The Farming Little Girl

C194: special gifts

Qin Wengui came forward embarrassed, "Niang, this, this Children... The child is a little frustrated. You'd better not watch it. It seems that the child is not very good "

the ancestor was angry on the spot.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The child has been damaged. Please call a doctor. Come, bring me the baby! "

She stared at the child in Mammy's arms. The mammy struggled to see Zhou peiran, then Qin Wengui, and finally Zhou peiran sighed.

"Don't look at it, mother. This child It's kind of weird. "

The old ancestor stopped working. He would hit people when he started to use crutches.

"It's a strange place for a child born just now. I've seen countless children, but I don't think any of them will be dirty. Hurry up and bring the child to me."

Zhou peiran saw that he couldn't stop it, so he sighed and stood aside.

The old mother brought the child and delivered it tremblingly to the old ancestor.

"Oh, my dear grandson. The old ancestor came to hug me. They dare to say that you are a monster. These people are really getting mixed up. Come, come, hold... "

Seeing the black fingerprint of the child in my arms, the words of my ancestors suddenly stopped.

The hands seemed to be bitten by a snake, and immediately drew back and grabbed Zhou peiran.

"Son, son, this is the child born by Dafang?"

Qin Wengui's face was white and white, and she rushed to the old ancestor with tears.

"Niang, Niang, this child is a monster. It's a monster. What can I do now? If it is known that such a monster has been born to our Zhou family, it will be amazing. "

At this time, she and her son have been fighting together: This grandson, can not want.

They can't bear the reputation of the monster. Besides, it's not pleasant. Even if the grandson is gone, there will be countless concubines in the room and so on.

As long as the Zhou family doesn't fall down and how many offspring he wants, it's not a matter of minutes.

The idea of "face first" prevailed over the idea of wanting a grandson. At this time, Qin Wengui completely abandoned the new grandson.

"What to do, what to do? Again... Bring me the baby again. "

The old ancestor was also terrified.

At such a long age, of course, she knows what she will eventually face when she gives birth to such a freak.

It will be endless jokes. Even the grandchildren in the family who have not yet married will be questioned.

If people question the feng shui of Zhou family, it's really miserable.

When the child came back, the old patriarch saw the black mark of the child clearly, and she fell back in pain on the sandalwood chair.

"This child is the legendary Black Ghost mark. Such devil birthmark can't be left. This child, our Zhou family, can't have it. "

"Niang, what is the Black Ghost mark?" Asked Zhou peiran, puzzled.

The old ancestor closed his eyes and trembled with anger.

"Alas, my family is unfortunate. Nigger, it's a special legend in our area. There used to be a saying that people in our area were all reincarnated by demons and ghosts. The worst is the nigger.

As long as it touches your hand, it can infect you with ghost gas. Once infected with ghost gas, the whole family will be infected.

This kind of devil mark can't be left. Throw it away, kid. Throw it away as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, find a family and give some money to raise. Let's... Never leave a child with the mark of a nigger. This kind of child has been wronged in his previous life, and this life comes to collect debts. In a word, this kind of ghost child is a great misfortune

The old ancestor was very sad and his teeth were itchy.

In front of her younger brother's face, the first thing she chose was family face.

The mother holding the baby heard several people in charge of the family saying this, and knew that the child could not be protected.

Fortunately, the ancestor didn't say that he was going to drown the child. It was because of the young master in his arms that he could have a glimmer of life.

She hesitated for a moment and fell on her knees with the child in her arms.

"Master, ancestor, madam, this child is the flesh and blood of our Zhou family. Why don't you let me take her out and raise her. The old slave is old, and he can't do much in this house. Later, I will take care of the child. I swear, as long as you don't agree, I won't bring the child back to meet people. "

Several people in a trance all looked at each other.

Zhou's father and son even touched their heads.

In the end, both the father and the son came to the conclusion that it was better for the child to be executed.

"Mammy, don't worry about this child. We'll find someone to deal with it. Go down and serve grandma. : "

Zhou peiran displeased and ordered that the murderous intention in her eyes could make her heart cool to the bottom.

She retreated in a tangled way, but hurriedly found uncle mavuro.

This man is also the uncle Zhou Aoxuan asked to take care of Chen nianran.

However, Chen nianran did not use him at the beginning.

"Three uncles, if the master asks you to deal with a child, please..."

She finished in a hurry and scooped out a large ingot of silver and forced it into uncle Sanshu's arms.

"This child, please. Remember, go to find the fifth young master. It's said that the fifth young grandma is with him. Only by finding the two of them can the child survive."

Luo Sanshu wants to refuse, however, Mammy can't help but turn around and go.

That night, uncle mavuro was found by the housekeeper.

"Don't look at the contents of this box. You just have to throw him to the bottom of the cliff of Wangfu cliff."

Listening to the faint cry from inside, uncle Luo shuddered.

The Butler gave him a meaningful glance. "You should also be clear about the things in the mansion. Some things should be asked. Some things, you have to pretend that you don't know at all. Even if you know it, you have to pretend. "

Uncle Luo nodded quickly. "OK, OK, I'll do it. You can see."

Carrying the blue son dressed in the child, uncle Luo thought, what's the matter? It's also a child.

Instead of throwing it under the cliff like this, it's better to really follow Mammy's idea and send the child to the fifth young master Take it as a merit.

So think about it, Luo Sanshu is no longer tangled, but sent the child to Chen Zitong's place.

Chen Zitong is just about to close the door, while Guan Shuyuan on one side is pulling out the abacus beads.

"His father, you said that Da Lang and his girl have been to the edge of the desert for so long, why haven't they sent a letter back?"

"Why hasn't someone sent me a message? Some time ago, I brought you back. I don't think your son sent a message. Astringent, this stinky boy, went outside and forgot us to be parents. Ah, raise a white eyed wolf. "

Guan Shuyuan also said bitterly, "what's going on? Alas, I don't feel down at the thought that something will happen to the child. It's the same with Dalang. I haven't settled with that girl in the north of the city for such a long time. It's really nice to see that girl. "

The girl in the north of the city, they are also optimistic.

Chen Zitong, in particular, is optimistic about the girl's flexibility, practicality and sincerity.

However, after the last time Dalang came back, those who had not yet come and the next hirer went to the matchmaker's door, and the boy left in a hurry.

For this matter, Chen Zitong is not less in front of Guan Shuyuan.

"Come on, I think this kid is running wild. We don't care about his business. "

Guan Shuyuan answered listlessly, "it's better to be really simple. You don't know. I went to the north of the city today. Other girls also ask about our Dalang. I think her girl means that she is still waiting for us to have a big Lang. Alas, what a good marriage it is! I was delayed by Da Lang's departure. "

They said with a long hiss and a sigh, and they were still inserting the door plank, with one hand inserted horizontally.

"Lao Chen, Lao Chen, don't close the door. It's me. It's me. Let me in."

At this time, the shop is usually inserted with one door panel and one door panel.

At the moment, Guan Shuyuan had only one plank left in the door. I didn't think someone would come back.

I pulled out the door plank and saw that it was Uncle Luo carrying a blue son.

"Oh, isn't this uncle San? Why, he came to give us a big blue gift. Don't be so polite. We can't stand such a heavy ceremony. "

She is teasing him, but Uncle Luo is embarrassed.

You know, this kid in the blue is a life. It's really for the family.

Seeing that his face was not very good, Chen Zitong scolded Guan Shuyuan. "You are a woman. Don't tell me the truth. Our three uncles have come so hard that they can make tea quickly."

"No, don't brew, big sister, you stay. Come on, I really sent you a special gift. This, you You can do well. "

Luo Sanshu hesitates and beckons Chen Zitong to insert the door plate.

Looking at Luo San's tangled complexion, Chen Zitong has a premonition that the blue one is not a simple thing.

Then quickly put in the door plate.

At this time, Guan Shuyuan also heard a faint voice coming from the blue son.

She listened to the tiny cat like baby crying, and asked in horror, "this is not a born child in here, is it?"

If this is the case directly, it's a little too scary.

"Ah, this is really guessed by the elder sister. The child... "

Uncle Luo opens the blue son and reveals the children inside.

A half old cotton padded jacket wrapped around the child was abandoned when he was born. He could not drink a mouthful of milk. At this time, he was hungry and shriveled.

Even the sound of crying is as weak as a kitten.

Guan Shuyuan picked up the child and said, "Oh, who has thrown the child away. Come on, come on, I'll hold you. "

Luo San originally wanted to be frank and lenient, saying that the child was a very young grandmother.

But I think that the child will finally be sent to Zhou Aoxuan. If I say the source of the child, I'm afraid Chen nianran will treat him badly.

And then he stood there with a good face.