The Farming Little Girl

C182: dealing with someone

The young man said, and he put a strong arm around Jane. Even Chen nianran couldn't find out the reason for this young man by looking at his happy smile.

"My brother is a man who works and has a fast brain, but he is too busy. Many old people in the village think that a man like my brother is a wolf with an empty mouth and can't do anything. Alas, actually, my brother is sincere. Although the mouth is a little love to say, usually occasionally will just say beautiful words, but really have leisure time, he really care about everyone around him. The reason why this guy hasn't got a wife is not all the business of that black sheep. The main thing is that he has broad friends and loose hands. There are so many girls who live in the family. How can he let such a loose guy live together? That's all. He's not so happy to look at him. He thinks it's right. Don't have a problem at home. Up to now, I haven't found my daughter-in-law since I'm nearly 20 years old. "

"Your brother's brain is very active, and he is a useful material. As a matter of fact, it's not so big at the age of 20. How nice it is to let him start his own business first. "

I didn't want to talk about gossip.

Chen nianran talked with her for a few words. Afterwards, he and Jane Bo talked about the development of seafood with Chen saner.

"I've thought about it. This kind of seafood can be fished vigorously in summer. When it's time, it's dry. The pressure type is finished. You take people out for sale. These things must be good. No one wants them. At the beginning, I can find some restaurants for you, and let you try to make dishes in them for sale. Just let famous restaurants sell your food and make a name for it. If we sell these things in the future, we will get twice the result with half the effort. "

For these future ideas, Chen nianran thought about it very far. Congxiang had nothing to do, so she went to tease the children of her third daughter-in-law.

In a short time, a table of seafood was put up.

In the eyes of the third daughter-in-law, such a table of dishes is really embarrassed to entertain guests.

But for Chen nianran and others, this kind of treatment is really at the level of state guest.

Congxiang is holding the big lobster with his mouth full of shrimp foam.

"Mine, mine, this one is mine too, sister-in-law. Your seafood is so good. I like it. I like it very much."

Seeing that they are really happy to eat, the third daughter-in-law has just lost her heart.

"Well, if you like, eat more ideas. There are many in our family. This time, because something happened to people in the village, they didn't plan to sell it, so they were worried about eating it all at home. Just in time, you solved my problem and saved my mind. "

Chen nianran's head was muffled, and he started directly. He didn't even care what he said.

I can't help it. The fish and shrimps in the sea are so refreshing.

After a meal, it was decided to make seafood.

"First, you make these seafood into dry goods, like this cuttlefish. We'll make it now. Tomorrow, I'll teach you how to make this cuttlefish." Lost the bowl, Congxiang, who doesn't love the voice support person, said that he wanted to teach people how to make it.

"You understand?" This shocked Chen nianran and Jane Bo.

You know, from this way, Congxiang just shows her satisfaction with food. In addition, even if several people talk about food and how to make dry goods, she also shows a lack of interest.

Who ever thought, this guy in this man's land has a word that can make cuttlefish!

You know, there are several important steps to making cuttlefish.

Especially in the forming stage, if it is not well done, it is not easy to sell at all.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? I used to have a friend who lived by the sea. Their seafood is made into dry goods for sale every year. At that time, when we were young and lazy, we were asked to cook together and eat seafood at her house. I don't do much, but I know the general procedures. Well, I'll have a rest and you'll see. "

This time, even Chen nianran was not happy.

Before that, she was still worried that she was not a professional in this field, but who could have thought that Congxiang, who had been lazy, was a competent person in this field.

"Congealing fragrance, you are wonderful. You not only know the mechanical aspect, but also understand the seafood gap. I wonder if you are an encyclopedia. Haha...... "

Chen nianran did not grudge to send a flattery, not to Congxiang music.

As soon as she was satisfied, she saw her tail.

"Haha, I told you a long time ago. In those days, I was very good at reading, but unfortunately, the conditions were not allowed at that time, so I didn't read many books. If I put this condition aside, I'm not sure I can get a postdoctoral degree. "

Neither Jane nor saner can understand what a postdoc is.

But Liu saner is very self righteous to say, "not after? Isn't it a good academic title? "

Jane was stunned when she heard this, even though she laughed.

Even Chen nianran and Congxiang were both shocked and laughed loudly.

In this way, Liu san'er knew that he had picked up the sentence. He must have made a mistake.

For a while, the guys stood there sweating, their eyes turned, and they laughed calmly, "look, this joke is funny. Ha ha, the happiest thing in life is a happy smile. Come, come, sister Congxiang, teach me how to make dried cuttlefish

When you have enough to eat and drink, you will be flattered, and you will not be affectable.

Roll up your sleeves and go to battle.

However, looking at the slippery appearance of the cuttlefish, she frowned, "come on, you follow my instructions."

This girl directly and irreverently directed Liu saner to fight, and she was responsible for talking.

"To make this kind of thing, you have to choose the shape and size first. Once you've picked it, you start cutting. The most important thing for cuttlefish is to remove the ink sac. Lift the back, put its belly up, squeeze tightly, and highlight the belly. Cut from the upper abdominal cavity, and then pull down Remember, in this process, you can't damage the ink bag, or the color will be ugly, and no one wants to. "

"The next step is to remove the abdominal cavity. Don't I need to say more about this step?"

Liu san'er nodded hard, "well, Zhili, Zhili, you don't have to say this step, beautiful sister."

children who grew up in the seaside grew up with these finishing fish, which was really quick and quick.

In such a short time, a cuttlefish was sorted out by the third son.

Just at this time, spring also recovered from bed to watch.

"Well, according to strict requirements, it's time to dry. But I don't think it's easy to dry in this winter. Let's make a place where we can use a fire to bake. Let's make it on this place. "

Congxiang refers to a fire not far away. There is a fire for heating.

Just like this, there is no stove.

As long as there are two flagstones on it, the cuttlefish can be baked on it.

"Well, I'm going to move the flagstones and set up a shelf to roast the fish. Tomorrow, I'll have the money. "

Liu Saner actively moved rocks to build a frame. In a short time, a simple grill was a success.

In fact, he built several stones around the stove, put a stone on the top surface, and spread the squid on it.

"The fish will certainly roll when it is roasted or dried, but we can make a shape suit for it. In my jargon, it's plastic surgery. It's estimated that the fire is burning like this. Tomorrow morning, we can make 70% of the fish dry. Come on, we'll teach you how to make the fish in the morning. Then it will be. I'm going to smoke it, sister. "

Chen nianran is very happy. This woman, at this moment, does not forget to seek welfare for herself.

However, when the two of them listened to her, they really took it seriously and looked at her in a pitiful way.

"This, this, should..."

Liu san'er immediately stood up and smiled and glanced at Congxiang. "Sister beauty, as long as you make money, you can't help it. Elder sister asks to take younger brother. Later, all the big and small children in our village can point to your idea of technology to earn money and buy sugar. "

People in this village put all their sugar on their heads and waved with a sweet air.

"Well, when it's my sister, I will provide free technology. When you change sugar, don't forget my sister, I will do it."

With that, the girl yawned and hugged Chen nianran to sleep.

I can't help it. I'm tired after eating and drinking. At this moment, I'm sleepy.

What they don't know is that they are temporarily settled here. Outside, someone is seizing the time to think about how to deal with them!

"It means that we should ruin the reputation of these two people. How can I get it broken? " One question.

One or two thought about it for a long time, and finally shook his fist. "Go and see which family in this village is a single man with a bad reputation. Get these two people in and let the men in, and the reputation will naturally be bad."

"Oh, brother, you have a good idea. Our master means not to expose us. I support your plan of killing people with a knife. In this way, I'll go to a man. I think there will be several lonely men in this family. As long as they send their daughter-in-law, they can't be overjoyed. "

"OK, you get the men. I'll watch the women. At about the same time, I'll meet here later."

In every village, there will be so many broken houses and so on.

This is the existence of the local toad.

From small to large, he has a long face on his head and a long body of leprosy, and people are ugly, and the family background is even less.

When he was 15 years old, his parents had to let go of the infectious diseases, leaving only the lepers to survive, and his daughter-in-law could not think of it.