The Farming Little Girl

140: warm up dance

"By the way, Congxiang, why don't you see anyone in the morning? When you have agreed to dance, you won't see anyone now."


"sister Congxiang went to the band. She said she had to dance with accompaniment."

Chen nianran clapped his head, "Oh yes, without a band, there would be less atmosphere. Well, I'll come back and tell her I'm in the club. "

In fact, this club aerobics, that is, combined with some modern aerobics dance, plus rhythmic aerobics to carry out.

At the beginning, when he had a free time in the modern evening, Chen nianran would also go to some square dances and so on.

Some middle-aged people dance the square dance, the rhythm is joyful, the fashion does not say, also takes the aerobic fitness esthetic sense. "That's it. I'll jump first. "

Put on the black aerobics clothes, Chen nianran began to recall the former square dance.

At first, I was quite numb, but I found a sense of rhythm by jumping.

Until Congxiang brought people in and saw a dancing and warm little woman, the people at the scene were shocked.

Zhou Aoxuan also came in to find his wife. This time, he found many people around a tent.

Pulling out the crowd and seeing it, he exploded on the spot.

This woman, unexpectedly, is only wearing a tight dress and twists around there.

Don't you see a group of men watching her swallow saliva!

Angry man, a few steps forward, can't help but take off the outer clothes to cover the woman who is still wiggling her hips.

"Ah, why, I haven't jumped right, you let me go, Zhou Aoxuan, you let go..."

When she saw his black face and those people outside, she laughed.

After making a gesture of taking care of herself, Ning Xiang beckons the accompanists to sit in another place.

In fact, in modern times, everyone is standing in the square dancing, who can say who.

Here, wearing a tight suit is said to be one of those.

This is the hedge between modern civilization and ancient civilization.

"My husband, they are doing aerobics. It's really nothing. I used to dance that kind of dance for you. To be honest, aren't those dances also very good-looking? Don't lie. I'm divided between good and bad. "

Zhou Aoxuan just wanted to say that it was not good-looking, so he was held back alive.

He took off his clothes and put them on her to keep her tight.

"Even if it's good-looking, you can't dance in front of the people outside. I just want to enjoy your beauty alone."

Chen nianran is angry, NIMA's you selfish guy.

However, the relationship between husband and wife still needs to be encouraged by her spirit again.

"My husband, listen to me. I'm not in good health. I can't stand it when we are together for a while. Well, it's just that I'm a little too sick. Do this kind of dance more often. We are together with our sisters. We supervise the dance together. We have momentum and drive. More energy. In this way, not only everyone is busy, but also the most important thing is to exercise well. It's better than you always force me to practice horse stance and do other things. You see, I'm a good horse walker. "

Zhou Aoxuan was too angry to practice horse stance.

He detested the woman's poor health, and he tried to rub her together.

Can be rubbed, but people jump to one side.

Or she has stomachache, leg pain, and whole body pain

Er, or do you really promise her to dance?

Look at his face between some loose, Chen nianran hurriedly refuel. "My dear husband, don't you think it's inappropriate for me to wear such tight clothes in front of men. Well, I'll have the musicians on the side, and I'll dance with the ladies. Today, it's a pure misunderstanding. I didn't know that Ningxiang would let people in at that time. Well, husband one...... "

A whine of this voice, even Chen nianran himself felt sick.

Fortunately, the man in the hard, finally, or nodded, it is acquiescence to her this proposal.

"Let me find out that you are naked in front of men, so I'll be honest and go with you."

"Husband......" Chen nianran wants to be coquettish.

But this time, men are determined.

Eyebrows up, "well, what, don't want to jump?"

"Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Well, if there's an accident, it's not KFC's fault. For example, suddenly a man fell from the sky, and then, I can't stop this situation! Right, right? You should be reasonable in your life. You can't muddle along, my husband. "

Zhou Aoxuan to say the negative words, so she was born to stop.

At last, he raised his hand. "Well, I know, if there is such a person coming from the sky, then we can handle it as we like."

"Yes, my Lord. I'm going to dance now. Of course, you can dress up as a girl to watch us dance. However, you have to look at me alone, others don't see much. "

With that, he made a face at him, which turned around and ran out of the room quickly.

Looking at such a lovely little woman, Zhou Aoxuan could only shake his head. How could he find a woman with childlike innocence.

But it's also good.

In life, she is mature and steady.

Everything can stand on its own.

In private life, it's childlike and interesting. In the couple's affairs, it plays multiple roles

When Congxiang saw her coming back, she was slightly surprised.

"Yo, yo, the man in your family is really at ease with you. It seems. Your foxes are getting more and more aggressive, right? Sometimes I really doubt whether you open a brothel or my wife? Why do I always think you can bewitch men's hearts even more than me? "

Congealed incense is quite confused, but also a little depressed.

Chen nianran has a proud chest.

"You should envy, envy and hate. It's called sister's aura. Well, let's cut the crap. Let's practice quickly today."

Congxiang is also a person who can do what he says. He'll make fun of it.

But for the business, there is no ambiguity.

Rehearse together.

The number one two three rings.

The musicians in the next room have played all kinds of strings, erhu and so on.

Surprisingly, Congxiang has achieved little in music talisman.

But after a little instruction, the musicians could understand what she wanted to express.

The combination of ancient and modern music, in the improvement of congealing fragrance, salivates.

In the strange music of the musicians next door, their aerobics also came on.

Zhou Aoxuan walked in slowly. He didn't really want to see the woman's dance.

However, he was not sure about this funny little woman.

It's better to waste a little more time here than to stare at it.

Hidden in a place full of clothes, Zhou Aoxuan tries to regard himself as an invisible person.

"One, two Three... "

"Congxiang, here, I think it's a little too fast. It's OK for us to jump like this. But if a woman like his wife dances, it will be a little difficult. Well, I'd better start with a quick warm-up dance. Let's have a few more slow ones. We have to arrange the order of the dance completely. We have experienced it really before we can let people follow. Again, it can also be combined with social dance. Hee hee, congealing incense. You say that social dance will be taught in the future. In the future, for example, Madame and the city Lord's wife will hold a dance? If there is such a time, I think your high-grade brothel can also be pulled onto the table. "

"Well, it's a good way, but it's not good just for tents in this city. It's better to have urban planning. Just the tent, no matter how I open the brothel, it can only be a simple entertainment place. It can't show high-end

The curd came back a little depressed.

"Well, it's true that there are always wars in this place, so people are used to winning tents. I hope we don't fight again. I'm very optimistic about this place. "

They said and rehearsed.

At first, Zhou Aoxuan didn't see any benefits.

I just think the two of them are stiff and stiff.

It's not natural at all.

But slowly, they jumped more and more smoothly.

That action, flowing, with that set of fitness clothes, how to see, how to feel energetic, gorgeous and moving.

Zhou Aoxuan smiled with satisfaction at the pretty little woman who jumped and turned around.

This is the mother of his children.

Zhou Aoxuan is also his wife, with her, life, no longer lonely.

This life, with her, really good.

Although, such a funny woman will always give you a headache once in a while.

But also have to say, with her, life, can be more abundant.

He has to deal with border issues, so he doesn't dare to stay any longer.

Turn around and walk out of the room. Look at the sky outside the tent.

The whole world is fresh without a trace of dust.

The little woman likes this place, so he has the obligation to protect it.

So we need to dig up the spies in pica and in China.

At this time, the three princesses of pica are in a luxurious bed.

Two men were doing something until the battle was over.

A woman rests contentedly on a man's chest.

The third princess's hand, if there is no way to stir.



Du Xin closed his eyes tightly and tried to wave the figure out of his mind.

Until, the mood can be free, he just calmly narrowed his eyes and swept the woman in his arms.

"I think we are very happy together, so I will report with my father that he will allow us to be together."

Duchin stopped with her fingers on her back and responded with a sneer.



Feeling his coldness made the three princesses quite uncomfortable.

She raised her head and kissed him in the face.