The Farming Little Girl

C129: you are responsible for me

"You can hold him like this, move him like this, or hold him horizontally In a word, it just can't make him feel uncomfortable. Such a small child, once he is uncomfortable, can only use the cry to accuse you of the wrong way. Come on, try. "

Looking at the little guy's swarthy eyes, Zhou Aoxuan is ready to move again.

Take the little guy and hug him as Chen nianran said.

Although little Tuan Tuan was still not satisfied with the tall humanoid, he just curled his mouth, then curiously grabbed the thing on his wrist and looked at it all the time.

"Haha This little thing is not afraid of me now. No more crying, no more crying. "

If you don't cry, Zhou Aoxuan will be more natural.

Just now I was corrected by Chen nianran's guidance. Now I am holding a small group, but I can be more relaxed.

In fact, he was not a stupid person. Now he relaxed a little bit. If he hugged the little guy again, he would have no idea. He slowly learned how to hug the little guy to make him comfortable.

"Nianran, I found out that when the little guy just wrinkles his nose and grins his mouth, he will be designated as uncomfortable. At this moment, if you move him a little, he will be very happy."

Just hold for a while, good at learning men will be excited to say the discovery of the rest.

"Well, yes, so you have to get closer to him so that you can understand his habits and what he wants. Little Tuanzi, in fact, is not demanding at all. He just wants to exercise freely, and then eat, drink and sleep. You owe him so much in this period of time that you have to take him with you. "

Zhou Aoxuan's face is bitter. He looks at the little pink and tender group in his arms, and then looks at the little woman who looks more and more charming after giving birth to her baby.

In my heart, I can't wait to stay here.

But, he

"Well, I'm joking. When you want to go, it's a mess. I just hope that you can finish the work as soon as possible. Otherwise, our league will grow up day by day, and you will miss his growing up day. "

Put the ball on the thick wool blanket, Zhou Aoxuan released a hand to hold Chen nianran's hand.

"Nianran, this time I will come back and be with you."

Chen nianran's heart and mind moved. "Is it because you want to be with me that you promised to be a spy there?"

At this moment, Zhou Aoxuan doesn't want to hide any more.

"Well, it's true. This time, even if someone in my family is against it, I'm working for the emperor. If you have made a contribution, go to him and ask for his reward. Then our family will never be separated. "

"This is also your family's task?"

My family, the Zhou family, is a large group.

In this era, it's the business of xingzu people.

Zhoujia is a branch of Zhoujia in fennan.

"Yes, that's what my family means. I know it will definitely put pressure on me to be with you now. All along, the marriage of the family is decided by the family and the elders. Unless, and out of a special contributor, can put forward a request. This also includes the right of marriage autonomy, and what I want to do now is to make contributions to my family, and finally, get the emperor's reward, and then make my family profit In this way, I can be regarded as a meritorious achievement, and get the only purpose required. "

Chen nianran's nose is sour.

All of a sudden, I feel guilty for my thoughts when I was in Bajiao town.

At that time, she just wanted to use it for him, but she didn't want to live with him sincerely.

"Do you know me so well that I just want to be with you?" Chen nianran forced himself to ask those sorrows curiously.

This man, they obviously didn't communicate well, why do they know her appearance well?

Zhou Aoxuan circled the little guy who had climbed far to the middle of his leg, and fixed the little thing, so he had no choice but to glance at her.

"You ah, in the past, you may only want to have a name for the house. But the whole thing has changed since you left. After you leave the mansion, if you want to send you out in a room, you can't. Today, you only want to live a life and a couple. Why can I understand you? No reason. It's your eyes and your attitude towards me. "

He dotes on to smile, the eye has helpless, but let her see more warm.

She pretends to be silly and dumb, and she is a simple and simple cargo.

Tease of Zhou Ao Xuan but reach out to pull her chin son. "You bad woman know to be careful of me. When I don't know your thoughtfulness, after that, you have to make friends with me. Our children have them. You can't do this to me. You have to be responsible for me. "

Chen nianran is silly, er, Mingming, is she a woman? How does she become responsible for him? "You..."

She wanted to defend, but her mouth opened, and she was strongly filled in by the man in a hurry.

"Let me kiss you well..."

Strong kisses sealed her lips and domineering dragon tongue went in.

Until she couldn't breathe, they became a couple of conjoined babies.

On the ground is still waving small arm to do crawling activities of small hair group, look up, look at these two adults glued together, not satisfied with waving small claws.

"Ah..." He protested, my mother is exclusive, how can I and other men become conjoined baby! Very protest!

As soon as the fat little body rolled, it rolled to the body that the two people were tightly bonded together.

The little guy's claws tugged at the tall humanoid: annoying man, let go of my woman, it's the exclusive property of Tuan Tuan!!


the irresponsible parents who are immersed in passion are protested by the little hairy children and finally separated.

Zhou Aoxuan glances at one of his own places, cradling and lying on the ground, looking up at his drooling little group.

Take him up in one hand and howl with a subdued voice.

"You are born to collect debts, aren't you?"

"Poof..." Chen nianran smiles shamefully, this man!

However, when he hit the hot line of sight, her heart, or inevitable swing.

Well, it seems I haven't eaten meat for a long time.

She would not admit that she was swept by his sight and her whole body would have the illusion of turning into water

After playing with the Little League for a while, the little guy wanted to occupy his sovereignty.

But I can't stand the fact that I'm too young and sleepy.

After a while, I fell asleep.

After falling asleep, he still grabbed Chen nianran's clothes and didn't give up.

Zhou Aoxuan stares at the small group's domineering possession of her own woman's arms, which is envious and tasteful.

"No, I must finish the work quickly. Otherwise, the boy will occupy you all the time, and his character will become like a woman. That's impossible."

Chen nianran was so happy that he freed the clothes from the hands of Tuanzi.

"When children are young, are they all in love with their mother? Which eye of yours can you see that our group will be female when they grow up? Tell you, our league, 100% is a good man. I'm sure it's better than you being a father. "

She reproached him with quiet and resentment. She saw a man's eyes in the last rhyme of a woman between maturity and acerbity.

He rolled his Adam's apple, pulled her, and lay on her chest for a long breath.


Thick and turbid breath, accompanied by an irresistible hand movement.

A woman's soft stupidity.

She shuffled him, "easy Dumplings... Not yet... Uh huh... Ah, don't...... "

However, she pushed away the integrity of his words and was swallowed by his whole

This night, a room of spring.

It was not until the cock sang and the woman begged that the man finally let her go.

Looking at this woman, Zhou Aoxuan smiled with satisfaction.

Kiss her, at this moment, I feel that I have her.

It turns out that it's so nice to have a person.

It turns out, just watching a person, will be so sweet as eating candy.

It turned out that she had long been in his mind.

It turns out that she has been put in the first place for a long time.

Originally, facing other women, no longer feel, because there is a her in my heart.

Originally, all his passion, only in the face of her, will pop out.

It turns out

All love turns into a gentle wipe for her.

Look at the sky, though I don't want to leave.

But also had to leave.

Just for the sake of meeting for a long time and staying together.

A reluctant kiss was printed on her face. She turned back and rubbed her face against the sleeping little fart.

The man got up and left quickly.

Outside the tent, wu'er and spring are still there.

When Wu Er saw him, his face turned red unnaturally.

Last night's grandpa and grandma This movement seems to be too much.

Spring, let alone.

A face, red as cloth.

Those eyes are even more shy of looking at people.

Young master is too bad. Last night's voice, they do this close to the tent, all have heard good.

Nima, he always wanted to sleep, but he was always tortured by the sound like a cat crying

Ouch ~

looking at the shyness of these two people, Zhou Aoxuan was puzzled.

He glanced at the two goods and said, "didn't you wake up or something? Cheer me up. "

Spring whispers.

"I didn't wake up. It's so noisy one night that it's strange to fall asleep. "

Zhou Aoxuan's footsteps are sluggish, and he spits out a sentence without hesitation.

"Spring, you seem to have nothing to do recently? I think you'll take care of it. "

Spring should be honest, "Oh, yes, young master." Immediately, the goods came back.

"Don't, young master, you let Xi wench take it. I can't take my children in spring. This, the baby is too soft, I don't know how to hold it! "