The Farming Little Girl

C242: bring you together

"It's money. My royal family has power, but their shrine has wealth comparable to the world. In this world, it is said that there is an organization base, which is a base of great money. At that time, the ancestors wanted our brothers to get what they deserved. Then I gave the power of controlling money to another royal brother, the founder of the present temple. As for us, we have been given rights. Unfortunately, since ancient times, the two important things of money right are inseparable. At the beginning, the two factions were unimpeded, but after a long time, the people in the temple began to stir up...... "

"Mysterious organization? Money? It seems that the mysterious organization mentioned by the emperor is the biggest elbow making organization! "

Zhou Aoxuan was acutely aware of this key problem from what the emperor said.

"I love you so much. I'm really smart. Yes, it's because they have a mysterious al Qaeda. There are some things that can magically weave cloth and produce a lot of money. Once such a base is under control, it means that money will flow in. I can't understand this base. "

Zhou Aoxuan's heart was in awe. It's not clear what the emperor's idea was, and whether he really quarreled with the temple.

However, it can be proved that the emperor does not want his money to be controlled by others. He wants to take money.

Took money from the organization of the shrine.

Today I told him so much that it seems very difficult to get out.

Another point is If the emperor knew that he had a number of machines to weave cloth, what would he think? And will his Zhou family become the second temple organization?

At this moment, Zhou Aoxuan found that it was not a good thing to control a batch of looms. On the contrary, it is a very dangerous thing.

Of course, the Emperor didn't look very good on his face. He was frightened by the secret base of the shrine, and didn't take it seriously.

"So I hope you have a close relationship with all the families in the capital. If one day you can control the power to fight against organizations like the temple, it will be the time when his temple will collapse. "

This is to show him that as long as he has this ability, he will be the second temple. Chengye temple and defeated temple. How do you deal with the things in your hand, let them help you, or let them become the root of killing you At one time, Zhou Aoxuan's mind has passed each hundred times.

"Contact the families and organize a new consortium to fight against it."

Zhou Aoxuan captured the emperor's meaning in an instant.

"Yes, that's what it means."

"Dear, I know that you are a capable person, not someone willing to be controlled by others. As long as you work for me, I will protect your family's life. "

It's baiting itself. But Zhou Aoxuan was not moved. He bowed down sincerely and said, "may I have a second thought?"

"Well, I'll get back to you in three days."

It was night. Zhou Aoxuan went back to the mansion with a lot of worries.

Seeing him tossing and turning all the time, Chen nianran opened his eyes and rubbed them against his arms. "Xianggong, did the emperor give you any problems?"

"Well, it's a little bit. It's a little difficult."

Zhou Aoxuan doesn't hide either. The couple will say anything now. This point, Chen nianran emphasized again a few days ago, saying that there should be waves and storms between husband and wife, rather than that he used to lock these things into the big man should resist.

"Listen, maybe I'll think about it for you."

Chen nianran is interested. What's the matter with her husband's embarrassment.

"However, we just want to live in peace and happiness, but how can we meet this requirement with Mou Nan? There will always be some invisible disputes around us that we didn't want to get involved in, but... "

"Because we eat the local food, we have to do some local things. Born in the world of mortals, there are no real immortals. My husband, there is another saying in our place that is, life always rapes you. Then why do you have to bear the hardships rather than enjoy them in turn. Instead of being raped in pain, you might as well turn around and fight against rape, treating this rape as a kind of leaving home. "

Zhou Aoxuan stared at the woman in his arms. This is what husband and wife dare to say. If it's outside, don't scare people to death.

"There's something to be said about loving your wife. I just sigh for my husband. By the way, the emperor revealed a message today. It's about the shrine. "

"Ah!" Chen nianran listened excitedly to pick up, this climbs, the clothes inclines, exposes the inside smooth skin, Zhou Aoxuan's Mou color is deep.

Put her in her arms a little bit, "well, no, actually tell me a secret story about the temple and the royal family."

"What's the emperor's idea?" It's worthy of being a husband and wife. As soon as Zhou Aoxuan said it, the woman thought that there was no such good thing for me in the world.

Zhou Aoxuan smiled happily and moved his hand to her waist.

"No, it turns out that this temple and the royal family are really separated from each other. Two factions, one in charge of wealth and one in power, are involved in each other. Listen to the emperor. He wants to bring back the wealth. "

"Since ancient times, who is willing to be restrained? He has this idea, normal. " Chen nianran doesn't think so. As for the palace, once the person who becomes the eldest brother tries the benefits of power, it's not easy to let go.

In that position, he has to worry about someone grabbing the position, and he has to plan the following people to make trouble, so that he will not focus on his position. Alas, in ancient times, that is to say, when the emperor had supreme power. But in modern times, I'm afraid few people want to be such an emperor.

The modern atmosphere of freedom, and this and the monarchy, this is a completely different concept.

"However, the most evil thing is that the emperor doesn't disclose a message. It seems that the most important thing is that they control the side of money, because they control the continuous production of cloth from an energy source."

Chen nianran was completely shocked. She looked up at him and said, "loom!"

They both said it at the same time, shocked.

Chen nianran stroked his chest. "I can guess that the world is not just a place where my master and I come across.

There are people who wear more and more clothes earlier. Unexpectedly, this elder invented and made a loom a long time ago. And take this as the foundation of the Royal two factions.

If this machine is a little old, I dare say it won't be woven for long. Because in this era, no one knows how to repair machines. So Xianggong, you can take over this matter. The people of the temple, I guess, have been guarding a pile of disordered iron for a long time.

Have you ever thought that when we were in the border town, we were arrested for no reason and we needed money? In addition, that week, I think these things were probably done by the people of the temple.

Their weaving machine is out of order, and they are developing other ways. Want to control another way of making money. Xianggong, fortunately, we hid the place where the machine was invented, or the consequences would be unimaginable! "

Now, Chen nianran has to be glad that they hid well. In this world, there are people who know how to assemble looms. If those machines are missing, what will they do!

Zhou Aoxuan suddenly opened up, "yes, it should be. During the time when I was locked up, I was still thinking about the organization like the shrine. How could that woman persuade me? Also help her, feel, that woman and the people of the temple, have a great connection. But as we all know, the existence of the temple is not accessible to ordinary merchants. But I was surprised by Zhou ruoyuan. Now I understand that. "

Chen nianran's jaw head was analyzed in detail again.

"Because the temple depends on these businesses and has to be secret. These businesses, by virtue of the right of the temple, want to open a convenient door for themselves, so a situation has formed. The merchants outside depend on the shrine and create wealth for it. What they gain is the rights of the temple among the people. There is also the supreme honor. Between the two is the close relationship between utilization and being utilized. The two are inseparable. Because of this, the woman named Zhou ruoyuan can control you and be so arrogant. "

Zhou Aoxuan is excited. He is buried in Chen nianran's chest. "Lady, I didn't dare to attack Zhou ruoyuan before, because I was afraid of the power behind her. Now it seems that the so-called shrine is not unbreakable. In fact, there is a relationship between utilization and being used. It's no wonder that people in the temple and I have a strange way to get along. I feel like they want to take control of me and use me. In a dilemma, now it seems that they don't want to offend me, want to control me, and want to satisfy Zhou ruoyuan... "

"They want to attract you and make use of Zhou ruoyuan. Good abacus, but you can deal with these people now. As for the emperor, what did he let you do? "

"I love my wife. Now I'll improve my skills. Otherwise, we'll talk about it later..."

Afterwards, Chen nianran complained that the man couldn't sleep. Don't speak with him in a soft heart. Otherwise, the last evolution is that there is no bone left.

The two discussed for a long time, and finally decided to first follow the emperor's words, take advantage of the time in the capital, first contact with the ten families, as well as the children of many families.

As for the future, it's good to make contributions first, and then get extra rewards from the emperor, like the city leader of Liancheng, to seal a city leader or something.