The Farming Little Girl

C177: people with stories

Moreover, there are many vagrant families from the border desert, disaster stricken areas or other countries.

Once in a while, I would give porridge and steamed bread for a few days.

However, generally speaking, there is no such time.

Now look at Chen nianran so kind to ask, she coughed a little unhappy, remind the two people time is tight, we have to hurry back.

"Congxiang, wait a moment. I'll talk to this woman for a while."

However, Chen nianran, the stubborn, Leng, squatted there and waved the guards to buy some food.

"Yes, kind lady. We are from Gaojia village. We are from a village. We have been plagued. This child and the parents of many children in our village have died. There are only about ten children left, and some of us take them out with us. But on the way, many people died. Now there are only a few monkeys and I, with these children. Just ask them, it's lucky to grow up safely. "

***Hearing all kinds of sad words, Chen nianran could imagine that people in a village died one after another. At last, only some of the old, the weak and the disabled came out.

"Can you take me to see your begging place? Maybe my coming will change your life."

Chen nianran further put forward, but the incense is too urgent.

"Girl, we are still in a hurry. There is no place for so much leisure time. "

She protested discontentedly, and the frightened woman and child shrunk a little more.

Looking at their timid eyes, I think I've been sulked by many people along the way.

Looking back, Chen nianran looked patiently at Congxiang. "Congxiang, you were just saying, should we develop some candidates? Training some talents, I think, can start from them. If they are allowed to have a peaceful environment, eat steadily, wear clean clothes, listen to lectures, read words and so on, do you think they will not seriously work for us in the future? "

This, let that pair of begging vagrant listen to the eyes shine.

Congxiang is also stunned. She looks at Chen nianran crazily, and then looks at one of the beggars.

Finally sighed, "Oh, why, the same people from one place, the same brain, but I always don't think of a deeper place. You, the same thing, will always find countless business opportunities here, there are still opportunities... " Not all of them can get mixed up.

Not all people can think deeper and farther when they are faced with one thing.

Like Chen nianran, she is a passer-by. However, there are some things she can't think of or see through.

Not to mention.

But here, Chen nianran can start from the details of life and find business opportunities.

This kind of her, can mix up to now, really is not only through the identity of female. This is closely related to her vision, her thinking and her way of judging things.

"Thank you ma'am, thank you ma'am. If you really take in the vagrants in our village, you will be rewarded by the dogs in the future."

It's amazing that the half - aged child knelt down and begged at this time.

Congxiang looks at the sensible child and sighs at the end. This kind of children born from poor families, perhaps, can make them grow up more sensible.

If such people are trained from childhood, they will really be able to support the whole world in the future.

"Wench, our business name can be expanded."

With the most powerful mind and personnel, then the firm That means making it bigger.

"Well, let's go slowly. We don't want to be powerful, but we want to have our footprints on the land of these countries. The best thing is to be able to do business in these countries. In the end, another Yeji bank is all over the world, which is our greatest achievement. "

"No, such achievements are not counted. Our greatest achievement is to go back and build a fairyland where we can rest assured and take in some of our modern facilities and entertainment. Then, we can have a place for ourselves to play is the best place. "

Chen nianran looks at her with a smile. At this moment, she sees the ambition in Congxiang's eyes. I see Hope!

The place where the vagrants live is a broken temple.

It's a temple, but also some residual stones. The tramps have built some grass on the top, which is a place to live.

When I went in, I heard someone coughing oppressively.

Occasionally there are children's laughter.

Vagrant children, even those who can't eat and drink, still have their childlike innocence.

Seeing the dog bringing Chen nianran back, all the brawling children stopped and shrank back timidly.

This group of children, the older, are also thirteen or fourteen years old.

Small, five or six years old. It's estimated that a smaller one died clean when the plague broke out in the village.

Looking at this group of children, Congxiang no longer feels that they are dirty.

After counting, there are about ten such children. If they are trained, they are talents.

You should know that the older children only need another year's training to send their understanding out for errands.

As for the smaller ones, we should train more.

Inside, there are some old and weak women and scholars.

Although some old people obviously can't use it anymore.

But women and scholars can also make use of it.

These women and families are also industrious when they are in the village.

As long as they are given decent jobs, full of food and drink, they will be loyal.

In this way, they are needed to support the later expanded businesses, as well as textile and other types of work.

Think of here, Congxiang's attitude is also cordial. They decided in a flash to take in the gang.

"Son of a dog, have you done anything?" At this time, an old man came out to drink and scold the dog, but although he looked awe inspiring, when he saw Chen nianran and his two people, his attitude was very modest.

"If our vagrant children collide with the nobles, I hope you will hold your hands high. These children are only hungry and anxious to do the next thing."

Listen to the meaning of this. I think these children will do something unclean occasionally when they are hungry. It seems that this is a problem.

Just for a moment, Chen nianran thought of the quality lesson and had to keep up with it.

"This old man, you misunderstood. The dog didn't do something wrong. On the contrary, although the child is a beggar, he is also very discerning. I come here to discuss with you something important. "

Chen nianran's words had not been finished, and the dog son began to report.

"This lady said that if it is possible to visit our people in Gaoshan village, we may not have to wander any more in the future. Instead, we will live a good life with this lady with food, clothes and words."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the temple immediately ran out.

After counting, there are more than 20 of them.

It will not cost too much money to support them.

However, if there are too many people, it is also a problem.

"This lady, what you said is true?" Someone asked excitedly.

"Well, it's true, but I'll take you in. But one thing is that you have to obey our rules and obey our orders. In the future, you can be selected to work. If you don't do well in the training time, then you won't have the chance to work in the future. "

"Madam, we don't understand. We only know that we can eat with our hands. You're not going to be kind enough to take these children in and do that mean thing to them

Just then, the old man came up and asked.

It's polite to see him talk.

It's a good thing to do. Want to come, once also met the person of the world.

"I don't speak and act like the ordinary people. I want to be a man with a story."

Chen nianran asked with a smile.

The old man's eyes were astringent, and his tears fell down.

Poof of kneel down, "madam, you don't despise the old, I, they are not a village people, but also a family of innocent people. Just because the life is not good enough, after the children and old wives of the family go, the family property is seized by those people who have no conscience. Nowadays... The old man has no choice but to beg here! "

Well, Chen nianran didn't expect that he would ask about this sad story as soon as he asked.

She helped the old man up. "I think it's better to see your family situation before. Just in time, my group needs to be managed. Later, you'll always stay to manage them. My request is very simple, that is, from now on I promise to take you in, you don't need to be the same as before. From now on, you can treat our Yeji as your own home or as your future career. Ye Ji's development is bigger and bigger. Later, you can keep your body straight, look up, eat and dress. All these are just small problems. "

In this words, a group of homeless people who were inspired instantly knelt on the ground.

However, so many people can't be taken in for a while.

After discussing with Ningxiang, the two decided to scoop up the money first, let this group of people clean up, then eat some delicious food, and keep the body and bones well. Tomorrow, there will be an old businessman to arrange their place.

And, where to train.

Before leaving, the dog and others are very reluctant.

A careful look for fear that they won't come back again. This kind of him also makes the woman of Congxiang sigh.

"Well, it seems that it's also a good thing to do good things occasionally. Don't ask him to be grateful. Just ask for peace of mind. "