The Farming Little Girl

C185: Marriage

The third couple stared at their brothers and dared not give a breath.

"So elder sister, brother-in-law, if the two elder sisters don't like to mention this matter, we don't want me to ask more. There are some things that we don't have to ask more about. "

After hearing Liu saner's order, Chen nianran and his wife took a look at each other.

For this young man who hasn't been out for a long time, I have to look at him with great admiration.

Congxiang whispered, "this little guy, he's a creative talent. Will observe, will also think, this piece of business, I see later let him to act as an agent the same, certainly can do well

"Well, I also believe that this man is a talent, but he is buried in such a place. Fortunately, we found him. Let's go and go to bed. "

The two appeared in front of the three children's couple, who were just smiling and beckoning them to sleep.

The third daughter-in-law dared not close her eyes even one night. What she was afraid of was that the two noblemen had gone to sleep again.

In the early morning of the next day, the village head and other people came to visit.


people are hesitant to say clearly at first, but after that, the village head, who is thin and sharp, made a general statement.

It means that this matter is decided by the head of the scabby as the past life and the present life, and they can't judge it and so on.

"I know how to deal with this matter. Village head, village leader, let's go down. I'll deal with it myself. "

Chen nianran, his face fixed, impatiently interrupted the two men.

The village head and the village are standing up. At last, they chat with each other and ask, "these two ladies, then, the head of the manger and the fifth son of the dog Shall we let it go or not? "

Put down the teacup in his hand, and Chen nianran twisted his eyebrows. "Let these two go."

One side of Congxiang wants to open her mouth, but Chen nianran is not a aimless person, so she shuts up and doesn't ask.

When there is no one else in the room, Congxiang will stay in the air and sit with Chen nianran on purpose.

But after waiting for a long time, she was still drinking tea.

She can't sit down now.

"Well, you sit here for tea. I'll teach them how to make dried cuttlefish. It's not finished yet. "

The cuttlefish is taken out and baked one night, and it's 60 or 70% dried.

"Well, it's a good job. Now, what we have to do is finalize the design. The most important thing about this kind of cuttlefish is that its shape is good. Here, let's do it... "

After teaching all the procedures of the cuttlefish, Liu saner and others learned about it, and Congxiang clapped his hands to get up.

After cleaning his hands, he came to the guest house and saw that Chen nianran still had tea there.

She could not hold her breath any longer because of her determined appearance.

"I said, you are not going to leave here for tea in the early morning? What you said today is to take me back. Although this place is so good, I still want to go back. Otherwise, another one will suddenly leap to a pit on the head of a scabby, which may be a sin. "


Chen nianran glanced at her, "wait, it should be fast."

Just then, a heavy object came down from the sky.

With a loud thud, he jumped up in fright.

At first glance, "Oh, mom, where is this big living man falling down?"

I fell down. I'm really a living man.

To be exact, it's a man in black.

Chen nianran looks up at the outside of the house and says, "thanks."

No one answered. Congxiang looked out of the window, then looked back at the man on the ground, and then looked at Chen nianran, finally suddenly.

"Ah, you don't mean enough. We came out together, but you have someone's business, but never revealed it to me. No, you don't treat me as a friend. You are too hurtful."

Congxiang is really angry. She thinks to herself, but she thinks to Chen wholeheartedly.

However, this woman is so nice that she has something to hide.

Seeing her face red and neck thick, Chen nianran put down the teacup and got up.

"It's not that she doesn't tell you, but that her identity is very special. Let alone you. Even my master has never seen her. Alas, forget it, we won't have to worry about her. Here, this man is the culprit who masterminded the loss of our virginity. You can kill as you like. "

Listening to her explanation, Congxiang is no longer angry.

Instead, he turned back and stared at the man on the ground. It's a weird smile.

"Well, I'll find a way. I didn't expect that you are so talented and dare to make my mother lose her virginity. Don't you know what I used to do? I can tell you, elder sister, I'm the pimp of brothel, plus, the leader of Shangli. Ha ha, look at your virtue. It's just right. You can be one of those. "


the guard on the ground was pale.

But even so, he clenched his teeth.

If you don't say it, you may be able to save your life. If you say it, you are afraid of the master over there, but you won't say it.

Ningxiang also received some special training before coming out to inquire about the news. Look at the man's face, but I don't know what to say.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you ask or not.

The important thing is how to get rid of hatred.

She opened a medicine bag on her body, "well, if you don't want to say it, let you be a little girl. Well, let's just smooth it out. Ha ha... Don't shout too loudly for a moment. "

Chen nianran picks his eyebrows, opens his mouth, wants to persuade him, and finally thinks about it. Even if he can bear it, Congxiang will not give up, so he does it.

Get up, "you pay attention, this is the country, don't make things can't close the trouble."

"Don't worry. It's OK for this man to bear two scams. Ha ha It's just right. It's a perfect match. After that, I have a passion. Maybe three people will have fun when they are free. "

The package of medicine was forced into the guard's mouth. Congxiang thought of how he could get people in such a big body.

Just worried, Chen nianran gave orders.

"Throw people into the house of those two scabbs, coagulate the fragrance, and rest assured of the medicine beside that person. The knife will do everything you want to do."

Congxiang quickly put the medicine bag not far away from the man, and then pretended to go out.

However, a pair of eyes are staring at the door.


she wondered what the dark guard looked like?

However, to her regret, she saw only a black shadow swishing across, and then found that people had disappeared.

"Hello, wench, this, this, you are the dark guard. Why is she so powerful? I just want to see what she looks like, but I don't see her. I felt a whizz of demon wind. When my back was cold, the big man on the ground was gone? "

Finish saying, Congxiang still looks up at the sky.

In this sky, the clouds are leisurely. Although there is no great sun, they are also blue sky.

Why don't you see people?

"Oh, so now you believe I haven't seen her? Anyway, she just disappeared when she asked for help. "

Congxiang was afraid after thinking about it. "Darling, is this kind of dark Wei really a shadowless person? What do I think, this kind of person is terrible? In case of killing from the dark, we can't be finished. "

"So don't offend me, so you can safely save your life. By the way, after the teaching, I asked Liu saner to get some things in the sea and try to dry them. If the finished products are really produced, they can be sold to other places. Just in time, these goods can also be sold together with Liu Qinglin. We are short of manpower at present. "

This kind of dry goods also need people to fight before the war.

Both Chen nianran and Ningxiang can't leave because of this business. If they do, they can only let Liu Qinglin do it.

But to Chen nianran's surprise, when she and Congxiang returned home, they saw a figure running far away.


"girl, girl, ha ha I want to come to us if I don't come back. "

Stare at the man who is running to you.

Chen nianran rubbed for several times, and then it was determined that the man It's Da Lang of the uncle's family!

"Dalang When did you come back? Oh, my God, this man is soaring again. Yo, yo, look at his face, it's even more vigorous. His eyes are also full of spring color. Maybe he's back with a sister-in-law? "

As she said that, she tore at his face.

It's quite depressing.

"I say wench, wench, you can't do this. I'm a man, I'm your brother, you can't tear my face like a child."

Just then, a shy woman came out of the tent.

She glanced at Chen nianran's hand, and quietly stood behind him.

Watching the little daughter-in-law wring her clothes, gritting her teeth and staring at her own appearance.

Chen nianran quickly released his hand and pulled over Da Lang, "Hey, you really found one Is the little daughter-in-law back? "

Da Lang's face was red, and he glanced up at the pretty little daughter-in-law who was standing aside shyly.

"No, nothing. I just came back with her. Along the way, we took care of each other only once. Don't get me wrong about anything else. "

Looking at the shy little daughter-in-law and her clothes, she looks like a sharp person.

However, the age is not big, people are also handsome.

But she was wearing a woman's head!

"How are you, widow?" Looking at xiaojunqiao, Chen nianran asked Dalang gloomily.

Why don't good women find a widow.

***It's a little difficult for a woman to start a business. She's so angry that she slaps her on the shoulder.

"Stinky Girl movie, I'm not here for you at this time. Please leave it here. I can tell you, this is red plum. People just come here to join their families. "

At the end of the day, Dalang only vaguely introduced the woman, not the origin of the knife. There is also the matter of whether to marry.