The Farming Little Girl

C237: reward

This is to lead Chen nianran to commit adultery in Tongguo. This woman, she has a vicious mind.

Chen nianran is not afraid of her. She rubbed in front of the lady, "I dare to ask her. You said that you had stolen a jade Ruyi. If you want to say what happened to this matter, is it to find yuruyi that can explain the problem? "

Shufei sneered and looked at mammy Hong. "Mammy, search your body. Everyone in the yard can't escape today. Whoever searched for that thing was suspected of stealing the treasure of the emperor's compound, and perhaps other important connections. No one is sure about that. " At the end of the day, he faced the imperial concubine again: "well, elder sister, although it's because the people in your courtyard are not doing well, such a thing has happened. Let's just put it aside for the sake of the safety of the imperial palace."

The lady has only a sneer. She is so determined and forced to this extent by words. If she stops again, she will be charged with endangering the imperial palace. She can't afford to be a lady.

So, today's search, if you don't, you have to search.

The imperial concubine glanced at Chen nianran, who was as calm as before, apologetically, "well, this has happened, and none of us would like it. Since my sister said that, Mammy, you and mammy Hong will go to search together."

Chen nianran then slowly looked up and stared at the lady, "Niang, I dare to ask, but if there is no yuruyi, it means that it has nothing to do with ran. "Then?"

Shufei sneers, "why, do you want to find benfei to compensate for the loss? All over the world, you are the king. In this harem, you are obliged to cooperate with us in the search. "

This is a strong and horizontal order, Chen nianran also nodded his head on the way, "yes, what my mother said is very true, the whole world is not a royal land, so I have the obligation to cooperate with the search. However, I hope that in the future I can have a complete understanding of this matter. "

The lady is frightened. This woman is really brave. I don't know if she is ignorant or really brave. In a word, she still appreciates being able to compete with lady like this.

The two women's mothers stood by their wives and searched them carefully one by one.

Even the hair was opened and examined carefully.

Because this is the inner court, but there are no men in and out, so the search is not carried out alone.

There are a group of people in front, of course, there is no so-called yuruyi.

Finally, when it's Chen nianran's turn, the lady has pride in her eyes.

She used to connive at this bitch's disrespect. Now, once she catches the chance, she will fight back.

All the things on his body were searched once, but the final result was that Chen nianran had no so-called yuruyi at all.

The sweeping mother Hong was obviously in a hurry. She was unwilling to squeeze Chen nianran's sleeve again. No, indeed not.

No, when the man led Chen nianran in, he really explained with his eyes that Yu Ruyi was hiding in Chen nianran.

The woman had no chance to pick another place to throw away or hide. But what about this thing? Why disappeared from the sky?

The lady on one side has been searching for her, and her face is becoming more and more ugly. Her face is also becoming tangled and ferocious. But in an instant, it's back to normal.

After immersion in the harem for so many years, if such a small storm would cause her to lose her footing, her title of lady can be regarded as white blind.

"Mammy, have you ever found it?" Chen nianran appreciated the embarrassed face of mother Hong. He could not say how happy she was.

If she had not been alert before, she would have changed the shape of things according to the circumstances. At this time, she would have been the one who killed the whole family with random sticks. She has no sympathy for such a person.

Glancing at the body of the leading mammy that had not been dragged away on the ground, there was only happiness in her eyes

"No No...... "

When the two mothers returned to report to the ladies, the lady was relieved. When I look at Chen nianran again, I feel more and more how the woman looks at her eyes.

She's in her way.

Lady is not leisurely drinking tea. "If not, there will be none. Let's just..."

Just as she was going on, the voice of the emperor came.

"Princess Ai, I heard that your favorite jade Ruyi has been stolen."

This is someone who reported to the emperor. Chen nianran sneered. These people are really accurate.

Ming knew that their husband and wife came in to meet each other, and then prepared such a big play to wait.

As soon as she was about to be exposed, she brought in the emperor's background. In this way, the crime of stealing the harem once it is committed to her. Don't talk about her life. Everyone in the Zhou family has to die.

This move is cruel enough.

This lady, it's not easy to get along with each other. It's no wonder that women across the palace don't love the palace

"I have seen the emperor."

All of them saluted to the emperor, and Chen nianran also knelt down.

The place where the Lord of power is supreme should be ceremonious everywhere. It is really a matter of frustration.

"Ha ha, get up, eh. Your clothes are very unique. I'd like to see what kind of cool clothes Princess Aifei is wearing. "

He said this in the face of the lady. The lady on one side was not happy on the spot. In order to show her sense of existence, she quickly giggled in front of the pen.

"What the emperor said is very true. At that time, I will prepare several sets of clothes with such characteristics. Oh, Zhou's, come and sit here. I'd like to know where all your clothes come from. "

She personally led Chen nianran's hand, smiling like an old friend who had been away for a long time. The change of attitude before and after this makes people lose their eyes.

Chen nianran drew back his hand lightly and smiled, "go back to your mother, these clothes are just from the little woman's shop. If the maids like it, I'll send them some other day. "

The emperor raised his eyebrows and looked at the little woman. This woman, it's interesting to talk.

It's clear that she is talking to the lady, but she picks it out. This dress is for the lady.

Just now, when he came, he heard about one or two things. It seems that the lady is going to trouble the woman, but now it seems that there is nothing wrong with her.

"Just now?"

"Oh, emperor, I played with my sister just now, and nothing happened just now. But this lady Zhou told us a lot of jokes. Zhou, now tell a joke for the emperor. "

She directly ordered Chen nianran to tell jokes. Chen nianran's inner Qi, lady, why do you embarrass me so much.

However, where human rights are the most important, these people are used to it. She doesn't think it's inappropriate to do so.

As for the search and theft just now, it was even wiped out by the lady. These people, playing with human life, are just like grass mustard. Power, money!

"Oh, Mr. Zhou, tell me a joke. I'll give you a reward. If it's not good, there's no reward. "

Chen nianran is smiling, the eyes of Bao Hei turn slightly, and a story floats to the heart.

Don't you think you're too good? Hum, I'll tell you a story about the battle in the harem. As long as you listen to it, you'll still suffer.

In this way, Chen nianran began to tell a story.

Then the lady and the emperor laughed. Although she was smiling, the hand holding the cup was tight.

Because, in this story, the jealous harem palace is obviously her. Unfortunately, what Chen nianran told today is just a story of theft Yu Yi in this, needless to say, is talking about the unjust concubine.

However, Chen nianran told the concubines in this story very badly, and it was the despicable villain's tight.

Only then did yuruyi happen. Chen nianran told such a story. Who can't hear it? She used the story to make a mockery of the lady, but in fact, she was a bad person.

Shufei's lungs are going to explode. Then she looks at Chen nianran's eyes, just like she wants to skin and eat meat. But Chen nianran is not afraid. She is a person with a strong foundation. Even if there is something wrong, she will throw out her own foundation card at that time. I don't believe that it is important for the emperor to see the face of your lady or the wealth without saying.

At that time, compared with a bunch of baby pimples, your lady's position must be secondary

Men's long love, especially that of palace men, is totally unreliable. To this point, Chen nianran and Congxiang firmly believe.

"Well, you told a good story in the Zhou family. Come and enjoy it."

This pile of rewards is made of cloth, gold cup and calendula. There are more sand for the baby at home.

But Chen nianran didn't like it at all. The emperor is too affectable. Ming knew that the royal reward could not be sold. He owed a lot of large reward, which could only be enjoyed by others.

Even one or two small things that can be worn on your head, you have to protect them. It is said that if the royal reward is damaged, it will be beheaded. Alas, she doesn't want these impractical ones. In fact, what she wants most is gold.

The little lady thinks that I am a businessman now, so I'm better. After hearing the eunuch's list, Chen nianran looked at the emperor shyly.

"Emperor, you are a real lady. The little lady has never heard of these treasures in her life. However, my country people don't know such elegant things. My favorite is actually those practical things. For example, silver and gold. Emperor, when I came here, I heard that the gold in the Imperial Palace was piled up in the back palace and nobody took care of it. Tut Tut, listen to many people to say, the gold and silver of the Imperial Palace, even let people put them in the wind. Alas, when the little woman listened, her heart ached. I worked hard this day to figure out how much gold I could earn to earn money and work. Alas... "