The Farming Little Girl

C136: fighting against evildoers

Today, in terms of makeup technology, I highlight her beautiful eyes and add a few bright colors to her. The nose was a bit low, but I used some make-up techniques to raise it. It's just a few simple structures, but as long as you do it well, you can recreate a beautiful woman. "

After her personal make-up change, all the people present witnessed the change process.

So now what she said, everyone believed.

"I want to change my image, and I don't want to live a dignified life anymore."

"I want to change my modesty. My husband always said that I don't look serious..."

For a while, because of the powerful change of Mrs. Liu, the ladies at the scene all demanded to change their image.

"Well, well, wait a moment, I'll come now, I'll come. Come one by one, don't squeeze. "

To make up for so many people, Chen nianran can't do it alone. However, there is congealing fragrance.

And happy girl.

Hi wench likes to do things with Chen nianran more and more during this period of time.

According to Congxiang, it's the wolf that has grown up. After encountering Chen nianran, he also becomes unripe.

However, Xi wench also really needs to have aura.

She seems to have a natural sense of beauty.

For example, clothing matching, and makeup.

All of them are slightly worse than Chen nianran.

Actually, it's much better than Ningxiang, the same crossing woman.

For this reason, Ningxiang also sighed that not every woman who passed through can live as freely as Chen nianran.

Not all through women can live their own style.

Sometimes, the same thing, some people do it perfectly, while some people, after using 120000 energy, have achieved little.

Fortunately, Congxiang can guide people to change clothes.

According to the shapes of women's faces and the makeup they need to wear, she picked out some suitable clothes for these women.

Once again, he guided the selection of some accessories, followed by Chen nianran and Xi wench to make up for them, and some different clothes made by

employers, which also sold out this night.

As for Chen nianran and Xi wench, their tired hands are all soft.

Sitting on the carriage, Zhou Aoxuan rubbed her wrists with a black face. "It's said that I can keep you. I have to be so confused. Tell me about you. Why don't you get tired?"

Chen nianran said wrongly, "husband, do you feel sorry for me?"

"No..." The man twisted his head. But the rubbing on the hand is more forceful.

"Hee hee, I know that my husband loves me. Ha ha, but don't you think I'm so busy and absorb you more. Husband...... "

She lengthened her voice, the meaning of coquetry was too obvious.

Zhou Aoxuan shivered and covered her mouth. "Don't talk to me in such a tone. I can't stand it."

Next to the body, can feel his abnormality. Chen nianran laughs happily, this gentleman adult.

It seems that her face is taut, but in fact, it is more and more changed by her.

"By the way, I will be called my husband outside. When we are both together, you will call me Xuan."

He raised her chin and pecked at her bright red.

It seems that it's getting softer and softer. It's getting more and more like pecking.

But every time he pecked, he felt quite hungry.

But this woman is a picture of distress.

Feeling ignored by her, Zhou Aoxuan was quite dissatisfied.

He held her in her arms.

"Woman, you can invite more people. I don't object to your own career, but I don't want you to do everything by yourself. If all the shopkeepers in the world do it in person like you, I think they will surely die of tiredness. A good shopkeeper must learn how to make good use of talents and know how to manage important personnel. I don't like you being so tired... "

His technique, more and more gentle.

Accompanied by rubbing, there is a touch of warmth.

She knew that he was using his internal power to express his sleepiness.

"Hee hee, husband, ah Xuan, your theory is so similar to our management. But I'll take your advice. After that, I have to marry and teach my children. More time to accompany him. So I can't just have a career, but ignore you, Xuan. Give me a little more time. I've put everything on the right track. I believe it can be managed by others here. As for personnel, I will train them among the people selected this time. "

"That's good."

When the man finished speaking, he blocked her with his lips and tried to talk about the future idea.

Until the car arrived, Chen nianran was not let go.

Looking at her eyes blurred, and slightly puffy lips, Zhou Aoxuan smiled with satisfaction.

"You look so lovely."

Chen nianran is angry with him.

"You have ravaged me."

"What's wrong with raping my wife?" The man's answer was reasonable and vigorous, and Chen nianran, who listened to it, was speechless.

Well, as a matter of fact, she also likes this kind of sweet rape.

That is, surrounded by a man so sweetly, she is really afraid that one day, this man will look at another woman for more, and she will be uncomfortable

If so, another woman

What is she going to do?

For a time, her heart is full of feelings.

It's Zhou Aoxuan. Hold her hand and look up at the stars in the sky.

"Tomorrow, I'd better go with you. Anyway, this period of time is also idle. All of a sudden, I found that I can understand your woman's heart better when I listen to those melancholy women. Woman, although you are ugly, you are not so gentle. But I have followed you, so I will not look at other women. Not like the men in the melancholy women's family, looking for concubines in three or five rooms, or sharing rooms. "

"Ah, how do you know I'm worried about it?"

Does this man have her mind?

Zhou Aoxuan drew her a little closer, his eyes slightly turned, looking at a big stone not far away, he rose.

As soon as he took her, he set foot on the stone.

"Come, I'll show you the stars."

"Ha ha..."

Chen nianran really laughed.

She's so old that she really hasn't seen stars with others.

Feel it. It's romantic to watch stars and stare at the moon, but it's a little too small.

Especially for the woman who has two children, she has a natural aversion to watching the stars and the moon.

Always feel that they are not suitable to see the stars and the moon.

"Girl, you should know what kind of person my father is. At that time, when my mother was alive, I knew better than anyone when she was secretly crying. Looking at her so sad, I thought at that time, if I grow up, I can never let the women around me so sad.

In fact, there are so many women for him. All in order to want to be with him, but is to get more benefits. Just because I saw the source of all these contests, I had no idea how to find more women.

With you, at first... "

He didn't go on, but Chen nianran knew what he wanted to express.

"At that time, you just thought that I would never see you again. Anyway, you brought it to the door yourself. As for the future, I will treat my wife well. Is that right? "

Chen nianran asked playfully. The faint starlight reflected on her face, the smile, looks more and more warm and moving.


uncontrollably bent over and pecked at her bad smile, Zhou Aoxuan sighed.

"Well, at that time, you made me feel disgusted. I just felt that I didn't like you at all."

Chen nianran's eyes narrowed with laughter, and his fingers crept into his lapel.

"Well, yes, I saw you at that time, but it was quite pleasant. At that time, you were undoubtedly a piece of gold in my eyes. As long as I hold you, I will not worry about food and clothing in my whole life. "

Zhou Aoxuan, the woman.

"Tell me, you don't feel for me. Why did you keep working that night, eh?"

Although the smiling face is still the same, Zhou Aoxuan feels the chilling cold.

"That night, ha ha We... I was drugged. I love my wife. Let's go back and have a look at Tuan Tuan. Don't you say you can't trust him. I don't know how the child is eating today, and whether he has pulled his stomach again. "

Zhou Aoxuan hugs her to leave.

However, the little woman would not be like him.

Pick up his two layers of skin and wring One spin...


The man who is rising in the air frowns in pain.


They fell on the lawn. Fortunately, Zhou Aoxuan was below and Chen nianran was above when they fell.

Staring at the man whose face has been deformed, Chen nianran screams in fear.

"How are you, Zhou Aoxuan? Hurry up and I'll have a look. "

Seeing her frightened, Zhou Aoxuan was also embarrassed to scare her again.

Hold her hand, "girl, this life, we'll have a good life. Alas, ugliness is ugliness. As long as you pay more attention to your husband and me, and give birth to several children for him and me, let them carry on our beauty tradition, the husband will not abandon it. "

Realizing that he was hoodwinked by this guy, Chen nianran started to smack his fist.

"Ah, you dare to deceive me. If I don't punish you, you are a hateful fellow."

"Bang bang......"

"Ah, love your wife, spare your life..."

The evil spirit also made a voice of begging for mercy.

The more exaggerated he begged for mercy, the more ferocious Chen nianran beat him.

When I was tired and looked up, I saw a group of men, women, old and young people winking around.

Congxiang looked up at her, then she waved her hand.

"Ah, everyone, let's go back to our homes. This time, spring is coming. The sound of the male and female cats is really loud. It's OK. Listen and get used to it. "

Chen nianran and Zhou Aoxuan look at each other.

Liu is aiming at Congxiang, the hateful guy.