The False Summoner

Chapter 132

Three days later, the funeral was held. Many people in Ralo town and Yadi city attended the funeral. Ron buried all the ashes of the tiger family together and built a tomb on a mountain to the west of Ralo town. On a huge tombstone, almost all the names of the tiger family were engraved. The only ones that were not engraved were Caroline and Karen.

Next to the big tombstone, there is a small tombstone, and the names on it are Caroline and Karen. On this tombstone, Ron stands in the name of Caroline and Karen's husband. Maybe it's his guilt for Karen, maybe it's for other reasons. In a word, Ron finally satisfies Karen's wish when she leaves, and his practice is not good It's an open admission of his relationship with Karen.

After all this, Ron disappeared in the eyes of the public. However, this time, instead of going to the secret valley, he stayed at home.

He sat quietly in the chair, eyes slightly closed, next to Diana a little worried looking at him, but did not speak, since the tiger family accident, Ron seems to be more silent.

Diana thinks Ron is sad, but, she doesn't know, Ron is not sad. Although he is angry, he is not sad. Caroline and Karen are not dead, but he only has some pity for the death of others. After all, he has nothing special to do with these people, and even hates some of them before.

It's just that Ron thinks he needs some time to think about what happened recently. He wants to find out what's going on. However, the more he thinks about it, the more he doesn't understand it. His mind seems to be in chaos.

"Ron." Carl and Nina come in.

Ron shakes his head, temporarily dispels the confusion in his mind, opens his eyes and gives them a forced smile.

"Ron, are you ok?" Nina looks concerned. Although Ron is a little jealous for Caroline and Karen, she is more worried about Ron.

"Nothing." Ron shook his head. "It's just that it seems very unsafe recently. You should be careful."

Ron has been staying at home these days, just worried about what will happen. However, now it seems that he must thank Karen for killing none of those people. Otherwise, if those people are angry with the wolf family because of him, he really does not know whether he can prevent tragedies like the tiger family with his ability.

"I see." Nina nodded.

"Recently, the town is very busy. Many strangers come here." Carl added.

"Carl, did the patriarch tell you about you and Ellie?" Ron asked.

"Yes Carlton had a bitter face when he said, "my beauty is really in trouble. It's a pity!"

"I'm sorry, it's just that I have a compelling reason." Ron apologized, he has clearly told Bryan patriarch, don't want to let the wolf family and the Munn family have too close relationship, and Bryan patriarch also put off Carl and Ellie's marriage.

"It doesn't matter, Ron. I know you won't object to it for no reason. Since you do it, it must be for my good." Carl didn't blame Ron for this, but he was obviously still regretting the loss of a great beauty.

Ron nodded slightly and said nothing more.

"By the way, Ron, it's actually the patriarch who asked us to come to you." Carl finally thought of the business. "Here comes count perusi of the capital."

"What?" Ron's heart leaped. "So fast?"

As Crusoe's brother-in-law, it's normal for Earl perussi to come here after the tiger family's accident. However, with the distance between the imperial capital and here, Earl perussi can receive news and arrive here in a few days, which is a bit beyond Ron's expectation.

However, what he was most concerned about was another question: "is count perusi alone?"

"No, they're all here, with a few guards." Nina replied.


Ron has a strange feeling in his heart. So, is Joey here?


in the reception hall of Wolfe manor, patriarch Bryan is receiving the Earl of Pelosi's family.

It can be said that there is no friendship between the wolf family and the Peruvian family, but now that Ron has taken the initiative to Cao to take care of the affairs of the tiger family, the head of Bryan is also polite to count perusi.

When Ron came to the reception hall, he saw Joey at a glance. She had not seen him for several months. Joey was as beautiful as ever, but there was a slight sadness in her eyes. Her beautiful face also showed a bit of haggard. Obviously, what happened to the tiger family had a great impact on her.

Compared with Joey, Carlos seems more calm, and it is not Joey who looks the most sad, but another beautiful lady, that is, Joey's mother, Caroline's aunt, Countess grace, her red eyes, and the faint tears on her face, which can make people see her sadness.

Next to grace, a middle-aged man was holding her hand, comforting in a soft voice. This middle-aged man was very handsome and magnanimous. He was Joey's father, Earl perusi.After the count perussi's family, there are still four bodyguards, two martial arts masters, a Summoner and a magician standing quietly. It seems that their strength should be quite good.

"I have seen count perusi, Countess." Ron stepped forward with a slight salute.

"Are you Ron's child?" The soft voice continued, but it was the countess, grace.

"Yes, Countess." Ron was a little puzzled that grace's kindness was beyond his expectation.

"I haven't seen you for more than ten years. You are so old." Grace sighed, "I saw you several times when you were a kid, but I didn't come here much these years. You and Caroline have grown up, too."

"Mother, why are you so kind to him?" Carlos seemed to be unable to bear it. "I think Ron might have done something about my uncle's family. Otherwise, why did he cremate them in such a hurry? Besides, he even regards himself as Caroline and Karen's husband. Hum, people don't know. I know very well that he has never been good to Karen! "

"Shut up Count perusi gave a deep drink. "Carlos, don't talk nonsense!"

"Father, I'm not talking nonsense. I have a basis for saying that!" Carlos was a little annoyed. "If you ask my sister, Ron doesn't like Karen at all!"

"Father, I don't know, but I know Karen likes Ron very much. If she knows that she can be Ron's wife after her death, she will be very happy." Joey said softly.

"Joey, you're protecting..." Carlos was a little angry.

"Shut up "Get out of here!" exclaimed count perusi

"Father, I..." Carlos didn't look angry.

"You take Carlos out and wait for us at the hotel first!" Count perussi gave orders to the guards.

"Yes, count!" The bodyguards responded respectfully, and soon took Carlos away from Wolfe manor by force.

"Patriarch Bryan, I'm sorry. It's impolite." After Carlos left, count perusi offered to apologize.

"Count perusi doesn't care. We don't care." Head Bryan gave a cool smile.

"Headmaster Bryan, actually, we are here to visit you. First, we want to thank you for the funeral for the tiger family. Second, we want to ask if you know any clues about the murderer?" The count of perusi finally got to the point.

"Having a funeral is just what I should do." Ron then said, "as for the murderer's clues, we do not know, count perusi, I am afraid you will be disappointed."

"Ron, shall we go out for a walk?" Joey suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, count perusi and grace were stunned, and Ron was a little surprised. He looked at Joey and was a little confused about her behavior.

"I want to see my cousin's grave again." Joey felt that something was wrong and quickly explained, "I'm not familiar with the road here. Although I've just been there once, I still don't remember it very much, so I want to ask Ron to take me there once."

"Come on, I'll take you." Ron said, in fact, he also looks forward to the chance to get along with Joey alone, but he didn't expect Joey would take the initiative to come up with it.

"All right." Count perusi nodded. "Be careful."

Ron and Joey leave wolf manor soon, but they don't go to the cemetery. Ron and Joey come to the secret valley.

"Is this the secret valley with hot springs?" Joey looked around. "Caroline and Karen both told me that this place is like your home in their mind, because in ralow, it's just for you and no one will disturb you."

"Yes, no one will disturb here." Ron nodded slightly. "No Carlos, no prince Chris, just the two of us."

Joey was not stupid, she could hear the meaning of Ron's words.

"Ron, Caroline and Karen just had an accident." Joey's tone was slightly angry. Obviously, she didn't think Ron should have said that at this time.

"If it hadn't been for them, I'm afraid it would have been hard for me to see you." Ron's tone was obviously a little resentful. Since she decided not to give him a chance a few months ago, he had never seen her alone. Even in public, it was hard for him to see her. Obviously, she was deliberately avoiding him.

"Ron, shall we not talk about that now?" Joey sighed. "I just want to ask you, don't you really know who the killer is? I can see you're hiding something from my father

"I don't know." Ron replied very simply.

"Are you angry with me?" Joey was silent for a moment and asked in a low voice.