The Farming Little Girl

C103 To be a volunteer nurse

From time to time, the bad guy would grab Chen Nianran's hair and stuff it into his mouth.

In his arms was his soft son, and in front of him was the face of the Master Immortal.

Chen Nianran frowned, "Then how will Master Immortal be willing to save this child?"

She forced herself to calm down.

He treated himself as a merchant and this … Master Immortal negotiated.

It was only then that Chen Nianran saw that the Master Immortal did not look too bad.

However, his physical appearance was not bad.

But in the current her eyes, no matter how she looked at it, this Master Immortal was not in a good mood.

Because he could have saved his son, yet he was here negotiating the terms.

Seeing that she was serious, Master Immortal smiled in satisfaction.

"Yes, you tell me first. How is this immortal master?"

Logically speaking, this smile was an extremely enthralling one.

But in the eyes of the anxious Chen Nianran, she felt that this smile, was actually so disgusting and disgusting.

The child in her arms was still naked. She was really afraid that the child would be cold after so long.

"I don't think you have the ability to do that. You must be fooling around with money." Forget it, I won't beg you anymore. " Chen Nianran stood up and ignored the Master Immortal.

After calming down, how could there be such things as gods and immortals in her previous life? At this moment, she felt so infuriated that she had lost her rationality.

What he did not know was that Master Immortal, who had been bewitching her, thought that he would get another beautiful young woman's heart.

However —

While understanding, his disciple shook his head regretfully, "Ah, teacher, your always strong heart of ten thousand young women has failed at this point." It looks like there will be a day that Master's ten thousand women fans will also lose their effectiveness. "

The immortal master was so angry that he was about to spasm. This matter was very embarrassing, and his disciple had already found out. This caused him to lose so much face, okay?

"Woman, you dare to say that I am putting on a show? Ahhh, I am so angry that I can anger the master of the side." Come here, I've really solved your problem as a child. However, I also want you to owe me a favor. When that happens … How about you give me back a lump of mud? "

Although he still had some doubts towards this overbearing Master Immortal, but his thought of helping his son had gained the upper hand.

After all, he really was injured.

She turned around and stared doubtfully at the immortal master in front of her. "Mud?" Why would a normal person ask for a lump of mud?

"Yes, a lump of mud." Immortal Master puffed out his flat chest.

"This mud isn't ordinary, right?" Chen Nianran didn't really think that Master Immortal, who paid two hundred silver for one match, would ask her for a bunch of mud for no reason.

The immortal master and his disciple were silent, their eyes roaming all over the place.

Sometimes he looked at the Master Immortal, and sometimes he looked at Chen Nianran.

If one looked carefully at that eyes of Shen'er, they would realize that he felt sympathy for Chen Nianran.

"That's right, it's just a lump of mud. You are a child, and someone poured boiling water over you. "The injuries on his appearance are actually quite simple, but if this immortal master does not do anything, this child will probably have no descendants in the future."

Chen Nianran's hand that was hugging the child tightened, her almond eyes opened wide. You mean... "It means that this child might not be able to do anything in the future …"

The immortal master nodded and took two steps forward to stand in front of her.

He pointed at the wound on the teapot between her fingers.

"Take a look, the location of these two Strength Enhancing Eggs has also been severely damaged.

The heat rushed up, and the interior was damaged. To have suffered such a serious injury at such a young age, do you really think this child can have any aftereffects? "

Boom …

Chen Nianran's brain seemed to have exploded.

The sound was so loud that one couldn't hear it at all.

It wasn't as if she didn't understand this sort of thing.

In modern times, when she was a volunteer at the hospital, she had also been exposed to patients like this.

Under the circumstances, it was indeed possible to not mention it.

This child was still so young, yet such a great matter had occurred.

If it was a normal man, he would have stopped moving.

Furthermore, how could he live on in this world that was neither Yin nor Yang?

When he thought about the unbalanced eunuchs on TV, Chen Nianran's heart tightened.

She did not want to turn her own body into a eunuch.

The price was the price.

For the sake of her son's happiness, she had to save him even if she had to give the entire world to him.

"Are you sure you can save this kid?" Beneath his strong exterior, a clear and cold voice popped out.

At this time, Chen Nianran's eyes were spitting fire.

She made the immortal master and his disciple shudder.

"He acknowledged me as his master, and from then on, he will be taught by our Celestial Sect. He will nurture his soul with piety, and when he grows up, his body will naturally be very healthy." However, the price is that you have to compensate me with a lump of mud. "

Even now, the man was still struggling with the mud.

Chen Nianran coldly nodded her head, "Alright, tell me, what kind of price will this lump of mud make me pay?"

Actually, Mrs. Lin also revealed to me that this child's mother is living a miserable life. I am not greedy, I just need you to come with me to retrieve a mysterious lump of mud!

"Go get it?" Chen Nianran looked at the man in front of him with suspicion.

As for him knowing that she was someone the Mrs. Lin had arranged for to enter, she was not surprised at all.

If not, he would have been able to understand why Master Immortal's actions were so strange.

What she was puzzled about was this Master Immortal, how did he know she could take the mud?

"Yes, it's mud. "Because of that clump of mud, no one in this world will be able to get it back."

Just these few words caused Chen Nianran's entire body to turn ice-cold.

It was true that she was a transmigrated soul.

However, he would never have thought that the man could see through him.

She dared to guarantee that before this, she definitely wouldn't recognize this divine staff.

"You …"

Her beautiful big eyes were filled with doubt.

The godly stick in front of him smiled brilliantly again, returning to its usual smelly fart.

"This immortal master was born from the eighteen stars in the sky, so he knows everything that no one else knows. In just a moment, this immortal master saw through the essence of your soul. "

Chen Nianran rolled her eyes, the vibration just now had disappeared again.

He only felt that if this immortal master did not speak, he was still an elephant immortal master.

He really didn't think that Ye Zichen was a master.

"Alright, I promise you, when the time comes, I will help you get the mud. However, the child is currently not in my hands, so how are you going to take him in as your disciple? "

Asking that, Chen Nianran regretted it.

Isn't this obvious?

The Old Granny trusted Master Immortal so much, as long as he mentioned his, the Old Granny of the Zhou family would definitely agree.

"That's easy to deal with. After we leave today, I'll tell them that this child will naturally follow me."

"Follow?" Catching wind of these words, Chen Nianran immediately boiled over.

"Yeah, why are you so excited?" The immortal master rolled his eyes. "Could it be that you want to be my wet nurse?" "That's true, this child is currently in need of a wet nurse."

Her perverted eyes fell on Chen Nianran's chest, and she felt as if she had been devoured.

This feeling was quite bad.

However, the current Chen Nianran couldn't care about anything else.

She took the initiative to ask, "Yes, yes, I can be this child's wet nurse. Don't worry, even if I don't have any milk, I can help him find a nurse. I'll pay for it all. Also, I will also take care of this child. Master Immortal need not worry. Just, just let me follow. "

Mo Daozi revealed an evil smile, and his face immediately lit up.

"This immortal master will consider it." I'll start by smearing medicine on this child. This immortal child … I'll accept him. "

This time, Chen Nianran didn't dare to disobey this man with the aura of immortality.

She obediently put down the ball and watched as the disciple smeared some of the sparkling liquid on the burned areas.

The little guy seemed to enjoy this cool caress. It didn't cry, but on the contrary, its little arms and legs were kicking and kicking.

From time to time, he would spit out a small bubble.

"Ah …" "Howl …"

Seeing that Chen Nianran didn't know her, the little fellow gnawed on its finger aggrievedly.

Those watery eyes seemed to be accusing his mother. Why didn't you hug me? Why didn't you kiss me? If you love me, then kiss me. If you love me, then hug me more. If you love me, then accompany me more …

A heart of a loving mother was defeated by the little fellow's aggrieved expression.

Chen Nianran's heart was in turmoil.

Master Immortal looked at Xiao Tuantuan curiously.

Occasionally, his gaze would fall upon her.

Only, what made Master Immortal depressed was that the other party did not even look him in the eye.

He moved closer to Chen Nianran a few times, but still did not get a response.

In the end, Master Immortal sighed in extreme depression.

"Master Immortal. Have you thought about it? This child's wet nurse invited me? "

"Cough, being the wet nurse of me, a celestial child, is not that simple."

"Name your conditions." Chen Nianran hurriedly went forward to flatter her.

A Daoist Priest who could see through the difference in her soul was definitely different.

Although this kind of thing was a little superstitious, she had to admit that if she could encounter things like transmigration, how could there not be these sorts of strange things happening?

"En, you can pay for the child's wet nurse."

"Yes, that's right." I am the mother of a child. Logically speaking, I should be the one to feed the child. Unfortunately, I am out of milk now. So it was only right to find a nurse for the child.

"You have to take responsibility for the child's normal life."

"Sure, no problem. "Of course."

"I'm only responsible for teaching him a few of our supreme Immortal Daos. At other times, you have to take care of him. "

"Yes, this is only natural."

"You will be in charge of three meals a day for me and my disciple."

"..." "No problem."

"And my expenses."

"Good …" All right … However, you can't exceed five hundred silver a year. " This is my bottom line, my bottom line.

"Don't worry, this immortal master won't spend too much of your silver." "Originally, I only wanted to say that it wouldn't exceed 50 taels of silver per year, but now, you actually generously offered to give me 500 taels of silver. This immortal master will happily accept it."

Chen Nianran felt as if she had eaten a fly.