The Farming Little Girl

C134: Women's Club

In this way, can they still synchronize?

She pulled her hair impatiently.

"Well, this physique is really bad..."

"So?" Zhou Aoxuan's eyes narrowed and his hands were more diligent.

"So should I strengthen my health and reduce the amount of exercise in my room from now on. They have said that the couple's sports are too much, and they also wear out their vitality. So from now on, my husband, for my health and our long life, how about we stay away from love? "

Zhou Aoxuan takes her with a pinch.

"No, from now on, we should seize the time to love. Day and night together, so that you can make physical endurance training. More importantly, from now on, you have to train with me in order for us to keep pace. "

Chen nianran's face was bitter, and he knew that the monster was a demon.

Look, look, the moth is coming out.

"Can we not train? I really don't want to be too tired. "

"No, really? Don't get up. Why don't we go to bed and discuss the details of the training? "

Zhou Aoxuan is shy, hands down

"Ah, husband, I remember. Let's hurry to the shop. Ah, how can that girl not call us? No, we have to hurry. God, what time is it? Hurry up, hurry up. Husband, how is your business? Today, maybe you can go with us. With you in the shop, my heart will be steadfast. "

She begged him pitifully.

Zhou Aoxuan's body is stiff. He looks up at her with watery eyes.

Mingming, I agreed yesterday. I only acted as a woman for one day.

This little woman, has she forgotten?

"Although we agreed yesterday that we could only play for one day, have you ever thought about it. We are all gone. You are alone in this room. I, I, can't see you. It will be very uncomfortable.

And more importantly, if you don't go, you don't attract too many men's attention. At that time, the eyes of those men will surely fall on your charming wife and me. If you are not careful, you will provoke several peaks and butterflies... "

Zhou Aoxuan's face is instantly black.

Chen Nianran hurriedly stopped, like a little girl pulling his arm sad request.

"Husband, let's go together. Think about it. When I finish greeting the guests, how happy it must be to look up at you. Go... "

Defeated by the way she plays, Zhou Aoxuan has no choice but to place her forehead.

"You are a real woman. Well, my young master will follow you."

To make, Chen nianran happy to see teeth do not see eyes.

They came out happily arm in arm.

It's sticky. I appreciate the two people's white eyes.

"I said, you two are angry, aren't you? It's really annoying. Alas, are there people like you? It's true that I know someone else is alone, but I still see the love in front of me. I'm so angry. It was the movement of that night. Please, can you keep your later movements quiet. It's hard to fall asleep... "

Chen nianran was puzzled first. Immediately, he realized.

Feelings, this woman didn't sleep well in one night, yawning all day long, it was her husband and wife's fault.

Well, last night, they seemed to be moving It's really a big idea.

Chen nianran no matter how cheeky, this will be told through by her girlfriend, that face also can't hang.

Quietly take a look at Zhou Aoxuan, a man like an innocent man to the front.

As he looked, he didn't feel anything wrong last night.

Well, actually, the man's face is thicker than hers.

After breakfast, the group set out for the shop together.

After yesterday's peak traffic, today's traffic is a little less.

But only compared with yesterday's traffic.

In fact, people are constantly.

A group of people kept on receiving.

By noon, Chen nianran had time to stop.

A glass of water was properly handed to her, "look at you, who are hoarse and don't know, when you are aesthetic, I abuse it."

His face is full of dislike and criticism.

Can hear in Chen nianran's ear, but is quite comfortable.

"Hee hee, husband, I can think that you are caring about others in disguise. Isn't it, isn't it? "

Just as a guest came in, I saw two women saying this.

The guest froze on the spot.

"Ah, you?"

She looked at them like monsters, and Chen nianran quickly straightened up.

Beat Zhou Aoxuan's shoulder.

"Ha ha, this, don't mind, we are always joking like this. Madame makes you laugh. "

Zhou Aoxuan is still sitting there with the old God on the ground.

Fortunately, the guest didn't mind. He looked at it casually and said he was sorry to learn that all the ready-made clothes here had been ordered out.

But afterwards, she also picked a lot of headwear and so on.

Especially the fake flowers on Zhou Aoxuan's head, the woman chose several more.

Chen nianran frowned as he saw the man off.

"What's the matter? This business has just started. It's very prosperous. Why are you still unhappy?

”Chen nianran filled the water and calculated it bitterly.

At last, after a long time, it seemed to decide something important.

"No, this time, I have to launch the beauty business. Just pointing at these ready-made clothes, I don't have so many styles. Although I've made money in a short time, it's still a pain. You still have to make something on a woman's face. The most important thing is to make some beautiful clothes for them, and to give them some advice on how to dress up That is to say, I'm going to change my name to image design club. "

With that, she stared at Zhou Aoxuan's eyes again.

This time, Zhou Aoxuan didn't need to ask any more questions, but directly enchanting a smile.

"If you want me to do my best, you can show your sincerity. Besides, I'll be satisfied with what I have to say."

This satisfied two words, he said specially light.

But the charm is very long.

What's more shameless, this guy finally glanced at her chest.

In other people to do such a series of acts, that is indecent.

But in this man's work, it's elegant. It makes you feel hot all over and want to fall down again


"cough, pay attention to the effect." Congxiang listlessly reminds them of the goods.

It's very annoying. Now she regrets to swap Du Xintong with this man.

I knew they were so glued together. How could they let the two goods separate.

Now she looks at these two people. She is really keen on wood.

"Congxiang, you're tired. Come on, I'll tell you that in a few days we'll have to carry all the things that this woman will be angry about. You don't have to open a brothel at that time. You're in charge of such a women's business. "

"Wrong, my ideal in life is to open this whole world to my brothel. As for the rest, my sister is in charge for you for the time being. "

With a wave of her hand, Congxiang swept over her responsibilities.

In this way, Chen nianran can go to the women's Club freely.

In fact, since she came to this world, she has always had a good idea, that is, to change the thinking of women in this world a little bit.

Of course, it's impossible for her to change with all her strength.

But with actions and practical examples of transformation, I believe these things will be changed soon. When the thought was in place, Chen nianran began to plan the club again.

At about the same time, the lecture of the women's Club officially began.

After Zhou Aoxuan left at present, she went back to her tent.

"What's up there?"

"Go back to the young master, the three princesses over there come back. Surprisingly, she didn't notice the change of Du Xintong at all.

Maybe, even if it is found, it is normal.

The most important thing is that these two people seem to have a good appetite now. You have a strong feeling for me and are in a hot situation. That Du Xin is the same, unexpectedly make three princesses of ah ah ah ah of a night all call not to stop ah. "

Zhou Aoxuan was a little dazed.

"Do you mean that Du Xintong is with the three princesses?"

"It's the young master."

"It's good that way. Although I have gained the trust of the three princesses before, I have never taken the initiative to sleep with her. That woman doesn't trust me too much. For a long time, she kept the most valuable information in hiding. This time, Du Xin is with her. I think it will not be long before they launch another attack. Du Xin will be able to get information. "

Little five nodded, "no, at present, this Du Xintong is not bad. I wish he could conquer the three princesses at once. It's said that the people of pica are attacking my southern region now, which is becoming more and more fierce. For this matter, the emperor can't take the fretful meal well. "

"This time, pica is determined to come out of the border. Of course, they are fierce. What's more, this time pica attacked our border fortress, but someone supported us. This time, they are not idiots who are specialized in attacking and robbing. They also know how to use their brains. Now I don't know who this betrayer is. If we find out this person, it will be a success. "

As long as we find out the behind the scenes operator, he can be naked and stay with his wife and children.

"How is the situation at home?"

At the end of the conversation, Zhou Aoxuan also remembered that a message should be sent from home.

"The old lady is in the way..."

Five son some want to say again stop, he says to deliver the letter to Zhou Ao Xuan's hand.

After reading the whole letter, Zhou Aoxuan crumpled it impatiently.

"Tell me, tell me, the old lady has nothing to do at all. She has to push her mother and her son to the end. Why don't you think so much about being a grandson for me? It's my wife, my children. If nianran knew that the volume had been picked up by the old lady, it would be more sad. "