The exclusive soldier king of the beautiful president

Chapter 55

"What?" as soon as he heard this, Lu Haotian immediately got strong. This is no joke.

"How did you know?" he asked urgently.

"Keep it a secret!" the female voice on the phone was very funny.

Lu Haotian asked with a smile, "have you had a relationship with all three of them?"

"Well... Minister, I\'m also forced to be helpless. If I don\'t do this, I can\'t stay in the company. The company is full of hidden rules. The superficial rules are just hypocritical, and no one abides by them. Private interest transactions are true."

Lu Haotian nodded and said, "I see. Do you know why they are against the president?"

"I don\'t know. The fired captain hates you and always wants to revenge you. I also heard Fu Zhenju say it."

Lu Haotian thought it was very funny. This woman is really interesting. He smiled and said, "if this is true, I will give you the post of minister in the future, and the president will certainly agree."

Lu Haotian hung up and couldn\'t sleep. These guys belong to the green dragon club. Do these little ruffians have a grudge against Mu Wanjin? What the hell do these people want?

Early the next morning, Lu Haotian was awakened by Jiang Leilei\'s cry, "get up, get up, get up, make noodles for me, hurry up..."

She didn\'t care what time Lu Haotian went to bed. She was completely obsessed with her wishful thinking. She stubbornly pulled up his eyelids, which couldn\'t be separated.

"Oh, I wipe... Are you bored? It\'s not easy to have a weekend. Let me sleep more..." sleepy as a horse, he lay back again.

But Jiang Leilei is a hot character. In her opinion, as long as she is comfortable, she doesn\'t care about other people\'s life or death.

OK, if you can\'t pull it by force, I\'ll force you to do it. Then she used her hands together and tickled him.

Lu Haotian is not afraid of being tickled by others, so he sleeps even more. Scratched for a while and found that he didn\'t respond. Jiang Leilei was so angry that she bit her tongue and said, "well, you Lu Haotian, you\'re not afraid to be tickled!"

He put his hands in his waist and thought of other ways to get him up.


As soon as her eyes lit up, she had a dream!

She ran to the bathroom, took a large basin full of water with the basin for washing her face, broke into Lu Haotian\'s room, splashed it with force, splashed it, and splashed it directly on Lu Haotian\'s head.

"I wipe, what are you doing? You, you dare to splash water on me? Ouch, my mobile phone, you?"

If others dared to provoke themselves like this, they would have been lying in the hospital or meeting the Buddha.

He had a sweet dream. His whole head was covered with water. His hair hung in front of his forehead, and the water droplets flowed up his body along his head.

"Ha ha, who won\'t let you get up? Get up and cook for me. Come on..." she took Lu Haotian\'s hand and asked him to get up again.

Lu Haotian stood up and said, "eat noodles and make them yourself."

He had to stand up, go to the bathroom and wash thoroughly. In fact, it\'s good for him to sleep three or four hours.

On the battlefield, sometimes two hours are very much, and it\'s just like a gentle village for the battlefield of life and death.

Jiang Leilei was so angry that she grinned at his back and said, "anyway, you have to make noodles for me, or I\'ll do it tomorrow..."

Soon Lu Haotian finished washing and was so angry that he sat on the sofa in the hall and turned on the TV to watch the football match. Jiang Leilei came down from upstairs and said, "is the meal ready?"

"Eat and do it yourself!" Lu Haotian\'s voice was many decibels louder.

This frightened Jiang Leilei. After all, she is the daughter of a rich family! So up to now, he has been bossing others and telling others what to do. He has never been angry.

Now the boy dared to say no to himself, which made her angry all of a sudden. For subordinates, we should press them hard, so that they can honestly obey themselves, listen to their own words and do what they say.

"What did you say? Tell me again and see how I deal with you?" Jiang Leilei stood up angrily, with an angry look on her face, as if she wanted to kill.

Just at this time, mu ruoxian came down from upstairs and saw that they had to stand in place and confront each other. They looked like they were transmitting internal skills.

"What are you two doing? Do you look at each other? Or make eyes at each other?" she asked coyly.

She shook Jiang Leilei\'s shoulder. Jiang Leilei looked back at her, fell down in her arms and said, "cousin, Lu Haotian bullied me?"

"Bully you?"

Mu ruoxian turned his face, looked at Lu Haotian and said, "why did you bully her?"

"No? He must have had a head wind. He certainly didn\'t take medicine last night..."

Jiang Leilei turned angrily, grabbed the apple on the table and threw it at him. Lu Haotian didn\'t dodge. He opened his mouth and just bit the apple in his mouth.


Jiang Leilei threw another one. He held out his hand and grabbed two more. He threw and jumped back and forth in his hands. Jiang Leilei cried angrily.

Since childhood, no one dares to treat themselves like this. Even cousin mu ruoxian, a young lady of the family, loves herself. Parents and uncles are very polite to themselves and spoil themselves in everything.

Now she was bullied by a bodyguard she always despised. How could she stand such grievances, but she couldn\'t fight each other, so she had to cry. She wanted to force mu ruoxian to stand up for herself or force the boy to apologize to herself.

"Ah... Cousin, I don\'t live anymore..." she said angrily.

Mu ruoxian said, "stop making trouble. Hey, Lu Haotian, please apologize to my cousin. How can you bully her after a few days?"

She is also a little angry. After all, the bodyguard is an outsider, and her cousin has always been inseparable from her. They are in the same class in domestic universities.

Lu Haotian, who killed thousands of knives, ignored it, smiled and bit Apple\'s left and right hands respectively, shook his head and said, "ha ha, the president means that as long as I come for a long time, I can bully her, can\'t I?"

"You!" Mu ruoxian blushed. "I want you to apologize to her. Do you hear me? Otherwise, I\'ll let my father fire you."

"Great!" Lu Haotian didn\'t care at all. Apple came several times in a row.

Just then the doorbell rang, "Ding Ling, Ding Ling..."

Someone came outside. Mu ruoxian looked at the video of the doorbell on the wall. It\'s a tablet sized video. As long as the doorbell rings, it will automatically open and show the appearance of people outside.

There was only Ke Xingbang outside, holding a briefcase. It seemed that there was something important. But the three people in the room were deadlocked, and no one would open the door.