The Farming Little Girl

C218: Delicious peaches

The little one came slowly and said politely, "good grandmother."

"Well, well, well, the child is still a polite child. Tell me, why are you here alone? Where's Da Cong? "

"Go back to grandma, my aunt. She's gone. She brought me in to pick two peaches to eat, but my aunt turned around and disappeared."

"Oh, that's it."

The eyes of the old ancestor rest on the child's slightly short jacket and a little thin face. They look at each other with Mrs. Liu. They all have some guesses, but it's hard to say.

"Ah, help me, please forgive me. My nephew has been hungry all day. He will starve to death if he doesn't give any more food. I want two broken peaches to satisfy my hunger. Please, senior officials, I really don't have money. I can't pick up peaches to eat... "

Just then, a female voice came from afar.

As soon as the child heard it, he rushed out crying.

"Auntie, auntie, here comes the watermelon. The watermelon doesn't eat peaches I won't eat any more. I'm not hungry at all. "

The steps of the old ancestor can't help but follow outside. This is a private garden, which can only be arrived by the appointed people.

Ordinary people like you are not allowed to enter without special permission. It seems that this kid named watermelon sneaks in with his aunt and wants to pick some peaches to satisfy his hunger.

"Oh, I heard that there was a flood in Meizhou, and many people escaped. It's estimated that there will be many people coming to our place. "

Those two people are also from Meizhou. Mrs. Liu can hear them, and the ancestors can also hear them.

"Well, take a look." The eyebrows of the old ancestor are clustered together. She could not put up the same child as her grandson. Always think, looking at this child, then thought of Zhou Aoxuan when he was little.

At that time, how clever he was. In order to survive in the mansion, he relied on her tree.

Until he grew up and had his own business outside. If it wasn't for the house service later, the child would be his good grandson.

But later, because that woman, this grandson's heart, is no longer complete.

His revolt against her became more and more intense. Think of here, the old ancestor of Chen nianran hate, inexplicably on a higher level.

The housewife who is used to controlling, once the person who cares most has someone else, she will feel that her sky has collapsed. To those who take away their beloved, they hate even more. At this time, the ancestors hated Chen nianran for a reason

In the garden guarding area, two garden guards are beating a woman. Look, this woman is also young.

As soon as the watermelon boy saw the woman, he started running forward crying.

"Auntie, auntie, don't hit my auntie, don't you..."

"Watermelon don't come here, my watermelon, you don't hit him."

The child was stopped by the gardener and flopped out. The old ancestor was frightened and hurried. "Stop it."

As soon as the gardener saw that they were a group of well maintained rich women dressed up, he was afraid to meet them.

"It turns out that it's the wife of the Zhou family. This is why we help the owner to watch the garden. The master has orders not to let the untouchables in. These people? "

"Where is this bitch? This is from the garden. Watermelon, help your aunt here and go with grandma. "

This call, watermelon and the woman on the ground all understand.

"Yes, yes, we are here for the old lady. You guys misunderstood. " The woman quickly explained.

The old lady saw that she was also a sensible person, so she secretly began to bite.

The garden keeper didn't want to worry too much. He was given face by the people of the Zhou mansion, so naturally he didn't care too much.

"De Le, I don't know it's the old lady's family. This is a misunderstanding. Here are some peaches. Take them with you."

The gardener was also a wise man. He immediately handed some peaches to watermelon.

The little watermelon didn't take it, but buried its head in the arms of the old ancestor.

"Grandpa, I don't eat them."

With the gas of the end of the words, but also to swallow the saliva. It's a pain to my ancestors.

"OK, OK. Let's not eat what they gave us. Later, my grandfather will pick more peaches for you. Let's have a full meal."

Looking at the old grandfather like this, and then at the child who looks like the little hero of the fifth young master, she sighs. I'm afraid that this boy will become the new favorite of the Zhou family.

With the influence of the Zhou family, it's just a small matter to take in such a pair of orphans and nephews who have nowhere to go.

"Grandpa, the peaches you picked are big and delicious. The watermelon is lovely. Lao Zu, you can eat it, too. "

Watermelon is full of peach juice, but I don't forget to ask my grandfather to eat it. In this way, the old father's heartache of the liver and the flesh called.

She caressed the watermelon's hair lovingly, "well, eat more watermelon, and the watermelon will eat the same part of the old ancestor."

At the end of the day, watermelon stuffed the peach into the woman's hand.

"Auntie, you eat too. You haven't eaten in two days. This peach is very sweet. "

The woman held the peach in her hand, chewed the tears and flowers, buried her head, and slowly began to chew the peach. Clearly hungry tight, edible, but very slow. It can be seen that this woman is also a cultured person.

"You, come here, and I'll ask you something."

Looking at the two aunts and nephews, the grandfather thought they were a cultured family. Anyway, the Zhou family also needs a young man and a minion. She has no problem adding these two more people. The key is that watermelon is so cute.

I've seen the old lady. "

When the woman met the ancestor alone, she would kneel and kowtow.

The ancestor pulled out the bead in his hand, "are you?"

"Back to our ancestors, we are from Meizhou. Because some children suffered from the disaster, our sister-in-law went to borrow money from relatives outside to spend the day. I didn't think I met a group of mountain bandits when I went there. My sister-in-law is said to have been kidnapped. Now I don't know how to live or die. I had to take the child with me to beg for food. Today... I'm really hungry. I want to try my luck and pick up some rotten peaches to eat... "

Speaking of the back, the woman dropped her head. Although she is also a ragged person, her face, neck and other places are also relatively clean.

"Before, your family had a good life. I think you are also a cultured person, not like that rude and ignorant mountain woman."

"Back to the old lady, my sister-in-law is a good person. She has also read and read. She has taught me to know some words with watermelon and some courteous things."

At the head of Laozu's jaw, he was quite satisfied and said, "just in time, I'm the ancestor of Zhoufu. If you and watermelon have nowhere to go, just follow me back to the mansion. Watermelon, just stay with Laozu and me. As for you, Mrs. Chen, go back and arrange for this woman. "

The young woman, though looking young, was dressed as a woman.

After the event, when Mrs. Chen asked, she knew where the man was getting married. However, in the time of escape, for convenience, he intentionally pulled a woman's hair around her.

"Hong'er left, just in time, you will take her place, starting with the third-class girl. If you do well, you will be promoted directly to the first-class girl."

Mrs. Chen also knows that this girl, in fact, was recruited into the mansion by the appearance of watermelon. With the watermelon layer, this girl, sooner or later, will be loved by the old ancestors.

She is a woman in charge of affairs. It's better to make friends with such a promising person than to embarrass a girl who just came here.

"Thank you, mother. You are really our benefactor."

"By the way, what's your name? I can't call it the aunt of watermelon

"My name is Wanqing. You can call me aunt watermelon directly. I think it's nice to hear watermelon

"Well, it depends on you. Call you watermelon aunt. The child is very sensible."

Looking at the gate of Zhou's mansion, aunt watermelon sneered and lowered her eyelashes. She successfully entered the Zhou mansion

As little grandma guessed, watermelon, as soon as she entered Zhoufu, was publicized by people in Zhoufu.

"What, a child who looks like a fifth child came in. How can there be such a similar person in the world?"

"I don't think it's a ghost."

At this time, the young and old granny intervened.

Originally, people in the Zhou Dynasty were covetous for their family business.

Moreover, this week's officials have an unwritten rule, that is, which room comes out first, which means that the people in this room may seize the power to run the family.

To Zhou Aoxuan this generation of people, so far, in addition to the big room has a girl a few years old, other room girls, or very young.

As for the men, I heard that Zhou Aoxuan had a family.

Now if we add another unknown man, the future leader of Zhou's family must belong to Zhou Aoxuan!

After learning about this, the eldest young master of the Zhou family wanted to come to his mother-in-law for details.

"Oh, you asked the old grandfather to bring back the child. I saw it. It's said that it's quite like the old five. I've seen it too. It's really a portrait of * *

This tone, how to listen to also like very happy disaster. The boss didn't like it on the spot.

"I said you're a woman. If you want to put the past behind you, you'll keep talking. How can it be so peaceful today? It's like watching a play. "

The first time the Zhou family boss felt bored. What kind of person is his mother-in-law? He is cleaner than anyone else. But today, this mother-in-law's appearance is irrelevant, abnormal, absolutely abnormal.

"Acerbity, look at what you said, the head of the family. How long have you been missing me? What's more, have you ever been in my room since my child was thrown away? Besides looking for those coquettish foxes, can you think of me? This week's official business, I have a meal to eat, otherwise, it's none of my business. "