The Farming Little Girl

C234: lovers's clothes

Zhou Aoxuan looked at the old face of this group of obsequious people, and he really despised them. However, he did not reach out to hit the smiley face, nor did he hit the smiley face.

Chen nianran then came out, the ruddy on his face was covered.

I came out to see the elders, and they also held a high position.

"Hum..." Zhou Aoxuan gave a cold snort, which made these people who were still openly courteous immediately return to their taste. Well, this kid was annoyed again.

"Chen Shi, please get up. We are your elders, anyway. This Even if it's a gift for your younger generation. "

Chen nianran's favorite gift is a gift. When he heard that there was a gift, the smile on his face was sincere.

"Thank you, Grandpa."

The princes quietly look at Zhou Aoxuan and see that the boy's face is a little more relaxed. They know that the gift is right. Alas, they are all gifts from the younger generation to the elder. They are so nice that they have turned the other way. But who is to say that people have this ability.

Because of Zhou Aoxuan's bad face music score, this group of people don't dare to put on airs any more.

Chen nianran was not only not embarrassed, but also received a lot of gifts. For this reason, she can't see her eyes and teeth with a smile. She's very happy. Some of the people she saw are also very happy. It seems that in the future, she should have more gifts.

To their surprise, Chen nianran gave each of them a pair of leather hand sleeves one by one when several ethnic elders left.

In fact, this sleeve is used to warm your hands in winter.

Let's say that this kind of small play will not be rare for several old people. But when the recipient opened it, he was stunned on the spot.

"This, this finger, is actually separated. This I'll try. "

No matter whether it's a little warm or not, the old man actually put his sleeve in. This sleeve, "Oh, so it's really warm and flexible. There are also hairs in it, and flowers are embroidered on it. Tut Tut, from the fourth family, I didn't expect that your skill is not covered. It's not bad, LAN Xinhui. It's good for our Zhou family. "

Well, a pair of sleeves actually matched last week's home. This reality, Zhou Aoxuan once again despised.

After hearing this, all the other careless elders were looking forward to putting their sleeves on their hands.

The style, the workmanship, the style and so on, they never saw. For a while, these clan elders look at Chen nianran's eyes again. It's called a shining star.

Chen nianran made a real face, just a pair of hand sleeves. She came up with a temporary gift to give, of course, some special things that can be used in life.

Because of this, I want to make more hand sleeves, towels, Beizi, clothes and so on. Now it seems that the small towel sleeve cage like this is also very effective.

At least, it's very effective to bribe these old people.

Chen nianran was relieved to see off some old people who were laughing. Beating his waist and turning around, he was a pair of wolf like, evil looking eyes.

Chen nianran's body is stiff. "Xianggong, I, I have something else to talk to qiao'er. Qiao'er baa..."

However, before she had finished the rest of her speech, Zhou Aoxuan blocked her lips with his mouth.

"I love my wife. I think my skills are really poor for my husband. In order to practice my skills better, I love my wife. You should start from being my husband..."

Chen nianran, who was about to die after being kissed, had a chance to defend quickly.

"No, no, I'm wrong. Your technology is very good, super first-class, better than anyone else."

Well, that's wrong again.

The air drops suddenly, Zhou Aoxuan laughs that call a coquettish a evil, "love wife, did not expect, mine is better than who's all well, who?"

Chen nianran is bitter. Why is the sound of the man grinding his teeth so obvious. Oh, before I could argue, I was packed and carried back to the pit. One night, the bed shook into the early morning, Chen nianran was relaxed in pretending to be dead and dizzy.

"In the future, if you can't kill a man, don't despise him. Otherwise, it must be the woman who suffers the loss." Before going to bed, Chen nianran muttered to himself.

The next morning, under the guidance of Mammy, they changed their clothes.

It's holy. It's a big thing in the folk. Ordinary people must be more ceremonious when they are summoned. These teachings are all sent by the elders.

According to Chen nianran, it's really not necessary. However, thinking that this place is ancient after all, so-called do as the Romans do, even if she is a modern person in her bones, but the rules must still not be!

According to these customs, Chen nianran did not want to listen to Mammy's instruction when he came to the headdress.

"I'm just a woman in business. I don't need to meet people like a upstart. Besides, I'm not going to the beauty pageant either. It's just a little easier. "

In Mammy's astonishment, Chen nianran simply pulled a wooden hairpin, which Zhou Aoxuan carved for her. A waterfall of green silk, simply after a hair, hairpin a farewell, a simple dress, thrown in the stream of people, that is a very ordinary dress of a small peasant woman. Clean, sharp, but elegant.

But It's a little simpler.

Mammy also wanted to think about it, but Chen nianran put a gold leaf on his forehead, so that a simple gold leaf on his forehead would not lose his noble spirit, but more of it would add a little elegance. This kind of make-up, unexpectedly let mammy say what pick reason.

Elegant, chic, not luxurious, but absolutely clean, concise, in line with her image as a businesswoman.

Zhou Aoxuan, on one side, admires his beloved wife, only thinking that she is the most beautiful person.

Hook your lips with satisfaction, "that's all. Love your wife, you are so natural and elegant, and your husband should match you. I don't like this because it's too luxurious. "

Zhou Aoxuan's clothes are just the luxurious silk clothes with gold inlaid by the elders. Such clothes are worn by the children of ordinary families. But today, looking at his wife's dress, he didn't love her.

Chen nianran burst out laughing at the big man, even if he was old enough, he still liked to play with the little man. However, she did not dare to say that he was a little man. Once the little man goes mad, the consequences are unimaginable.

Feng Mou slightly inclined, Chen nianran with his own dress for him to choose a dress. Just changed a dress, let alone, this common style, and she stood together, actually have a look at each other is the feeling of husband and wife.

"Eh, love your wife. I don't think our clothes are really matched. Look, the plum blossom embroidered on our hem is the same as yours. And this flower, as well as the border, are almost the same. Well, it's not bad. It's comfortable to wear like this. "

Mammy is also silly. She is a famous dresser in the ready to wear department. She is useless in front of these two people. This made her feel shameless. At the same time, she had to admit that the ordinary woman who looked like a businesswoman was really good at matching clothes.

Just, "but, you two masters, if you dress in normal times, it's also very good. But today you are going to meet the saint. Is it possible that you will be charged with contempt for Saint Bi if you wear such shabby clothes? "

Chen nianran didn't get angry at this Mammy. Instead, he gently persuaded her and had a few good feelings for her.

"Mammy, today's saint is a wise man. I heard that he is easygoing and treats people very well. So I don't think he will pick on our couple's clothes. What's more, I'm used to those luxurious costumes. I'll see my husband and I again. Maybe the emperor will be in a better mood. I'm not sure it's a good thing for both of us. "

In fact, Chen nianran changed the clothes of the couple according to the modern couple's clothes with ethnic minority characteristics.

In fact, she has ideas. This simple but characteristic clothing must be able to let them be noticed in the crowd. And what she wanted It's the people in the palace who pay attention

In particular, the attention of the emperor's highness is necessary.

Chen nianran looks at Zhou Aoxuan's dress with his head askew. It's really cool and unrestrained. But, as mammy said, it seems too easy to go to the meeting.

She glanced in the make-up box, saw the plate ring that Zhou Aoxuan was equipped with, and hurriedly put it on his thumb.

"Eh, isn't that a noble thing!"

Zhou Aoxuan raised his hand and saw a dazzling brilliance.

He stared at the glowing stone in surprise. "Is that it?"

"Hee hee, I once wandered in the stone toy market and saw such a stone, so I cleaned it and asked people to polish it and then polish it to inlay it on this ring. How is it, isn't it? "

Chen nianran looks like a treasure offering, greatly pleasing Zhou Aoxuan.

He reached for her waist and stole a fragrance while others were not paying attention. "That's my wife's choice. Can you be wrong?"

Chen nianran hurriedly pushed him away, looked at Mammy and others, and found that no one had noticed what was going on. She was relieved. He glared at him angrily, but also hooked up the soul of the man. Small people not far away shake their heads. Young master and young grandma, you two are so kind and have no cover. When we are all invisible!

When the two men came out of the inner room, the eleven old people outside were dumbfounded in an instant.

The first reaction came from the big clan old on the spot raised a high voice, "this, this is not nonsense, how can you go to face saint in this way, quickly change back to change back."