The Farming Little Girl

C222: I'sm really wrong

Looking at the little six sisters who are quietly drawing in the room, Chen nianran's eyebrows are wrinkled tightly. Six younger sister's matter son does not solve, this matter son eventually is not easy to do.

Congxiang took Ah Fu away. When the child left, there was no birthmark on his face.

At that time, she was still thinking that if she could let Grandma see her son, she would be so beautiful and lovely now, just afraid that she would regret it. But ancient people's idea, sometimes you just can't get over it.

In their eyes, that person is a monster, so even if it is better, I'm afraid it will also be a monster. With congealing incense, she claimed that the child was her own sister.

At that time, the uncle sent the children. In order to prevent being found by the people in the big room later, Chen nianran also did some remedial work.

Even the girls whose mental skills are not very clear, hong'er dare to let them know.

Everything else in the border city is on track. Some of the women at home, as well as the beauty salon's Fuya, are still taking over.

However, no major events can take place in this period of time. If they do, with their ability, they may not be able to stand alone.

There are quite a lot of people who want to leave. At this time, Chen nianran felt more and more that he lacked a powerful help.

"Well, some of the children in this orphanage can do it. Although these children are sincere, their flexibility is not good. As for the steward, he has to choose one who is smart and loyal. Ordinary guys are easy to find. It's really hard to find smart and loyal managers. "

With the development of business, high-quality talents are in urgent need.

Now Chen nianran has such a feeling. She feels more and more that she will expand in the future. This city has no effective management. How can she start.

"If there's something suitable along the way, look at it."

In this way, Chen nianran also made people prepare some gifts, specialties and so on.

While she was packing, the Dalang family started.

The reason is very simple. The little widow that Da Lang is looking for even colludes with other men. This matter, unexpectedly very unlucky, let Uncle Chen Ziming to bump into.

Because of too much anger, Da Lang's daughter-in-law and the shopkeeper who sold incense were beaten by Chen Ziming. Even in this way, Chen Ziming didn't swallow this tone. In the first time, he rushed the two men to the city Lord's mansion

"Girl, you said da Lang, why did you find such a woman? Alas, my family is unhappy. My family is unhappy. "

Da Lang kept his head down in shame. He really has no face now.

When he was nearly twenty years old, he was blinded by a woman. At last, she wore a green hat.

He can't raise his head to be a man.

Chen nianran's heart is choking with a bad smile.

In fact, she was the one who let Chen Ziming catch up with her mother-in-law's affair with others.

In this case, she caused a bad child in the middle.

What's more, it's the woman's own fault.

As early as before, Chen nianran heard that the women were chewing their tongues, saying that the Dalang family was close to the manager of a certain powder shop.

Chen nianran is going to the capital. He is afraid of the loss of Chen Ziming and Dalang. He is waiting for the woman to give birth to the child. Later, Chen's family will not have to wear a green hat.

So she stared at the woman.

If there is any collusion between her and the manager of the powder shop, I will report it immediately. Coincidentally, on the first day that she was about to leave, the woman actually got in touch with the shopkeeper.

While they were rolling in the bed, Chen nianran had sent someone to call Chen Ziming back.

Of course, that's a good excuse.

Because of this, as soon as Chen Ziming came back, he saw such a wonderful one.

"Uncle, you should be glad that the woman and the manager of the powder shop were discovered early. If it's late, you say, do you recognize or not recognize the baby in her belly? "

At this point, Chen Ziming, who was hit hard, raised his head again. "Girl, what do you mean by that?"

Chen nianran coughed and glanced at Dalang sympathetically. "According to the result of the interrogation of the Lord, the woman's child is not Dalang's."

Originally learning to have a little bit of thinking, Da Lang heard that the child is not his own, and that heart, completely cool and gray.

He red eyes, suddenly kneeling in front of Chen Ziming.

"Dad, hit me and scold me. I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. Later, I will look at such a good face mother-in-law to find it back. I am not a human being. In my life, I will not find a woman, Dad, I will not find it... "

Looking at the crying son of the tearful man, all the anger of Chen Ziming was gone.

He sighed and helped up his son.

"Da Lang, remember later that women are looking for them. However, you have to find a wife. Instead of just looking for someone who looks good on the surface. This time, it's a profound lesson for you. My father believes that you, man, especially man, are not infallible. "

"Dad, I know. I'll change it. I'll change it later."

Looking at the father and son mixed together, Chen nianran was very pleased.

At this time, Chen Ziming also looked at Chen nianran with a smile, "girl, I can see that your business is getting bigger and bigger. In the future, it's also a good future. Let's talk about it yourself

Chen nianran did not understand, and Da Lang looked at her with shame.

"But girl, to be honest, in fact, I thought before that mother-in-law's incident that I might as well follow you to manage this shop instead of making a fuss on my own outside. I have no other skills, but I have some management skills. If you don't dislike it, let me help you manage the affairs of this border town for the time being. You may as well go to the capital to find the old five. It's useless for me to be a brother. I've caused you a lot of trouble before. Don't block me... "

Make trouble for a long time, early in their own sorrow, this father and son in the eyes, early thought to share for her. For a while, Chen nianran was also wet with tears.

She held the hands of the father and son, and could not speak any more.

To tell you the truth, after crossing into Chen nianran's body, she met the unfortunate best parents.

But also met a lot of good people. For example, uncle's family. For example, the city Lord and his wife

For example, congealing fragrance and so on

Life is not full of gloom. It depends on how you deal with those hardships actively when you encounter gloom. In the past, the sky was clear.

In the shortest time, Chen nianran entrusted the family affairs to Da Lang. As for the strange man camp, she did not tell him or let him take over it out of prudence and for the sake of the Dalang family.

Anyway, there are demons in that place. In fact, the woman is smart.

She is going to develop the demon into the steward of blacksmith camp.

As for the beauty salon, happy girl.

Other shops also have powerful girls and women.

What Dalang has to do is to supervise these shops and make emergency response and measures when encountering things.

Chen nianran wants to worry about the matter of little six younger sister when he entrusts everything properly.

"Ah, this little six has to be watched by familiar people. So, girl, I don't think it's a matter for six stops to go on like this. Why don't you let the doll aunt look after you. I think that aunt is very patient. It's very good for the rolls. I want to come. She'll be good for liuya then. "

Chen Ziming's aunt doll is actually the aunt in the workshop.

Aunt fang'er, she took the rolls with her during this period of time, and the two children could make love with Chen nianran miraculously again. For this reason, Chen nianran feels more and more that it's not the red boy that children can't live without, but the passive hands and feet of children.

However, she hasn't found out how passive the child is. In order to protect herself, she had to entrust the children to honger and aunt Fang.

In fact, she wanted Auntie Fang to take the two children with her. But they also have grandchildren.

She can't force her children to be left at home, so she has to let honger and aunt Fang take care of it. Now add another six children. Aunt Fang's burden is getting heavier and heavier.

However, what she didn't expect was to talk about liuya with her aunt Fang that night.

"Oh, I said that the boss is easy to handle. I just want to see one more girl. The six girls are very quiet. I don't think they are the master of things. No problem. In fact, I want to say that she is very close to the two children. In front of the children, I don't think she is fortified. Let her stay with the children more. I'm not sure which day will be better. Don't worry, I'll take the job. My daughter-in-law, knowing that I work for you, simply dismissed other jobs and left them at home with my grandson. After that, I will give all my efforts to help you look at these three children. It's hard to care for the two small ones... "

Aunt Fang also knew that the two children were strange to Chen.

After taking over this time, she didn't let Hong and I get close to each other. Even if she has a job, she is also asked to wash clothes or do other things. She stared so hard that she could hold the baby. This is enough to show that the girl, hong'er, has a bad mind.

"Well, I'll ask aunt Fang for you."

"Don't say that. If it wasn't for you, my family would have been suffering outside. You don't know. As soon as I say that the whole family put your shop to work, those old neighbors are all envious. Please come to my little grandma's fuze. I used to have a family affair that I didn't see very well. Now it's settled. "

When it comes to the marriage of her youngest son, aunt Fang looks very happy.

Chen nianran saw that she was so happy, but he also asked, "how to say?"

She also knows that Aunt Fang has a deaf child.