The Farming Little Girl

C161: treachery

If this is not done well, later, it is really... "

Neither of them spoke.

But for the monster camp to make things, but it is quite expected.

"So there is not much time left for us. During this time, you should pay more attention to the people in the monster camp and let them invent and create what we want.

If there is someone who doesn't understand, you come back and ask me. I will answer for you one by one. "

Zhou Aoxuan looks at her bewildered and slowly, "you mean..."

"You invented and created all this, and you came up with the idea. I am just a woman standing behind you. "

Zhou Aoxuan's mind was shaken.

For a while, he couldn't speak.

"You, you..."

Chen nianran kisses him and smiles calmly.

"If all the splendor is concentrated on me, the trouble brought by it is not something that my little woman sympathizes with. All this is not what I want, I bring these advanced things, not how much money I want to have, not how much attention I want to make. I just want to We are well together. It's my biggest wish to see Xiaobao grow up and marry and have children. As for other social activities, I will trouble you. "

Zhou Aoxuan pondered and finally nodded with a smile.

"It's up to you."

Her meaning is clear. She can't ask for all the credit.

All his inventions and creations are the monsters he called in.

So all this is his contribution to Zhou Aoxuan.

It's not created now, and there won't be too much trouble. ]

once those machines can be created, they will be available again. I'm afraid that the emperor will be ecstatic.

It's ok if the news doesn't come out.

I'm afraid that the inventors at that time will be coveted by all countries

If it is a woman, it is not good for Chen nianran.

He is a man and should bear all this.

"Girl, I've suffered a lot for you to follow me all my life."

Hugging his wife, Zhou Aoxuan is full of apologies.

"No, such a place of life is challenging. From now on, we may face many challenges and troubles. But to believe in each other, we must be able to go on. "

Two people look at each other and smile, clenching their hands to show their determination.

However, it was said that the next day, there will be trouble and happy things.

Chen nianran was shocked when he saw the girl who came out of the car holding the child.

She breathed for a while and rushed forward to hold the baby without thinking.

"Volume Is it a roll? "

When honger saw her, she was slightly shocked. The child in my arms moved sideways. The line of sight falls on Zhou Aoxuan.

Zhou Aoxuan did not expect that his daughter, who has been talking about, would appear in front of him.

For a while, some of them were stunned and some of them were stupefied.

Until red son's eyes fell on him, he nodded and motioned for her to give the child to Chen nianran.

After a moment's hesitation, hong'er smiled.

"Well, young lady, it's aunt ran."

Awakened by this sentence, Chen nianran wakes up a little bit from the joy.

Yes, I just said yesterday. I have to face all these troubles.

Never thought, today, there will be such trouble.


She is clearly the mother of the children. In the eyes of these people in large families, she is also a house, a woman without a name, not even an aunt!

"Thank you for bringing me the volume, hong'er. It's been a hard journey."

Chen nianran inhales and tries to control her mood. She has to be calm.

"Well, it's not too hard, but the volume is a little sick. Fortunately, I met a miracle doctor on the way, so although the child didn't have much spirit, he also came here. However, sister, you are here to serve the young master. When I came out, the old patriarch was still sighing. He said that the fifth young master didn't have a caring person to serve him. Unexpectedly, she was worried too much. Cluck... "

Hong'er smiled very playfully, and a pair of water smart eyes also swept Zhou Aoxuan's body.

But it didn't stay long.

It's a good measure.

"Ha ha..." Chen nianran wants to hold the baby.

However, honger frowns.

"But sister, I think it's up to me to hold this. This child, a little selective. "

Children, in a certain month, will recognize people.

By the way, it should be almost half a year old.

Half year olds know who they are.

It's not too much to say it in terms of honger.

However, Chen nianran just doesn't feel strong.

This daughter was born by herself, how can't she hold her?

"It's OK. I'll hug her more and get close to her. If I want to come here for a few days, I can get familiar with her. Chen nianran didn't give in and reached for the baby.

Hong'er's complexion tangled for several times, and finally, she handed the roll to her.

The little roll is still sleeping.

Looking at the half-year-old child in his arms, Chen nianran's eyes suddenly turned red.

This daughter, she is the most guilty.

She ignored her because of her loss.

Later, she had to rush to the desert area because of her return.

Roll, and was left in the village.

"Oh, by the way, child, how could it be in your hands?"

At this moment, Chen nianran realized that a serious problem, daughter, how could it fall into the hands of honger?

I remember that at the beginning, the volume was very unattractive to the love of Zhou's ancestors.

Why are the children coming here now?

"Back to Ran's sister, since the old ancestor left Tuan tuan'er, he never lost in his heart. Thinking of another child, she asked the servants to take the girl to the mansion. In the middle, I found that some things had happened. No, I sent the children to the desert here. The old ancestor meant that I would take care of Zheng Juan's sister and five young masters' daily life. "

Hearing this, Chen nianran narrowed his eyes.

Looking at the little curls of the quivering lashes in her arms, she could imagine what had happened to her family during this period of time.

I have to send a message back. Otherwise, I'm sure my family can't rest assured at this moment.


Just at this time, the little scroll woke up.

The little guy just woke up. The bun was red. It looked like a big apple.

Zhou Aoxuan looks at his daughter and loves her very much.

Reach out and grab the baby from Chen nianran's arms.

"Come, roll, come to Dad."

Curly winked and looked at the pair of strangers.


All of a sudden, she started crying.

This cry is not earth shaking.

Honger hurriedly takes the roll.

"But look, sister. I'll tell you. The child has been born. When I was in the mansion, only I and another mammy could get close to her. The old ancestor just held her in his arms for a while, and the child had to find someone. My sister is timid. She will have to get used to it

Honger's words are reasonable, but Chen nianran is more guilty.

She also found it hard to recognize her child.

So even if she was not comfortable, she didn't force her to return the roll.

As soon as the little fellow saw the familiar face, he groaned to her bosom.

Those big, tearful eyes chewed two tears.

Because just cry, wheezing son, small body is still shivering.

This kind of her, look when the Niang's more heartache.

Zhou Aoxuan, who is a father, didn't coax his children much. I don't know where to coax.

Just like this, she stared at hong'er and took the baby away, then gave it to her mother to nurse.

After a while, the little guy was full and peed.

The spirit will come back.

From time to time, she glanced at some idle geese standing on one side.

"Sister Juan, this is your father. Come and say hello to him."

At this time, hong'er holds the child in front of Zhou Aoxuan.

The latter reached for it excitedly.

But, the volume actually shrinks the head to lie in the red son's bosom.

Bored, and snooping secretly at Zhou Aoxuan.

That pair of swarthy big on discovery, see of Zhou Ao Xuan love is extremely.

"Scroll, I'm your father. This is your mother. Come to my father's and mother's arms."

As soon as hong'er listens to Zhou Aoxuan's introduction of Chen nianran as his mother, she holds the scroll tightly.

"Woo Lu... "

The volume is uncomfortable, whining and waving his elbow to protest again.

"Congratulations to my sister. I didn't think that you are the most popular one among us girls. Another day, I will have to beg your sister to drink your wedding wine. "

She said sincerely, but also smile sincerely.

Chen nianran just laughs and talks about it.

The eager eyes are fixed on the scroll, and I think of the little boy's appearance more than once in my heart.

The roll at that time, though it was double. But the courage seems to be very big. Even if it's Tuan Tuan, sometimes when he's sleeping, he can wake up when his feet are heavy.

But the volume, but has always been a great courage, even if the urine is suffocating, the child does not cry.

At that time, the volume seemed to cry very little.

Not like now, how to change This kind of timidity doesn't say, still, the immovable hide don't want her.

Well, that's why I'm not around.

Even if you are the child's mother-in-law, but you don't get along with her every day, this feeling will not be too deep.

After understanding this, Chen nianran is really helpless.

Chen nianran and his wife are excited when their daughter comes.

However, with the arrival of the roll, the trouble of honger is becoming more and more obvious.

At first, Chen nianran didn't care too much.

Only when hong'er comes, it's just for the roll.

But, slowly, she noticed something was wrong.

Hong'er will take the initiative to send the child to Zhou Aoxuan's arms, and will also teach Xiao Juan that he is her father.

But what about her?