The Farming Little Girl

C111: infinite business opportunities

Hi girl duzui, "my master is the same, just throw me to you. But you're really good. Only four patterns were sold, and one of them was children's clothing, which earned 200 liang of silver. It seems that in your mind, you can turn around and produce silver. "

For people with ability, Xi wench is quite admired.

She used to think that her master was a smart person, but now she finds that this country woman who made friends with the master is also very smart.

And the wisdom of the sweet Lord is only for men.

But this country woman's method was used in business.

"Two hundred Liang, we have some capital. Come back tomorrow and have a look to see if there are any good goods to buy. "

Chen nianran is not satisfied with these two hundred Liang.

There are many places for her to use silver, and the capital she has put on her body is two hundred and fifty-eight Liang.

It's hard to do business with such a little silver. Of course, there are still several hundred taels of silver over there.

But compared with these businesses, she still thinks the cost is too little.

"Madam, let's travel ten thousand miles and see the scenery of ten thousand mountains. Enough to eat, enough to drink, enough to play, enough. "

Xi wench is very comforting. She has a fight with her former master Congxiang.

"Hi girl, how do you become a girl? Normally, you'll be easy-going. I don't think you're a girl from an ordinary family? People like you, according to my guess, should be running in the Jianghu. Why? "

Xi wench's face is bitter, and she makes a sound.

"Madam, you know Xiya so well. I am indeed a person in the Jianghu, but I don't remember my past life. If Miss Ningxiang hadn't saved me from a group of human traffickers, I would have been ruined. Because of this, Congxiang is my master. "

Well, it's a story of a dog's blood. Chen nianran pulled out his ears and asked no more questions.

After going home, the nurse is anxiously looking at the window.

As soon as he saw the present man coming back, he rushed out.

"Well, I said madam, you two are back. If I don't come back home, I will mobilize people in the village to look for you. "

Looking at the room, Chen nianran picked up his eyebrows displeased. "Six sons and gold haven't come back yet?"

These two goods, you can make trouble for her. One day there will be big trouble. It's really a mistake to bring them out.

"They haven't come back from wandering in the village. It's going to be OK. How much can happen in this village. "

Nanny doesn't think so. Chen nianran thinks so. Such a village really shouldn't have an accident.

Let's say, Liuzi and Jinjin are really good at dealing with people.

Wherever they go, they can talk with each other.

It was only two days after arriving at this village that they fought with several people in the village.

After teasing for a while, I was smeared with the little guy's saliva, so I went to cook with the girl Xi.

It's not that she doesn't want to be lazy, but the dishes made by Xi wench and nanny. I really can't eat them.

Even if it's Liuzi and Jinjin, after eating the food she cooked, they should not like the girl and nanny to cook alone.

Chen nianran does everything to eat.

Look at the corner. There are some cabbage, garlic and so on.

Today, when she came back from the town, she cut a small piece of meat.

"Let's fry the garlic fry the meat, and then make a hand shredded cabbage and cook a soup. Come on."

"Well, I like that cabbage. It's strange to say. People in this area are also strange. Why don't they eat good peppers? They have to throw them out as wild vegetables. Madam, the dish you fried with chili is so delicious. "

Hi girl, I didn't mean to say it.

But Chen nianran was stunned.

Yes, in the area of Bajiao Town, many people eat pepper.

But people here don't seem to like chilli.

"Hi girl, why don't people here like spicy food?"

Still select wild pepper's Xi wench duzui, "what do you have? It's only when you eat this spicy section, that's why people who are not spicy are upset. It's estimated that they have been refusing this kind of thing since they first tasted the spicy food. "

"People here don't eat chillies, but people over there like chillies. Hi girl, do you think if we take the peppers back here and make them into various seasonings, they will have great potential for development? "

Xi wench looks at her like a monster with wide eyes, but after receiving Chen nianran's bright crystal pupil, she shuts up and seriously ponders.

"It seems to be possible. Let's run back and forth for ten days. Ten days of appearance, in addition to the first meeting of six children where there are bandits, other, it is safe. It's hard, ma'am. Do you want to do pepper business? "

Chen nianran smiled softly, "not yet. However, I will consider doing this business in the future. It only takes ten days to go back and forth, and then transport our tea, candy and so on. I think the business of going back and forth is feasible. "

At this time, Chen nianran thought of his cousin.

Dalang went out to do business and heard that he was coming back.

Maybe it's not at home right now.

If he did come back. Let him do this close-up business at that time, and it will also ease the yearning of uncle and aunt. In contrast, how do you think this business is feasible.

In fact, the ancient business opportunities are endless.

The reason why we will go out of the world is that we will find a business opportunity.

The most important reason is that the transportation in this era is not developed at all.

Even from Bajiao town to this Monan Town, it will take ten days.

Many people didn't expect that, in fact, there are endless business opportunities in the customs and habits of a place

"Elder sister, we're back. I'll invite brother Huang to have dinner tonight. You can make more food."

At this time, there was a hearty laugh from outside.

Chen nianran is so angry that he can't do it. This boy really treats her as an old lady.

However, in front of the outsider, she would not do anything to the six children.

Welcome out of the room, see two and bigger than six son of the strong boys are shy behind six son.

There are still some blue and purple marks on the four people


"you fought!" At first glance, it is the scar caused by pinching.

"Sister, we just duel with each other. These two brothers always follow the caravan outside. I heard that they are good at martial arts. After a duel, haha...... " Six son of saliva skin Lai face of come up to please her.

Of course, he knew that if he treated her as a slave, she would be angry. Well, we must have a correct attitude at the moment.

"Well, I'll be ready for dinner later. Oh, I've brought something back. Just in time, we can make a braised rabbit meat for this wild rabbit. "

Unexpectedly, the two boys went out and came back after hunting. Chen nianran happily carries it to cook.

After a while, a delicious dish of braised rabbit with radish was put on the plate. Sprinkled some scallion foam on the surface, the fragrant little boys have long necks.

This thing hasn't been brought to the table yet. The two boys who called Huzi talked with spittle stars.

"Big brother, how can this ordinary rabbit be made in your house, so fragrant?"

In addition, the cat also pulled his nose. "This taste, and the spicy taste, can't be made by those wild spicy things we don't use? I remember it was so spicy that no one in our village ate it. "

Chen nianran brought the last dish to the table and sat down with generosity.

"That's right. This is the braised rabbit meat with wild pepper. However, it also adds a little taste of avoiding fishy smell like kimchi. Come on, have a taste of my braised rabbit meat. "

Today's rabbit meat is not delicious.

Because the auxiliary materials are made of radish.

This kind of rabbit meat, if it is cooked with potatoes or lettuce, it will taste more fragrant and pure.

However, there is no such two materials here in this season.

"Brother, sister, I can't wait to start." The dog can't smell the smell.

Catch chopsticks and taste them.

For them, what they usually eat is to make a full meal.

Cooked, that is, the same.

But today, I eat the rabbit meat carefully cooked by Chen nianran, even if it's slightly spicy, but the taste also makes the two eat a lot.

Looking at the happy eating of both of them, Chen nianran wondered.

"In fact, this kind of wild pepper can be used by people here. Why doesn't anyone bring these things to eat? "

"Elder sister, I know that this thing has been fried. But that smell, it's really too choking. No one will eat this kind of food later. "

"I didn't expect the taste of this thing would be so powerful. I've never tasted such delicious food since I followed the shopkeepers. It's very spicy, but I want to eat it. OK, Shuang. Brother, sister, come on, I'm here to you. "

Listening to the cat's words, Chen nianran's brain turned again.

She felt that the pepper might be sold here in another way.

Pepper is not only for seasoning, but also for chili sauce. And dried peppers can also be sold in large quantities to Bajiao town a little further away.

"Brother, what seasoning do you usually put in the dishes?"

"We have sweet food here. Many dishes have sweetness in them. "

Well, my stomach is not much different from that of modern Shanghai.

Partial sweet food, for pepper and so on, it's estimated that we need to make some hands and feet on the ingredients to make it acceptable to people here.

For a while, Chen nianran couldn't get a clue.

Then we eat and drink together.

During the dinner, the two brothers talked about the strange things that happened recently.

"Oh, let me say, the most strange thing is that we have a immortal here who knows the future and can see through the past."