The Farming Little Girl

283: hard to get

According to various signs, if Liu Xinran is a woman with no intention, how can she become a regular junior with such a bad life experience, and finally open branches and leaves for the Zhou family. All the people in cajole's Yifu were bought by her.

I'm afraid it's not a general skill. To this point, Chen nianran also understood why Zhou Aoxuan didn't want to stay in the Zhou mansion, but preferred to fight outside every day.

Everyone else's family loves him very much. He is the only one whose son can stand in front of us to attract attention and be free!

The most incredible is Zhou Aoxuan's mother-in-law. She didn't make any mistakes. However, when she was dying, a man was shocked to hold her clothes and cry. For this reason, Zhou Chaoyang reasonably felt that this was the kind of unclean thing that his wife carried on her back with a man.

Because of this discomfort, the old Su family can not enter the old ancestral hall of the Zhou family and the ancestral place of the family until now. It can be said that in doing so, the old Su's position was completely despised.

Born as a son of man, Zhou Aoxuan thinks of helping his mother and relatives into the ancestral hall of the Zhou family. This time, the reason for the delay is that we have to choose the tombs for the old Su family.

Today, Zhou Aoxuan is taking people out to pick tombs. Next, pick the stone. Because it's his mother-in-law, Zhou Aoxuan takes all the work and does everything himself. From this, as long as there is an eye field of people, will also know, Zhou Aoxuan is how much attention to their parents' things behind.

However, there are always people who don't have long eyes jumping out to make trouble.

Liu Xinran is domineering and selfish. Of course, she wants to occupy the position of housewife. That's where Zhou Chaoyang is.

After all, that position represents the identity of the main room.

When she was alive, she was married by a matchmaker. This is dead, but still have to live to be suppressed a head, so, how can be reconciled?

When he returned to the house, Zhou Chaoyang looked at the jade and liked it very much.

Liu Xinran saw that he was so happy, so she came up to him. "Master, look, these are all the things our manager chose for you. Alas, let's say, Li'er is also a fruitful person outside. He has been putting it outside for so many years. But I really helped our Zhou family. What can I do? It's a bad life. "

When he said that, he began to cry.

Zhou Chaoyang was puzzled.

"Why did Madame say that?" Then he gave her another look. "Our family is doing well. What are you doing here to curse him?"

Liu Xinran's tears spread more and more. "Well, master, I don't have to talk like this. Only, this time, if xuan'er's coffin is put in that position, I am not a small one. At that time, the manager of our family, that is a two bedroom man. In this way, even if he wants to marry the daughter of the governor of the capital, it will be difficult. "

Zhou Chaoyang's eyes jumped. "What do you say? Who are you going to marry?"

His eldest son, Zhou Aoli, was the dandy who flirted with Chen nianran. Although he had reached the age of marriage as early as possible, he had been working outside all the time, so he had only taken concubines and so on. As for the chief wife, he had never taken relatives.

Zhou Chaoyang and his wife also want to know clearly that the position of a real lady like this, how can we choose someone with strength and good family background and influence to form a family.

As for concubines' rooms, it's good to do what you want. After all, concubine room, that is to have fun. But the main room, we must bring glory for ourselves in the future.

If the power of the Zhou family can get married with the rich money of the capital's patrol history, it is the best marriage among them.

"Well, I heard that the one who came back said that Li'er and he disclosed that Miss Qian Jin, who had recently saved the governor by accident, had been saved. They seem to have a good feeling for the girl. Li'er has also explored the wind. If he is a long-term house, most of the marriage will not be a problem. However, if he becomes a concubine of the side room It's hard to say such a good family affair. After all, the daughter of a history inspector can't find a commoner. Oh, my poor reason! "

Zhou Chaoyang was stunned. "And why didn't you say it earlier. You woman, say it at this time! "

Zhou Zhaoyang walked around in a hurry.

Zhou Aoli is his first son.

He should love more anyway. As for the children from other concubines, he did not look at them. Just like Zhou Aoxuan before, those who are not favored after birth are left to one side and let them live and die.

But now it's not the same. Zhou Aoxuan has developed and returned to his official position.

More importantly, the emperor also attached great importance to it. This time, he went to binjin to solve the problem of his family's rooting. For the Zhou family, Zhou Aoxuan's contribution, even if he was killed as Laozi, would not be said that he was not OK.

What's more, the burial of the old Su's coffin is a trivial matter. But now, Zhou Aoli can get married again. That's the daughter of inspector Shi. If such a marriage is formed, it is really a matter of glory.

However, now the problem of identity is very serious.

If the old Su family is righted, it means that Zhou Aoli has become a commoner.

Even a commoner can't be worthy of the money that a commoner deserves to go through history. After all, his Zhou family is just a big family.

For a while, Zhou Chaoyang was also tangled.

Liu Xinran looked at him like this and knew where his fault was. At that time he cried out again.

"Master, why are you so miserable? Although you have so many children. However, I can't find a few who really care for you and are filial to you. Which is not some white eyed wolf, just stare at how many benefits you can share with them. Alas, although our family manager is filial, I'm afraid he won't have such a life in the future. "

Such a cry, Zhou Chaoyang's face is ugly.

Liu Xinran made it clear to him that there are so many children around you. You can rely on them to feed your children, but Zhou Aoli is the only one.

In a word, Zhou Chaoyang has always been partial to this week's arrogance.

Even if Zhou Aoli doesn't look good. But somehow, in this group of children, in addition to Zhou Aoxuan, the most promising one is Zhou Aoli.

Zhou Aoli is also his son who has been wandering around with great expectations since he was a child.

It can be said that Zhou Chaoyang is eager to give Zhou Aoli the best things in Zhou's mansion. But now?

At the thought of Zhou Aoxuan's purpose of returning from this special trip, he was embarrassed.

"But it's hard for Xuaner's son to deal with it."

Liu Xinran can't make you at first sight. That's not good.

Go to the underworld and be a small one. It can't fulfill your wish.

"Oh, my reason. I'm going to die. Master, you don't have to worry about me and Li'er when I'm dead. It's the life of Li'er in the future. You have to deal with it for him. We'll leave it to you. "

The woman, said under ruthlessly to the wall. Seeing something bad, the woman on one side rushed up to block it.

In such a way, Liu Xinran was hit askew on one side. She shook her head, got up and hit the wall again.

Zhou Chaoyang just responded and slapped her in the face.

"I said that you are such a desperate woman. I have to let my mother know how to arrange me. You should put it aside. "

Liu Xinran sobbed, "but I'm going to be a small house, and my son will be reduced to a commoner, so I can't live any more. I, I'd better die. "

The woman, as she said it, was about to bump again. In this way, Zhou Chaoyang is really out of order.

"All right, all right, I'll think of another way. I will not let Li'er be a commoner in this matter. "

Got this letter son, Liu Xinran just shed tears in the man's bosom.

"Master, I don't have to embarrass you. It's really for your future consideration. You say, how can we have so many children who are only the most sensible and know how to be filial to us? There is no one close to you who comes out of the other rooms. Even the people in that room, alas, it is said that... "

When she said that, she looked like she wanted to talk. This move, but Chen nianran before and the old lady played hard to get.

"It's said that what? Who said what about Zhou Aoxuan? "

Zhou Chaoyang asked angrily.

Liu Xinran's eyes shrunk, "master, I should not have said that. Just, some time ago, I went out to accompany the party. Accidentally I heard some in a garden Not so pleasant. It means that xuan'er came back this time just to put his mother's coffin. As for other people in the Zhou mansion, he didn't give face at all. Even if it is the master and the ancestor, you will not be given. "

Liu Xinran believed this for a long time.

You know, since Zhou Aoxuan came back, his face is not his face, and his nose is not his nose. In fact, he flattered his son so much, but he was still a son that he didn't value very much at ordinary times.

At this time, when I heard Liu Xinran's ophthalmic medicine, I believed it. He snorted with a cold face. "Don't listen to these women chewing their tongue. It's just bullshit. "

If you know your husband and wife, Liu Xinran has been around him for so many years, how can you not understand his temper. Look at what he said in his mouth. But people, but to the chair.

Pretending to wipe her tears, she added a little more to those words.

"Well, I don't believe it either. They just chewed it up. Those people also said that xuan'er has always been remembering his revenge. This time, he came back to show the master your power. It's also said that xuan'er let go when she was in the capital, saying that she was a man without parents. He also said that you are a shameless and skinless old man. Well, anyway, I don't really like that. The hardest thing to hear is that Xuaner I made a lot of money when I was doing business outside. Others also asked me how many gold, silver and jewelry Xuaner brought back for us this time. I said there was almost no such thing. Those people Ah, it's all a sneer. "