The Farming Little Girl

C188: continued suffering

Chen nianran chuckles and ignores her. Congxiang tells her that she will not take care of herself. At last, "well, I understand a truth. Don't promise anything easily in the future. In particular, we can't do the business of paying money. "

"Poof..." Chen nianran is happy. This woman is so interesting.

The vagrant groups were placed not far away from the weaving.

The reason why the vagabonds are arranged here is also given them a great task: to monitor all the people who are near here.

Since the design was stolen, this workshop has entered the scope of full vigilance.

During the day, there are old people and children playing outside and watching the defense here.

I'm not afraid at night. I can't find the clothes when I collect them.

As for the machines, considering that the monsters work hard day and night, Chen nianran is ready to let Jane Bo recruit some effective guards to come here and watch.

This is an important base. She doesn't feel relieved when designing and operating in such a place.

After a while, we are going to move these people to other towns.

After all, this place is far from the border. In case of war, what they lost was their design.

This part of the workshop is almost all tents set up by the producers here.

Because the land is wide, many foreign workshops are concentrated in this area.

Two rows and two rows of tents were built continuously. Looking from afar, there were yurts.

If there are grass, cattle and sheep running, there is the illusion of going to the Mongolian grassland.

It's a pity that it's all plain in Cangnan.

"Ah, here comes the host." Running out of the children saw the two people from afar, stopping to look at the two Chen nianran curiously.

"Come and get something to eat, little turnips." With a move of congealing fragrance and plain hands, a ingot of silver flew to Xiao Luobu's head.

"Wow, there's sugar."

The little guys know that this thing can be changed into a lot of sugar to eat, and run away excitedly.

Looking at the smiling Congxiang, Chen nianran was amused. "Oh, you said you didn't give money, why did you give it now? Alas, it seems that you can't change the habit of handshake. "

Congxiang is asked. Ha ha.

"I don't know how. Seeing the drooling and eager eating of the little hairy leaders, I will think of myself as a child. At that time, I was always eager for adults to give me 10 yuan and 8 yuan, then buy some delicious food, and then share it with those little friends. "

"Is it true that no one gives you money, and there is too?"

"Yes, I was given money later. It's my mother's Pursuer. I rushed to buy sugar and a lot of chips for those people. But you don't know. They just smashed my food on my face. Well, I'm a son of a bitch. These things are also paid by clients. They dislike dirt and say it can't be eaten. Since then, I have never played with them, nor offered to invite people to eat... "

Looking at her indifferent look, Chen nianran is silent.

In fact, the more optimistic the woman seems, the less she cares about her past experience. In fact, she doesn't care about anything in the world.

Hold her hand, "Congxiang, you are right, you are right since you were a child. Those in the past, we must always be immersed in memories. Every day in our memory is not what we want. Look at the happy look of these children. Their looks are much better. It seems that with better food and sleep, these people have established a good recovery. "

When she came to the tent, Jance was still teaching the half - aged children how to read.

There are some women who are still working and some old men who are also here.

When they arrived, Jane was commenting on everyone's writing.

In order to save writing and ink and so on, practice is that everyone first takes a sand table to practice on it.

When the proficiency is almost over, Jane Si will let everyone practice writing and writing.

After all, Chen nianran is just at the start-up stage, relying on the income of the beauty salon alone, to maintain the food and clothing consumption of a large family, as well as the experimental things of the monster camp.

And the expenses of this group of vagrants

The cost of small expenses is not small.

Fortunately, Jember knew how to save money, and he would also find a way, so he came up with a good way to practice with a sand table.

"Here comes the host."

Seeing the two enter the room, Chen Lao gets up to salute.

"You're welcome. I'm just here to have a look. How are these kids doing?"

During this period, several children were successively taken in, and almost a dozen and a half-year-old children were all in the party.

"Some of them are good. However, some of them are a little too blunt. I can't learn how to teach. I'm going to let such a half-year-old boy do some work with his employer if he can't learn to go in. Being idle all the time will make these people have no idea to be lazy. "

Chen Bo proposed with great sense.

He was given by the young lady to teach and guide these vagrants to produce correct children, and to do better for their future industry. So I've been doing it very conscientiously.

In order to avoid Chen nianran's antipathy, he is now thinking about his new employer everywhere.

The lecture was suspended because of the arrival of Chen nianran and Chen nianran.

The dull old children stood there with shame, their eyes very timid.

One even begged quietly with a cry. "Don't drive us away, my boss. I will study hard."

This group of people can't bear to have a warm meal outside. Now I finally have a new home. If I was kicked out because I was too stupid When a group of children thought of it, their faces were all white. A pair of eyes, but also poor looking at the two Chen nianran.

Congxiang can't see such a thing most. All the people look at it with the eyes of the little white rabbit and wave their hands on the spot.

"Don't look at me like this. I don't have any sugar here. However, as long as you listen well and obey the management arrangement, there will still be food to eat in the future."

There are children listening to rhyme, poof out loud.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not so tense, Chen nianran began to smile.

"You guys, we won't drive you out easily. As long as you follow the arrangement and are willing to receive training, you can have food in the future. As long as we do well, we will live a prosperous life in the future. We will no longer be an orphan, and you will have your own home. No family, no family. In the future, you can create your own family tree and so on. "

Hearing this, old Uncle Chen was thinking. He asked, "these children are mostly of mixed surnames. I feel like a family since I came here. Why don't we just follow the surnames of the two ladies? In the future, they have brothers, sisters and relatives. Without a family, our family is a big family. We also have brothers and sisters. OK? "

The children clapped on the spot, and the chorus should be good.

After that, Chen BOCAI felt that he had not asked for the opinions of the owners in advance. For a while, some people watched Chen nianran nervously and murmured.

"Well, I I didn't say it in advance. It might be a little too abrupt. If they don't like it, it's all. "

You know, this surname almost also represents the status of high and low.

Chen nianran and Chen nianran are aristocrats. If they collect some brothers and sisters in disorder, some people who pay attention to them will feel that they have collided with their own blessings.

In the great Ruo Dynasty, it was about these fortunes and wealth.

Especially businessmen pay more attention to these things.

"Chen Bo, your idea is very good. Children, if you like, you can follow the name of Ningxiang for men and Chen for women, OK?"

Chen Bo and several other adults also looked at each other, he asked with a smile.

"And we, the host, we have to change our surname."

Chen nianran looked at him puzzled and asked, "you are all grown-up, don't you need to change your surname?"

The reason why she proposed to let the children change their surnames was that she thought it would be more cohesive.

But this group of adults, it's necessary to??

Chen Bo sighed, "Alas, we, although we have different surnames, are all family members. It's better to follow your family name with your wife than to live by your family name alone. In this way, we will have a sense of integration into the family. In fact, we also hope to have a home. Among the people in our group, which one is not the one who once had a family, a career and a son, if it were not for all kinds of reasons that we had no family... "

Speaking of the back, Chen Bo put on tears.

Think about it. This group of people, before the disaster, were not from one family.

Only because of the disaster, eventually reduced to a lonely man.

"Well, you like to change your surname, so change it. Willing to change, as I proposed,. A man's surname is Ning, a woman's, just follow my surname Chen. "

The men faltered against it.

"My boss, we Let's not have Ning, shall we? We want to follow your surname. This one, surname Ning, sounds like a girl's surname. "

Congxiang's eyes turned. "By the way, I knew I didn't want to take this surname."

Chen nianran is happy, "OK, then change to follow my surname. Female, use a nice coagulation word as the surname,. It's so nice. Since then, I have grown up beautiful and moving like sister Congxiang. Who can see that I will love you so much? "

A group of girls burst into laughter on the spot.

A pair of moist rabbit eyes fell on the body of Congxiang. Then, I almost call her mother or sister on the spot.

The question of this surname has been finalized, and then there is something about the learning of these children.

"Well, there are some stupid people. However, my requirement is that you should be able to read and understand some basic words. In this way, I can understand some simple account books and vouchers in the future. Even if it's hard work, we have to have some basic knowledge! Children, don't think reading is a very difficult thing. You just need to think about it. I can recognize one more word. Later, you can eat one more steamed bread or one more steamed bun. Will it be more dynamic? "