The exclusive soldier king of the beautiful president

Chapter 271

"Haotian, you should go to the hospital to have a full examination of your arm right now. After the examination, ask the doctor to take some medical alcohol to smear your arm, which is the same as using the bath star. Finally, you should check it again and get both reports back." take the remaining half bottle of bath star back and put it back in the box, And the remaining six bottles of samples are locked in the vault.

Lu Haotian also felt that the bathing star was really so interesting, but it was only so interesting. The effect of the liquid medicine brewed by his master is much better than that, but it\'s good for ordinary people to have such achievements.

The boss had orders, and Lu Haotian naturally obeyed. He was also curious about how effective the bath star was.

For the first time, it works immediately. This immediate adverse effect can only be achieved by assisting large equipment and spending a lot of money. Large equipment assistance and money investment are only for those conscientious enterprises. The first use of some makeup products is indeed immediate, but its side effects are beyond the users\' ability to bear.

If Henghe\'s bath calling star really has no side effects and the use cost is equal to zero, although the effect is much worse than that of large-scale auxiliary equipment, Henghe can still benefit greatly from it.

In the afternoon, there was a press conference. Mu ruoxian also said that she would launch the star of bath calling at the press conference to make Henghe, which is in the limelight, icing on the cake.

There was still time. Lu Hao nodded and left the vault.

After he left, an ambiguous picture unfolded in the vault. Mu ruoxian and Liu Ciqiu hugged each other, and then.

When the president opens the vault, the monitoring will be temporarily disconnected. The size of the still working monitor and pinhole is the same, and the president\'s backup file is connected. Without any interruption, the two women left the vault again, and the blush on their faces had not subsided.

This will let Lu Haotian see this scene. I don\'t know how he will feel. Although he seemed to speculate about the unusual relationship between the two women, he still couldn\'t accept it after seeing it with his own eyes, unless he was included in the next work.

After Lu Haotian sorted out from the hospital, he had two more document bags in his hand. Respected his immediate boss mu ruoxian told him that he can\'t even eat lunch now. He must immediately take the checked documents back to the company.

Originally, an ordinary press conference was just to let the silent Henghe group regain its publicity and awaken the gradually forgotten memories of the people of Mozambique. Mu Wanjin era is how arrogant Henghe group is. Now that his daughter is in power, it also re enters the vision of the people of Mo province with a domineering attitude.

It will break out, such as the flood hitting the embankment, such as the sea roaring, and set off raging waves. In this turbulent torrent, the gangte warship of Henghe group will tear a hole in the stormy battlefield and go to a new destination.

"Good, very good." looking at the inspection report, mu ruoxian nodded.

Coupled with the clinical report of the Institute, he Henghe group is sure to win a good start.

Mu ruoxian even ate some snacks for lunch, then returned downstairs to enter the press conference, and finally confirmed that there was no problem with the venue.

"With your professional vision, let the security guard monitor the whole venue and don\'t make any trouble." after looking around, the layout of the venue is OK and there is no problem. In addition to the environment, the rest is safety.

Lu Haotian nodded. After mu ruoxian left, he found several security captains.

"I said, minister, you can\'t work well in your office when you\'re free. We don\'t have a problem even if you play with computers."

"Yes, we were busy this morning. No one can talk to other department ministers. Fortunately, the relationship between the public relations department and US has always been good, otherwise it\'s really difficult to do."

"Who says no, the departments that have been incorporated into us have set up recruitment points in the lobby one by one. They are elated, but it has hurt us."

Lu Haotian can understand their mood. At the beginning, he also performed various protection and escort tasks. He knows that the mentality of maintaining order and preventing sudden attacks by the enemy will make people feel oppressed and nervous.

Especially in outdoor and public places, the first thing is to find out the busy point of sniping, and then find out the suspicious people around.

He also felt that when something similar happened to Henghe again, it was necessary to set up a security gate, which would facilitate the management of the security department and solve the potential safety hazards to a great extent.

"You come with me first, and I\'ll arrange the security of the press conference." said that after landing, Haotian began to circle the venue with several security captains, and finally sent a secret sentry in the main passage leading to the upstairs.

God knows if someone will take advantage of the chaos to touch it. As for the purpose of their going up, Lu Haotian doesn\'t care. His duty is to protect the company\'s employees and company property, both of which are sacred and inviolable.

It has been a long time since he personally took the lead in arranging defense forces. On a whim, Lu Haotian casually said that he had experienced the battlefield. Of course, these have passed the confidentiality period.

"Minister, it\'s not me. They all say I boast the most. Today I have to admit that you are the introverted boaster."

"Don\'t talk nonsense. At least one thing the minister didn\'t boast. He told the truth about escaping from that island."

"Ha ha..."

Several people walked and talked all the way. Lu Haotian was easy-going and had no airs. In the past, the battle of near death was automatically classified as an excuse for bullshit and idleness.

Finally, all the arrangements were made, but Lu Haotian couldn\'t get the sense of impending tension. He always felt empty and firm in his heart. In particular, he experienced a state of high concentration in the morning. After entering the elevator dedicated to the president, he felt a moment of loss.

"I am a soldier, but can the fate of my sword only wait quietly for the years to take away my edge bit by bit." Lu Haotian muttered with his head down.

Entering mu ruoxian\'s office in silence, he casually found a place near the window and did it. Looking at the distance, his thoughts floated.

I don\'t know how long it took until mu ruoxian woke him up from his memory. The press conference is about to begin. Liu Ciqiu has gone down to receive some big people and members of the shareholders\' meeting.

They entered the elevator side by side. Lu Haotian seemed to have made a great determination: "Ruo Xian, I want to resign."

"Well, what? What did you just say?" Mu ruoxian was reading the document and replied casually. Then he felt like something was wrong and looked up at Lu Haotian fiercely.

"I used to regard myself as a sword, a sharp sword that never retracts its sheath. I only think about two things every day, task and training. From my favorite combat training to my most painful subjects such as makeup and communication, I thought I was bored, but..."

"Only after returning the sword to its scabbard did I find that the scabbard can only block the edge of the sword, but it can\'t calm the restless heart of the sword."