guys got it on the spot. "Little grandma, I get it. If we want to make the security mechanism work well, we have to work hard. Only by creating better and more profits for the little grandma can we runners have food, clothes and family happiness Haha, actually, little grandma, we must implement your system. When you work in someone else's place, they also want you to give all your energy. In the end, you've got more than grandma. We like it. In the future, the shop is my home. "

"The shop is my home."

This slogan was called out on the spot.

For a while, everyone was excited.

For the future, one by one is full of energy.

Such vitality and drive are what Chen nianran wants most.

People, shops, it doesn't matter if you are the boss, but you have to arouse the passion of all employees.

Only by giving them all their heart can these people work for you and create more wealth for you.

Others have paid and created wealth for you. Then you can give feedback to others about the rewards they deserve. Why not do something mutually beneficial?

In fact, the grocery store hasn't been done very well. If it's OK, we'll have another dividend or something later. It's estimated that these people will be crazy.

But there are still differences between modern and ancient times. Chen nianran doesn't want to give these people too much sweetness at once. As for people, if you give them too much at once, they will not be enterprising. In the end, they will become what they should be, and the effect will be different.

The most important thing a boss can do is to manage people. So she's now playing a part in being good at people.

Maybe it's a series of benefits. Next, the guys in the shop, one by one, are really excited about the shop.

Some people want to play autumn clothes in the shop, one by one, more than anyone else. Some people want to collect protection fees at home. These guys are all united, and they all beat people with sticks.

For a while, all the people who came to look for trouble knew that the people in the store could not provoke.

What's more interesting may be that everyone is working in the shop, and because of the same goal, the people in the shop are also united and friendly.

If anyone is bullied, a shout, a group of people all rushed out.

Spirit, energy and solidarity

All of these have achieved what Chen nianran wanted.

In the shop, the reward and punishment system is also necessary to be honest.

Rewards and punishments, they have to come together.

What makes Chen nianran more funny is that because of the pride of these guys, they go out now and have a lot of face. It's a straight guy with a strong waist.

"Little grandma, you don't know. Now we go out to Chenji grocery store. Many people envy it. Because we have a security mechanism and pension insurance. The average person has nothing after he has paid. We all have it here. Haha, this is the system you set up for my little grandma. I can take my family out for a tour in the future. Let the neighbors next door envy you and let them know that even if I follow you as a servant, I have a future. Who says servants have no future? Our young grandma's family is different. "

This girl, speaking of these, has a red face. Big eyes are bright and dazzling.

Chen nianran burst into joy. "You girl, do well. Young grandma, I am a person with clear rewards and punishments. As long as you do well, I have a few. In the future, we will have to leave the business of our shop to you. I can't manage everything all the time, can I

When the business is big, no matter the boss or the assistant, they need to constantly adjust themselves.

Chen nianran has to adjust himself in time. Transformation as the boss of the hand.

When the shop is small, you have to do it yourself.

You have to learn how to manage when the store is of a certain scale.

If you choose the wrong person, your shop is not far away.

For the long term, Chen nianran has now learned to delegate power.

From the beginning, she let some capable and effective people to do and take over her business.

After giving them good welfare treatment, they also solved their worries. In such a win-win situation, who is not willing to contribute more?

Looking at the development of the shop, the restaurant, the ready to wear shop and the women's club are all opening one after another. Chen nianran decides that it's time to take the children to Jincheng to see the men.