The Farming Little Girl

C220: Purpose

In order to save himself, he can only get to know the woman in the air as well as he can. As for the extent of utilization, of course, there is a degree

He could not commit himself to such a woman and realize the dream of freedom.

It's not that a woman can do things with her eyes closed. He's not such a man!

Since childhood, she has been hurt by a woman. For a strange woman, Zhou Aoxuan's inner Lord has always been in a state of exclusion. It was Chen nianran who cured him of the problem. If it wasn't for her, he couldn't believe he would have a woman.

Today's Zhou Aoxuan, only thinking about some old things before, can he have fighting power. Otherwise, he is afraid that such a life in prison will torture people's will long ago.

"Xuan, this is the wine specially brewed by Nanshan Lingquan. You have to taste it."

Today's Zhou ruoyuan deliberately dressed simple, but also described the fine makeup. The whole person looks a little bit like Chen nianran. A little bit more capable. Looking at her like this, Zhou Aoxuan's eyes are more lonely.

It can be seen from her make-up that the woman has investigated herself.

He tried to think about who he was?

Who is it? The organization that will come out and imprison him here. What makes him incomprehensible is that this woman always gives him a kind of vaguely familiar illusion.

He is not afraid of the wine. Minyi, staring at the woman in front of her, asked casually, "we've seen it before."

Very sure, but listen to Zhou ruoyuan excited.

She looked up and stared at Zhou Aoxuan with brilliant eyes. "Yes, we have seen it, but you have to think about it yourself."

"So it's your hand that keeps me here. Can you tell me your real name? "

Zhou ruoyuan was silent for a while, thinking that after a while, the man would also know his name, because she told him generously, "in fact, I just invite you to drink and be a guest for a while. Soon you will be free. I'm a little worried about what I said about imprisonment. Zhou ruoyuan. "

Zhou Aoxuan nodded indifferently, "it's still my family name, I can understand We are a family? "

Zhou ruoyuan clenched his fist and didn't answer, but expressed his default.

"I can't see that we are a family. Now I wonder if I would have been in that small town not far from the desert. Once upon a time, there was a man similar to me who was imprisoned by a family. That time, it was also your masterpiece. From the beginning, you were following me and my wife, woman. What are you doing? Don't tell me, you just want to meet me and talk about it? "

He sneered, a cold light passing by. Zhou ruoyuan shivered. Always, Zhou Aoxuan is not a cat to be trampled by others. Today, he shows his ferocity. But she is not afraid, because she has already had the assurance, if not, how can be at this time to Zhou Aoxuan showdown face-to-face.

"You are a wise man. I believe you understand that if I wanted to do something to you, you would not be able to sit like this for a long time. My goal is really simple. I just want to chat with you and see you occasionally. " Zhou ruoyuan said the deep feeling, a pair of long and narrow Phoenix eyes, but also contains a little resentment.

If you don't know, you should treat this woman as a resentful woman who has been abandoned.

Zhou Aoxuan's inner sneer and expression are still the same. He got up. "Woman, don't play with fire too much."

"Well, yeah, playing with fire * *, that's not good, but I'm not playing with fire, I'm just playing with some I just like the game. I heard that your wife There's been some action recently. It has to be said that she is a very courageous person who will change after losing you... "

But it can arouse men's curiosity even more.

Zhou Aoxuan admits that when he hears Chen nianran's news, he can't leave. This woman is the one he cares about.

Turning around, Zhou Aoxuan sat proudly in front of Zhou ruoyuan. "She's the only woman I have. What about her?"

Zhou ruoyuan suddenly stopped smiling and looked at him calmly.

"Well, actually, I don't like to go around like this. So you're tired, so am I. Well, I like to do simple things.

I bet you'll come back to me in a year. Of course, in this year, I will do something for you to bring you back. "

Zhou Aoxuan's jaw head, "OK."

"That's how you decide without hesitation! Are you not afraid to lose? " He answered too simply, but let Zhou ruoyuan some uncertainty.

"It's not worth my hesitation. Because you're going to lose. My feelings with her can't be destroyed if you want to. You don't know her, much less me. " This woman, self righteous to understand themselves and ran ran, where she came from self-confidence.

The amber eyes of the glass color contracted sharply, and Zhou ruoyuan made a cold splash. "Since I was a child, I have been used to the love, hate and hatred of my family. Don't tell me that there are no real lovers in the world. Yes, it's just real power, and so on. What are you and her? Love? Bullshit, but in the right time, together, do a not lonely thing. After a while, the so-called accommodation between you two will become the resulting weakness. I'm waiting for a year. You know me again and run into my arms. Stay a little longer, I think, and you'll be free. "

"Oh OK. " Zhou Aoxuan turns around, he is a little confused, this woman let him go so easily?

He was imprisoned for the reason that he was alone with him for a period of time, and how to listen to it all felt that the reason was too far fetched.

"One more thing, these days I hope you can get along with me as much as possible. Accompany me to eat, chat, watch the stars, blow, do everything, make me happy If you can't, I can't let you go after a few days... "

Sure enough, the woman has a purpose.

Zhou Aoxuan sneers and nods stiffly, "OK."

The next day, Zhou ruoyuan looked out of the window early in the morning.

"Mammy, do you think he'll be fooled?"

"Of course, miss, he will be deceived. You've done this to him. Can he not relax his vigilance. As long as he drinks the Gu tea, you can control it later. Of course, the reason why such a one-year plan is put forward is only to let him have some good feelings for you. The way of the husband and wife, if they can get along peacefully, it's still good. If you have to force him to comply, it's because of your husband and wife's love. It's not good... "

Zhou ruoyuan sighed, "so, this year, I can only watch it?"

"It's not all looking at my young lady. This time, you're in control of their couple. At that time, they will separate for each other's sake. Take heart, O you, and let them go. We will succeed in this matter. "

Listen to Mammy's words, Zhou ruoyuan's heart is a little wider. She loves lowly, also loves carefully. More for love, desperate. But even if she is laughed at by the world, it doesn't matter. Who says, she really loves that man.

I have tried to like other men in the past, but no one can arouse her inner passion. Her possession tells her that she can't live a peaceful life without Zhou Aoxuan.

"Mammy, I'll get him. I'll take that woman's place, won't I?"

"Yes, silly boy, you will succeed. Don't think about it. Just let him go for a while, just to tighten him up."



In the palace of the capital, the emperor looked at the memorial in his hand. For a while, he couldn't respond.

There is not only a memorial, but also a clear painting.

Prince Liu, the eunuch who came to invite the emperor to enter the meal, saw him staring at the picture and saying nothing. "Your Highness, I have entered the meal."

Looking up, the emperor saw that there were two ministers not far away. He waved, "Luo Xiang, Chen Xiang, you two come here. I'll show you this picture and guess which city it is."

When the two prime ministers heard that the emperor was so interested, they hastened to join them even if the meal was not in.

Looking at each other on the left, he first got tangled up and then speculated. "Look at the architectural style. It's really different. It's very standard and neat. Looking at the appearance of the small courtyard, it has some southern characteristics. Is it not a city in the south? "

The emperor smiled but said nothing. He looked right. The right side also studies the city in the painting.

"According to my subordinates, some of the people above are covered with facial masks. It seems that In the border desert. But how can people in the border desert build such beautiful houses? As far as I know, there are only tents in these places. In order to facilitate the coming war anytime and anywhere, these people are living in tents. Eh, no, there are still bricks here? "

When they saw the bricks of the building, neither of the ministers spoke.

You know, bricks are only used by the royal family.

"You worry too much. This is the red brick used by the people, not the blue brick used by our royal courtyard. Just this city, isn't it beautiful? "

"That is, if the expansion is large, it can be said that it is comparable to our current capital. I don't know where it is in such a beautiful city? Emperor, you'd better tell the minister to wait. "

The right minister asked flatteringly, which not only flattered the emperor, satisfied the upper level of the show off, but also let him secretly flatter him just right.

Zuo Xiang began to think about it on the spot. If he flattered him, wouldn't he get benefits. If you can't, you have to hurry up At present, he turned his eyes and asked, "yes, yes, emperor, you can quickly say, where is the city? Let's go to the capital. Maybe we can find the people who built the city and improve it. At that time, we went to the capital is also a beautiful city, how beautiful! When the Quartet comes to drive, tut Who dares to say that our going to the capital is not good-looking or grand? I'll take a look at the siheyuan. It's a grand building. "