The Farming Little Girl

153: with you

Her unknown words, but all the people around her looked at the wretched old man with contempt.

"Astringent, it's obviously my own doll, and I leave it outside to talk about others. I think there is something wrong with the old man's spirit. "

"Ha ha Brother, if you can't find a wife, it's OK. Let's play with dolls and let off the fire. Actually, there's no big problem. You should be happy. Don't be embarrassed. Well, even if you're happy, it's a bit immoral for you to pull others and shout together. " Some people followed to make fun of the old man.

Chen nianran also followed the music. The little woman was also restless. She said something in her voice.

"Old brother, now you go back to hug the doll. We can't see it. You're also very popular. Why not do it. In fact, if you don't hold the elder sister, we don't know that you are playing with my doll. Alas, this kind of play, as long as you don't toss yourself too much, is actually feasible. "

Zhou Aoxuan hurriedly drags her, does not let her again explode words.

However, it's too late to drag, because the half old man's face outside is red.

He opened his mouth to argue, but after stuttering for a long time, he said, "you, you You... "

All the monsters in the room turned their heads away when he pointed to his face.

It's like I don't know you.

However, what Chen nianran didn't notice was that when the old man pointed at them, these monsters who had been sitting with her got together at the little monster's table.

Originally, the little monster sat alone.

Well, this time, the whole big table just sits Chen nianran and Zhou Aoxuan.

Chen nianran, who went to the theatre, did not know all the subtle changes at all.

To Zhou Aoxuan, this is quite helpless.

He shook his head as he watched the little woman with interest.

Alas, I'm afraid that the monsters will have to be corrected soon.

But it's good to teach the little woman a lesson.

"Well, elder brother, you should go home as soon as possible. There is a pink nanny in the house. You're a little more gentle. Don't let it go. No one will believe it. "

The woman admonished with a strong heart and then clenched her fist at the crowd around her. "Everyone, thank you for watching, and thank you for standing beside the little woman. It's getting late. I think Gewei should go back to his home and find his mother. If you look around here, we won't invite you to have tea, ha ha... "

"Ha ha..."

When the crowd heard what others had said, they all dispersed.

"Old brother, although you always pull me to say something different, the little woman decided to invite you to drink today."

She is very polite and graceful with a natural and unrestrained bow.

Chen nianran exclaimed, "tut Tut, the woman's mind is broad and good, because she can be so magnanimous to those who destroy her."

In the distance, the faces of a group of monsters were more serious and did not dare to laugh at all.

That wretched old man seems to be stimulated by this sentence.

He turns around and sits opposite Chen nianran.

It's really sitting.

That speed is the blink of an eye. People sit opposite Chen nianran and his wife.

Chen nianran rubbed his eyes and cringed into Zhou Aoxuan's arms.

"Husband, you say, after being accused, will a wretched person become angry, and then say nothing to us?"

Thinking of the bald Taoist in the street just now, he was just hit by a pedestrian, and then he laughed at the miserable appearance of cutting his head and vegetables

Chen nianran is a bit regretful. He shouldn't talk too much.

Zhou Aoxuan patted her on the back peacefully, "it doesn't matter, he can't beat me."

The old man on the opposite side stared at the two men. The beard on the thin face was even blown by him.

Chen nianran approaches the man's arms again. Well, if you have a safe embrace, you have a dependence.

"This lady, it seems that your vision is quite bright. It's not bad. The little lady and you are the same at first sight. Today's meal How about you? "

Just at this tense moment, the woman followed.

And uninvited to take care of oneself to sit by the old man's side, one does not care more with others generous calm.

Chen nianran is about to open his mouth, but he will come right away.

"You think my eyes are bright, and at first sight, they are just like the past, so to speak This meal, should be you invite me, how come I want to invite you? "

Dizzy, almost should.

A meal is not expensive, but why does she ask for it? The woman's way of doing things How can I feel so weird.

"It's just because we see it at first sight that we should treat you. Don't you think of the silver for this meal? "

The little woman frowned and looked a little sad

"Then..." Chen nianran just wanted to say that I can invite you.

However, she was so blessed that she suddenly found this table, which originally belonged to the monsters.

But at this moment, the monsters are all gone and run to the next room.

And they look at these two people's looks, but also very treacherous.

Eh, no, it's not going to work.

Obviously unscientific.

"Those two monsters It's a couple of brothers and sisters... "

Once Zhou Aoxuan told her something about twin monsters. At this moment, she thought about it.

Yes, they are -

she has a close look.

Though the woman was very well dressed, she was also very serious.

But if you look closely, you can see that her eyebrows and eyes are similar to those of the old man.

Of course, the woman seems to be making a lot of corrections.

As for the old man, it's not good to call him a wretched figure.

Looking at the small monsters not far away, Chen nianran understands that the emotional couple are the twin monsters they have been waiting for.

Well, she obviously offended this brother.

But this woman!

She smiled brightly and looked at the dignified woman seriously.

"Well, treat This, yes, but I have a condition

"Ah, well, you said, my favorite is a generous person like you." A dignified woman is ecstatic.

"That's to say, you have to do something small for me after dinner, and help me to look at this drawing. What is it about? Alas, you don't know. When I come out of my profession, I want to find a master to help me see what can be done with the things in my hand. "

As she spoke, she scooped out a drawing of a sewing machine.

If this woman can see the model of this thing soon, then this meal is really worth inviting.

On the contrary, if you can't --

the woman is not polite either, she directly drags the drawing.

Half the old man also came to see them together.

Looking at it, the two brothers and sisters look casual, and they start to get serious.

After a long time, the old man just slapped the table with his eyes open.

"Well, well, this kind of hook can also wear thread. I think the combination of the two can make things like clothes mending."


Chen nianran took a breath to cool down. This old man is not easy. , worthy of the title of monster morning.

They just looked at the drawings, accessories and so on, and immediately guessed the purpose of this thing.

"Gao Ming, I have met Mr. Ouyang."

Chen nianran did not dare to be careless any more. He got up and made a serious bow to the old man.

"Ha ha, you are very smart, little lady."

The dignified woman groaned, "in this world, you are the only one who is smart. Elder brother, I don't mean you. Your point of view really needs to be changed. Well, sit down quickly. You can't guess from seeing this little woman with the monsters. It's really humiliating. How could it be our Ouyang family? "

The serious tone came from the woman's mouth, and the old man Ouyang could not hold on.

He slapped the table. "I'm your brother. That's how you treat me?"

"Yes, yes, you are my brother. If you were not my brother, I would have pissed you off. Well, sit down quickly. I'm hungry. This lady, just some drawings, you want the people of our monster camp to help you with your life's work. This, ha ha... "

Although she was smiling, her eyes were extremely cold.

"Ha ha, elder sister, if I can let you always pick up fresh things to make, will you have other thoughts to take on other work? What's more, I mean your workshop follows me, but I don't mean you must follow me all your life if you die. I can get a meal ticket. If you want to go, you can go anywhere. But I'm afraid you won't leave then. "

As early as on their way, they received special letters from the monsters.

So now the two brothers and sisters also know that Chen nianran came here to invite people from their monster camp to do things.

For this reason, the brothers and sisters kept silent and did not reach a consensus.

What's more, it's not clear that Chen nianran's and his wife's behavior is based on the conclusion that they always come here to have a look.

Now, Ouyang Nan, the eldest, is slightly dissatisfied with Chen nianran.

I can't help it. I said he was not at the beginning.

Ouyang Huahua, on the other hand, is smart and famous. For partners and interests, she is not less.

"Oh, that sounds like a good condition. You are very confident. You think the people in our monster camp will follow you all the time. Well, I'm interested in your things. However, I don't know if there are any more sophisticated characters, or things that can move and shout. I've been studying this kind of thing. Unfortunately, it's hard to hear... "