The Farming Little Girl

C226: local materials

"Eh, you know so much. In your eyes, are all the delicious food? I didn't watch such a dish before. "

Little eighteen, I'm really obedient today. I've been the follower of Chen nianran before and after he was kicked out.

Sima Qian'an stood beside them with a smile, and sometimes looked at his favorite wild vegetable and bent over.

After a while, the hands of the two attendants who carried the blue son behind them were filled with some wild vegetables.

Little eighteen was also very excited. "Woman, what are you doing in the grass over there? Are you not afraid of snakes? "

"Hee hee, there is a fruit tree here. I didn't think it was a wild persimmon tree. Ah, there are many wild persimmon fruits. Come on, let's go to the opposite tree to pick fruit. How many times do you put these fruits in the ashes and then you can eat them. Then I'll make some dried persimmons for you. "

Little eighteen is excited. Looking at the red fruit, I think it must be delicious. You know, every time Chen nianran points out something, which is not delicious. Anyway, in the eyes of the 18th child, whatever Chen nianran said can be eaten is absolutely good.

Picking a good persimmon fruit, 18 can't wait to put it in his mouth.

"Ah, bah, bah..."

This bite, little eighteen's face became bitter melon's face.

Chen nianran laughs when he sees the little Bun's face wrinkled into virtue.

Originally also want to pick a gnawed Sima Qian'an, secretly glad that his speed is slower. Fortunately, this kid ate before, or he must be as disgraceful as this baby.

At this time, I can't speak astringent words.

His eyes were watery with resentment, and looked more like wounded fawn.

Chen nianran is happy, "little eighteen, I said, this thing must be picked back and we can eat it when it's ripe. You are just too impatient. "

She was so happy and sad that she didn't think that she was in the middle of the tree.

This smile, elated.



She was perplexed. Nima's body is in close contact with the grass.

However, Sima Qian'an pounced on the bottom at this time.

Gravity inertia, smashed Sima Qian to the ground. Chen nianran, on the other hand, lay safe on him. The two men face each other. Their soft bodies lie on themselves. Sima Qian'an looks at the face close to them.

Every single hair and expression of her is under her eyes. It turned out that he could have such close contact with her.

Chen nianran is also silly, feeling the strong heartbeat of the man under him, as well as his tiny eyes.

And the breath he exhaled, she was a little confused. Until, after the small 18 from behind shocked, erupted a burst of crazy laughter.

"Ha ha, let your adults see my joke. Now the retribution is coming. Tut Tut, so are you, who are actually forced to lie down. Ha ha... I'm so happy. "

Not far away, two bodyguards of Teal Blue son are totally ignorant and don't know how to react.

"Ah, I'm sorry. Are you ok. I, did I crush you? "

Chen nianran hurriedly climbed up in embarrassment.

As soon as the warmth left him, Sima Qian'an was eager to come back.


As soon as he handed it, he realized that it was not right. Stuck in the air, he got up with a carp. Pat the grass on your body.

"Ha, this is the strength of our men. Let's pick it. What about you? Go and pick wild vegetables. "

Chen nianran can't argue with them any more. It's embarrassing for her to stay where she is just now. Turn around, put the two blue vegetables together, and then press, this is to carry the blue son to one side.

"Be careful. Don't fall down like me in a moment. There will be some fun."

Looking at her back, Sima Qian squints. Just now, he really wanted to hold her until the end of time.

When we meet, why are we married.

At this time, he felt the hurt of this sentence.

Chen nianran was very upset. He felt that he was a woman, and he had two children. How could he still be so unreliable. I'm in a huddle with men. What if I let others see it?

What would Sima Qian'an think of her?

Fidgety, she suddenly felt that she had to stay away from these young men in the future. Otherwise, in case

Dare not think deeply, Chen nianran is a little upset to pick wild vegetables. At the moment, she is not as interested as she was at the beginning.

Without Chen nianran, little eighteen has no energy to pick fruit. Moreover, he thought the fruit was too astringent and not delicious. In order to call the bodyguard to pick, and he ran to adhere to Chen nianran.

"Eh, there are straw mushrooms here. Hurry to pick mushrooms with me. It's really delicious. I'll cook it for you in the evening. Unfortunately, there's no fresh meat here. If there is, let's make a mushroom soup with this. It's delicious. "

Fresh wild mushroom soup, cooked with meat, this is the best match.

Think of the past life, want to eat some one foot Ru soup, it's so expensive. In this original ecological place, I'm afraid this mushroom soup will be better to eat.

Small eighteen this food, once heard that this small Ru son is delicious, also followed honestly picked up.

After that, Sima Qian'an heard that the Ru Zi was going to be served with fresh meat, so he turned his eyes and went away with a piece of wood.

He doesn't need to use special bows and arrows. He only needs to have tree sticks or stones in his hands. Once he meets prey, he can eat meat naturally.

Fortunately, Sima Qian'an soon hit a rabbit. Imagining that easy to satisfy little woman, looking at the rabbit she brought back, and then making the sweet soup with her own hands, he suddenly felt that, in fact, it's good to have a home. Having a warm woman seems to be a good thing.

As he imagined, when he appeared in front of the two with the rabbit, Chen nianran rushed over excitedly.

"Ha ha, little eighteen, rabbit, rabbit meat. Tut Tut, we have a good time tonight. In a moment, I'll provide you with rabbit meat and grass soup, and then make a rabbit stewed with wild tree roots. "

When it comes to the roots of wild trees, Sima Qian'an sees two bodyguards not far away, they are planing hard. It seems that what Chen nianran said about tree roots should be this kind of thing.

Sima Qian'an was surprised when he saw the big root coming out.

"This is a kind of Wild Medicine root. It's said that this kind of root can be used as a tonic. Are 18 young people sure to eat it? "

"It's OK. I'm rolling a fire clearing leaf. After a while, I'll eat it, and then let little eighteen drink some of this soup."

Chen nianran hurriedly answers. On her pale face, there is a lock of hair sticking, and there is a leaf on her head.

Sima Qian'an looked at the itch of her hand and reached for the leaves on her brain.


However, Chen nianran dodged, took the opportunity to step back, and then took off the leaf awkwardly.

"Ha ha, this, my head has become a grassy nest."

Looking at her dodging eyes, Sima Qian'an's eyes are gloomy.

She, in the end, is taboo to him.

It's late, too. We dare not stay on the island for long. However, Chen nianran suggested that it would not rain today anyway, so it's better to cook a meal in this isolated island. I'll go back to the boat and sleep later.

Whatever, the big guy can stay on the island a little longer.

In fact, she still likes to stand on land. It is not easy to find such an island in the course of sailing.

This call was immediately answered by all. Especially the old city Lord, who is also a dry duck, likes people on land.

Xiaoqiao sends people to take the stove on the spot, and the cook cooks on the boat.

The men are in charge of the leizaotai, some of them go hunting. I hope I can have a good time at night.

Chen nianran and a few women and girls choose to eat.

There are a lot of wild vegetables and vegetable roots picked up today. They can make do with the wild food.

Local materials, although the material is a little less, but Chen nianran still want to do as much as possible to enrich some.

When disembarking from the ship, some people used nets to catch many fish and shrimps. These landlords, who have no outsiders to stop, are rich in fish and shrimp.

Fortunately, I also fished for some river crabs.

There are cold and hot dishes. When Chen nianran stews the stove on the yegentai, plus the bunny Ding, the fragrance is far away from the island, and slanders the people on the island.

Just then, the hunter came back in the dark. One by one cried excitedly, "what a big wild sheep! There is wild mutton to eat tonight. Ha ha, I'm still worried about what I don't have to eat tonight. I didn't want to have such a wild sheep. "

Chen nianran is also excited.

You know, it's not good luck to be able to play wild sheep on such an island.

The blood of wild sheep was also used by Chen nianran, who put salt to boil a pot of wild sheep soup.

Yangchang Yangdu and other sundries, after being cleaned up, made a pot of mutton soup.

Mutton, thighs are used for baking.

As for some broken bones, they will be collected and put on the ship, and stewed in soup tomorrow.

A sheep, 20 people on board, although grudging to eat, is also a good fortune.

Sima Qian'an is in a good mood. Seeing that Chen nianran likes a lot of people, he also orders not to be their master's food alone. Everyone eats the same. In this way, the whole crew is excited.

We should know that the superiority and inferiority of this era are still very strict. It's the talk of the future to be able to have dinner with a prince like Sima Qian'an.

Everyone is happy to drink, dance and eat.

Listen to the insects chirping and watching Chen nianran take a group of cooks to cook soup and barbecue.

Little eighteen was running around in the distance. Occasionally, there was a happy laugh or two. Occasionally, sparks crackled. In the air, there is a strong smell of eating.