The Farming Little Girl

C209: visiting guests

I think that the lady of the city Lord has come close to Chen nianran in this period of time, because she is regarded as a daughter. In this way, many people no longer think.

As for the legend that the Lord of the city and Chen nianran were very close, they would not attack at this time.

"Madam, I see. I see. I think the girl's age is about the same as our little daughter's. Well, it's up to him. Girl, you haven't come to see my godfather! "

Chen nianran was shocked. The couple sang such a song in front of people. It turned out that they were waiting for this incident.

But it's a win-win situation. Chen nianran is not hypocritical.

She knelt and kowtowed respectfully to the couple.

Congxiang had seen such a situation for a long time. He asked people to make tea and serve it.

"Godfather, godmother, this cup of tea is for your daughter. From then on, however, there will be pain and love in this city. However, the girl was bullied, and her heart was in a state of panic. She could also find a ganniang to complain... "

With that, she walked forward on her knees and handed the tea to the Lord.

After hearing Chen nianran's words full of sense and concept, I don't know why the city Lord's nose is a little sour.

By this time, he had no idea.

I am the husband of my daughter, but I was arrested.

And this family, everything, all depend on her in the hard support.

It's so hard for a man to start a business. How good can a woman be?

At this time, the people around seemed to know Chen nianran for the first time.

Usually, they only know that this woman is like a myth.

In this world, there seems to be no business that she did not expect, and no work that she could not make money.

Whenever her mind turned, she would have a lot of ideas and money to send to her door.

In everyone's eyes, she is so easy to succeed.

But today, they can only see it when they listen to her heartfelt exclamation.

In fact, no matter how capable she is, she is just a woman.

Rare, she is in front of people, but always with a smile to meet

Women, it's not easy to start a business, it's more difficult to keep it!

"Son, my good daughter."

Because of her feelings, the lady of the city Lord also thought of her sufferings over the years.

She's not just a woman. When I was young, the Lord of the city would have a heart to choose some concubines and other concubines to enter the mansion.

For example, when I am old this year, I only think about my political achievements, and then I am much more restrained.

Although she has beautiful scenery on the surface, in fact, looking at the concubines and the like in the house will also nag. All along, she suspected that her little daughter was killed by concubines in the mansion.

Because that child is so popular with his wife. That is to say, after the death of the youngest daughter, the husband was a little better to her.

Perhaps it was also because he realized what the concubines had done. Afterwards, I slowly dismissed those concubines with various excuses

So many years, she, what is the re son?

Thinking of the suffering, Mrs. Yi embraces Chen nianran and tears quietly. In the morning of that day, the family recognition spread all over the city.

Therefore, when Chen nianran accompanied the city Lord and his wife to meet the distinguished guests of Fengguo on that day, those present didn't think it was inappropriate.

It's the daughter of the Lord. He is the leader in business.

To do something else is to be good at it. It's good to receive the guests of Fengguo. She will accompany you in such a matter.

Outside the city gate, beside the horse road and the post station, Chen nianran took the hand of the city master's wife and stood under the willow tree.

Today, she is green with a three point smile on her cheek. Qingsi still casually took a little Jill with a jade and gold bead on it.

Simple, yet elegant.

The lady of the city Lord looked at her happily, and then looked at some ladies standing respectfully not far away. Dark medicine Chen nianran's ears.

"Girl, I found that you are the most beautiful and the best to see among the people at the scene."

Chen nianran didn't expect that at this moment, this new woman would pay attention to such things.

She looked around in amazement.

Around here, there are all the ladies with heads and faces standing.

In fact, there are some gorgeous and moving ladies here. She is not outstanding. After all, many women who can be wives of big families and brought out by the masters are not pretty, and they really can't say it.

She burst out.

"Ganniang, look at the spring lady over there. They are famous and beautiful. And that lady yuan, who is also a famous gorgeous person. It's nice of you to look at me. I, even if I don't lose my face here, it's a light stroke. "

Mrs. Yi murmured discontentedly, "those foxes, though beautiful, are less charming. That's you, girl. I think it's a very good one. You ah, to say the facial features and skin looks, that is, a little above the average, really can't afford to be gorgeous. But ah, there's something in your bones that people admire and feel comfortable. This is the most moving place for you, wench. "

Chen nianran was a little surprised at this. Sentiment, this dry Niang is praising oneself to have the sycophant. Thinking like this, Chen nianran couldn't help laughing. But when she saw all the dust in the distance, she quickly stopped smiling.

"Niang, there are people coming. Maybe it's the people from Fengguo who are here. "

Mrs. Yi also hurriedly straightened her clothes. In front of the VIP, they still want to try to keep a decent look.

Come on, it's a team of about ten people.

Although the number is not large, the two cavalry on the front give the feeling of being cold and introverted.

Their cold eyes crossed the people present, so they got off the horse quickly and stood aside respectfully. After a while, some of the riders stopped slowly.

In the middle, there's a carriage.

Chen nianran was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, there was a female guest coming this time.

In her mind, people in Fengguo are famous for their strong folk customs. When will such women go with them. People in this car? I'm afraid it's not easy.

Although thinking like this, Chen nianran glanced at the four men in royal robes in the middle.

A young man in the middle, he looks beautiful.

The age is also double ten years, sword eyebrow, proud nose, thick and thin lips in the shape of the beautiful Zui.

When I see people, I have a three-point bright smile.

A pair of eyes light sweep over, but let a person's whole body quiver again.

Chen nianran stood there, only glanced at by him, and had a sense of seeing through.

She knew that the man was not really following her. It's just a habitual glance.

The man who can have such eyes is the eyes of the superior.

This group of distinguished guests, isn't it?

Chen nianran narrowed his eyes. He was slightly calm, just talking about the distinguished guests and the royal family.

In Chen nianran's mind, in such a border city, Fengguo sent at most a few general ministers and so on. But at this time, it seems that such a young and handsome young man still takes a woman forward

I'm afraid the royal family doubted this identity.

"Ha ha, Lord Zheng, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The comer turned over and dismounted. The bright posture caused a sigh again. In the distance, the eyes of some young ladies could not be mistaken.

Chen nianran glanced at the rows of carriages not far away. Most of them were the ladies and young masters in the city.

The children of this group of people are mostly from afar. After all, this kind of meeting with the guests of the wind country is rare.

In the eyes of these noble children who love to make trouble, such a thing is naturally an eye opening event. It's a good thing to have a better understanding of other countries. Of course, you can't miss it.

Chen nianran holds the lady of the city Lord on one side, with a three-point smile, indifferent and peeping.

In Anyuan, Sima Qian was involuntarily attracted by the beautiful woman dressed in green.

Although they are over fifty years old, the city Lord and his wife have never heard of daughters. Is this their daughter-in-law? However, the daughter-in-law will not come out to meet people. In the great Ruo Dynasty, the most important thing is to pay attention to a kind of false ceremony. They definitely won't let their daughter-in-law show people face to face.

In this way, Sima Qian'an is a little curious about Chen nianran's identity. So when I said hello, I couldn't help looking at her more.

"This one?" The city Lord was not impressed by the beautiful man. He asked Liu emissary of Xiangfeng post station for help.

"Ha ha, this is our master Sima Qian'an. This is our son of the right. "

Liu emissary quickly pointed to a man standing beside Sima Qian'an.

It was introduced that Zheng dai'an, the son of the right phase, hurriedly stood out, embracing his fist with a reserved smile of the superior, "good day, Lord."

Light, not too close, the fact in the aristocratic unique style.

So the vision of all the people was transferred from Sima Qian to the right emissary. Zheng Shao was surrounded by all the people in an instant.

A group of people headed for the city to meet the guests of Fengguo.

Chen nianran as a companion, just with a smile. Mrs. Yi also knows that they don't need to intervene at this time.

Before leaving, people looked at the carriage curiously again. It was strange to say that the carriage had never raised the curtain since it arrived. Are the people in this car shy? Or something?

The people in the carriage were also very strange. At this time, they didn't even want to come down.

Chen nianran and Mrs. Yi have a look at each other, they all think it is incredible.

Let's say that this wind country is a rough country, but it's not a bit of polite hospitality that you don't understand, right?

At the gate of others' City, the master's family came out to meet them and didn't come out of the carriage.

Mrs. Yi's face, some can't hang.

If their group of female guests did not come to meet them, maybe all this can be explained.