The Farming Little Girl

C192: confusion

Zhou Dazhuang's face was tangled and finally asked tentatively.

"I don't know what kind of position the Lord can hold for my son, kang'er Yucheng?"

"Ha ha, it's good, it's good. It's no wonder that the patriarch would stand out among so many outstanding brothers. With the power of your decision, you can take the post. As for Kang Liang's position, there is no need to worry about it. The ability of Kanger in your family has been investigated clearly by our Lord. If it is successful, you will be the general of the army in the future, but you are in Zhoufu...... "

This heavy bomb shrank Zhou Dazhuang's hand and splashed tea.

He didn't care to wipe it This... The Lord wants to... "

Shopkeeper Luo's fingers are on his lips,

"Buddha said, can't say, can't say."

Zhou Dazhuang's tangled face was in a cold sweat.

It's a terrible thing. If it is successful, the Zhou family will be prosperous.

On the contrary, if things fail, the Zhou family will be removed from the world.

"No, no, my Zhou family can't do this. Manager Luo, your kindness is in my heart. I can't deal with the prince even if I have to fight against the patriarch. "

After weighing the weight, Zhou Dazhuang was not moved by the promise of flowers in front of him.

Manager Luo's eyes were cold when he listened to him, and he got up, "hum, you think this is something you can laser out of? Well, if you don't want to, someone else will. Your Zhou family can help you to be the head of the family or dismiss you. The Zhou family leader, you can act on your own

Shopkeeper Luo left angrily, along with him, and Du Xin, who made the whole family suspicious.

What's more, he secretly guessed that Du Xin might be the son of a young man missing in Zhou's mansion.

"What do you say? How can I get involved with the boy's son? "

Someone asked in bewilderment.

"Ha, it's strange to say. Zhou Jiafang's wife gave birth at night. Her wealth was delivered. There was also a servant of Zhou's house.

The children of the two men landed in different places. At that time, clan chief Zhou looked at the children's growth, but he also liked it. So he often amused the two children.

Later, it was said that for a while, the wife also liked the child very much. Both of them planned to adopt the servant's son to their name. Who ever thought, not long after that, the servant's son was said to be a monster and a disaster star.

Where he's been, it's all disaster. Because of him, the blessings of God's mothers and sons were stranded. For this reason, the old head of the family was angry and wanted to be the son of the servant.

Just then, the child disappeared. From then on, the son was forgotten. I still remember that when the child was only two years old, he was the same as Kang Liangchang.

It looks like a pair of twin brothers to outsiders. "

The man concluded the speech with a meaningful twin.

But the people who listened to it were all awed.

As you know, there has always been a saying that the eldest son who inherits everyone's Lord cannot be a twin.

If there is such a son, he must abandon the other.

For nothing else, only because the twin brother is lucky and strong, one will become a disaster star.

They grow up together, either to bring disaster to the family, or to control another child.

Therefore, many people have a pair of twin children, and they will send one of them to be fostered in another's name.

For life, you can't identify yourself.

There are also those who are more cruel, even drowning the child on the spot.

Only for the prosperity of the family, after all, twins will compete for the fortune.

This statement has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, because for many years, many people have given birth to twins and will resolutely send one of them away.

Now Zhou Kangliang, who has a similar face with his family, came to the door. The detour in this place is quite surmised.

"It seems that the man who looks like kang'er was born just by chance."

Some people are happy to say disaster. Many people even boldly speculated that Du Xintong was the son of the so-called servant in those days.

As for the son of a servant, it is obvious that it is only a saying.

How could this and coincidence happen?

This incident soon went to the ears of the uncles.

More and more people, in order to find out the answer, are questioning whether the decline of the family in these years is related to the reason why the patriarch deliberately left the twins

For a while, the wind and rain were coming. As the patriarch of zhoudazhuang, he could be in danger.

Zhou Kangliang, who was traveling outside, was robbed by a group of people in black at that time.

When Zhou Dazhuang received the blackmail, he felt that the world was dark.

"I know who did it, hateful."

Anger turned to anger, but Zhou didn't despair. He ordered in the dark.

"Find out and rescue the young master. You should know the target."

In fact, every clan leader has elite guards.

Zhou family as everyone, the same is true.

Moreover, these guards are very capable.

Search for information, find someone. All have special means.

However, it is surprising that an accident happened when Zhou Dazhuang sent people to rescue the children.

In the course of Zhou Kangliang's plunder, he accidentally hurt the key point because of the arrow flowing.

People died on the spot.

"No Kanger, my Kanger...... "

Zhou Dazhuang was ten years old in an instant when he got this fast message.

The son he had been waiting for became a corpse at this moment.

Such an ending is hard for him to accept.

"No, it's not hurt by Liujian. It's on purpose. Lord, you're forcing me to walk on a path with you on purpose."

At this time, Zhou Dazhuang didn't know that he was forced to comply.

In such a situation, the situation of the court is becoming more and more unstable.

There is a rumor that the body of the holy man is getting weaker and weaker. During this period, the prince and all the princes are ready to move

If the wind and rain of the dynasty, at this moment, how a mess of words.

At this critical moment, the PICA state, which is adjacent to the great Ruo Dynasty, led 800000 soldiers to get to Zhicheng for ten days. Ten towns around Zhicheng fell into the hands of pica thieves.

There is an enemy outside and a rebellion inside

The rivers and mountains of the great Ruo Dynasty are obviously unstable.

At this special moment, all the people of our family are staring at this stormy Dynasty.

Because the more we get to the back, all families have to pick out their most favorable backers.

Only in this way can we survive forever.

If you make a wrong choice at this time, you are likely to get rid of your name in the world.

Those who can squeeze into the capital will give up the name.

With this name, many people are ready to move And the Zhou family is also facing such a situation.

This storm, even the Zhou family in Bajiao Town, has also been affected

Zhou peiran looks at the lady who is still making tea not far away. Her eyes are tender and affectionate.

"My husband, please." Qin Wengui, the wife of Zhou, who is almost 40, still looks like a woman in her early thirties.

Gentle, dignified and virtuous.

Most of all, it's thoughtful.

Zhou peiran didn't take the tea, but clenched Qin's hand.

"Madame is still so beautiful and moving. When I look at you, I always think of the way I saw you for the first time when I was young. At that time, you were as gentle and moving as a fairy. "

Qin Wengui fell into his arms and puffed around the man's neck.

"No, I saw you at the first sight. Otherwise, how could we have been so loving and happy for so many years. "

"Ha ha, that's that."

Just then, a child's cry came from outside the house. Then there was a woman's gentle voice, "don't disturb your father and your mother."

Holding the woman's hand, slightly sluggish.

A woman buried in a man's arms, eyes crossed a trace of sullen, but even if she looked up gently.

"It's Si Niang and liang'er. Come in. I'm discussing some family matters with the master. It's OK."

In came Zhou peiran's fourth wife, who she had married several years ago.

This is also Qin Wengui's first big girl, led by the big lady, and then decided to reward her master to become an aunt.

As soon as the fourth aunt entered the room, she bowed and confessed.

"Yes, it's liang'er. I have to say that I haven't seen my father for a long time. No, I have to come here to have a look when I listen to my master in this room."

The baby in my arms is only three years old.

After a year's marriage with Zhou peiran, she became pregnant and gave birth to the youngest child, liang'er.

It's also Zhou peiran's seventh youngest son. In other words, Zhou peiran has many wives and houses.

However, there are not many such aunts and wives who gave birth to men.

That is to say, Qin Wengui, the current mother in charge, has three sons and two daughters. In addition, several of them were named by Qin Wengui to give to the master's bedroom or aunt's to have children.

As for the other concubines' room, although there are countless aunts, only Zhou Aoxuan has a seedling in this room, and no one else has come out.

There is about this phenomenon, smart, also know very well.

However, if the master doesn't speak two words, how can others speak more.

After all, as the first lady, she can also actively give up the beauty and take concubines for her husband.

For the people in Bajiao Town, it is also a very elegant existence.

"Come in and come in." When Zhou peiran saw his young son, his eyes were still tender.

However, from the beginning to the end, he never saw the aunt who gave birth to children for himself.

No matter the style or the demeanor, this aunt is young. Compared with the wife Qin Wengui, they are far from each other

Four aunts also know that they are not loved by the master, is just a clever way to please the master's wife.

Pick up some important things in the house to report.

"My little grandma is going to have a baby. It's painful these two days. I'll stay at home and wait for my little grandma to have a baby."