The Evil Peasant Girl


It had only been a month, and she had already earned 250 coins. She thought to herself that she was only seven years old, and would be able to find 2 or 3 taels of silver this year, after settling the bill, she could at least earn some money. At that time, she started to seriously consider Beast 007's suggestion.

"small bird, are you there?"

"What was the mistake?" Beast 007's tone was a bit cold, but he couldn't shake off this foolish and sweet host. Otherwise, he could only continue to return to his hometown and stay in the dark warehouse, waiting in line for the next opportunity.

"small bird, actually, I also want to expand our space as well." Hearing this, the beast felt that something was amiss.

Sure enough, he then heard Liu Dao Xiang say: "small bird, how about you go and communicate with the manufacturers again, and we can loan you another land? At that time, we might as well repay the debt with a chicken. In any case, we have good reputations and are a good people. "

Beast 007 was moved, the more small animals Liu Dao Xiang gave to the producer, the more contribution points it had.

"I, I, I'll think about it."

It agreed wholeheartedly because Liu Dao Xiang was very trustworthy in this area, unlike some tenants, who were really troublesome to deal with. The ones who were in debt were old grandsons, and the ones who asked for money were grandsons.

Of course, Beast 007 would not tell Liu Dao Xiang this. In order to gain more contribution points, in order to get rid of this primal ecology, the bean sprout form, he was going to go all out.

Liu Dao Xiang waited for a while, but seeing that Beast 007 did not reply, she did not know what it had done.

He then went to the general store to weigh a kilo of jujube for 40 pieces of paper, 50 pieces of red sugar and 20 pieces of paper each. He then went to the place where he used to sell the chickens and found that the chicken was no longer sold. He had to look for another one and talk about the price before buying 30 of them.

She had stored twenty chickens in a space. At this moment, her space included the three chickens she had raised and fifty-two chickens. She was holding a small bamboo basket that the man had given her, and inside it were ten chickens.

At this moment, she still had twenty coins left in her pocket.

After thinking for a while, she took out another two pieces of paper. She decided to keep one piece of paper for the ride and the other piece of paper would be a few feet of red rope.

Liu Dao Xiang was also a sweet girl who loved to flirt. She held two copperplate s in her little hands and encouraged herself.

It was rare to see her in such a cute state. She was already hiding in the corner laughing, her slender lollipop bouncing.

She bought four feet of red rope for a penny on the stall in front of the embroidery house.

The quality of the red rope wasn't very good, but it was still much better than the two pieces of rotten cloth she was carrying right now.

After she was done, she went to the embroidery workshop and walked around. Although there were many people here, she did not see anyone from her village. She thought for a while, so she squatted not far from the door and waited.

Taking advantage of the moment when no one was looking, she secretly took out the two catties and hid them in her large, thin coat.

Perhaps it was because the atmosphere was not destroyed, but the ancient spring was colder than the modern spring. Even though it was already early April, he still had to wear a thin jacket.

She was big, so it just so happened that she was hiding something.

Zhang Gui Hua carried Liu Chunxiang and carried a bamboo basket. In the autumn, she filled it with 10 kilograms of fat pork and some random things, and at this time, she was slowly walking over, when she saw her second daughter squatting on the steps of the embroidery manor. She was like a abandoned puppy, pitiful looking at her.

She felt sad for no reason. She felt that she shouldn't have listened to her mother-in-law so well. Looking at her three poor daughters, the kind Zhang Guihua, she hated her mother-in-law for the first time.

She did not want her second daughter to be like this, so she quickened her pace and ran towards her home. The crowd was so packed that they pushed away her neatly combed hair before she left the house. She did not even have the time to look at her second daughter and only wanted to hurry to her side and tell her that her mother was by her side and would treat her sisters well in the future.

Zhang Guihua for the mother side strong, was previously no one to wake up Zhang Guihua, let her have been very kind filial filial father-in-law and mother-in-law.

After changing Liu Dao Xiang's wife, she found out that filial piety and obedience were two different things.

"Dao Xiang, Dao Xiang." Zhang Guihua's heart ached.

Liu Dao Xiang was bored to death as she used a small stick to poke at the ants in the cracks on the side of the stairs. Seeing them climb up with a small stick to poke at the ants, then seeing them climb up, she couldn't help but despise herself as she played this childish game.

Hearing the familiar voice, Liu Dao Xiang happily threw the small stick aside. Just as she stood up, she quickly squatted down again, and forgot that she still had two catties of noodles in her arms.

"Dao Xiang, what's wrong?" When Zhang Guihua saw her get up and squat down, she thought she was feeling uncomfortable.

"It's nothing. It's just that I've been squatting for a long time. My feet are numb." Liu Dao Xiang opened her eyes and spoke nonsense again.

When she arrived beside Liu Dao Xiang, she sat down on the green stone steps. She was not the only one who did this, there were many shops with many shops with people sitting on both sides, these people were at the gathering, and many of the people who brought their children had already squeezed to their deaths, thus, like Zhang Gui Hua, they did not care about how poor they were.

Liu Dao Xiang opened her mouth wide, and her gaze landed on Zhang Guihua's pale face, but in the end she did not say anything.

She crouched down and quietly moved to Zhang Guihua's side. She put her arms around her neck and affectionately said, "Mother, my luck is really good today."

Zhang Guihua thought to herself, "Don't tell me this child really picked up some money?" "Then tell me, how's your luck after you came to town?"

"Mom, I picked up a little brat at the entrance of the building where Second Uncle was working today."

Just as she finished speaking, Zhang Guihua could not hold it in and laughed out loud. She turned her head to Liu Dao Xiang and said, "You are only a seven year old brat."


Liu Dao Xiang had truly forgotten about this.

She had always treated herself as an adult and had even forgotten that the little body she was carrying now was only a seven-year-old loli.

Seeing her second daughter standing there with a stiff face, Zhang Guihua could not help but laugh even more happily. "Alright, quickly tell mom where the brat you picked up is."

Okay, Liu Dao Xiang decided not to lower herself to the level of her mother.

Yes, I brought the little kid to play by the restaurant, and when her family found me, I gave it back to them. After that, that family gave them many copperplate s, two of them were given by the little kid's mother, one of them gave me a string and the other one gave me some loose children, I bought two catties of noodles, and I also bought one catty of red dates, one catty of red sugar, and a head rope. Mother, there are still some copperplate left for you, we can go back by car today.

With that, she raised the 10 chickens in the bamboo cage and said, "There are still the 10 chickens. Li San-mei agreed to let me secretly feed the chickens to her family.

Zhang Guihua sighed when she heard this. Her second daughter's luck was really good, the young wives in the village also secretly did it, but she was a bit timid, so the two of them didn't have the time to go out and find chicken feed, not to mention that Mrs Liu Qi loved to move her chair up to the main building and sit on the steps. There was no movement in the yard, so she could see everything.

Besides, why would she believe what Liu Dao Xiang said? This kidnapper loved to hug a child when there were many people around him, hence it was easy for him to lose them.

It was only because it was a huge gathering today that the people of the Wu Li Wu Guo had come to buy some items that could help build a mountain.

This year, the Liu family was no exception, Liu Qi also gave money to Zhang Guihua to buy money paper, gold and silver foil folded into a pair of paper, ingots, incense candles, firecrackers, paper.

A paper pass is a flower made of white paper, folded into a string, one end tied to a bamboo pole, stuck in the grave while going to sweep the grave.

"Keep the rest of the copper coins well. Later on, let your father teach you two how to guard your sisters. In the future, don't be too blind."

"Calculate?" Only then did Liu Dao Xiang remember that she had not taught Liu Sangui. Fortunately, Zhang Guihua had thought it through carefully, otherwise, if he used it more, there would be a time when he would be exposed.

"That's right, Mother was also taught by your father. Otherwise, why would Your Milk always stop worrying Mother and go shopping in town?"

So it was like that, Liu Dao Xiang had always been curious why she liked to send Zhang Guihua out to buy.

"Mother, you're the best. Oh right, Mother, you can't let Milk and Aunt know about this noodles, red dates, and sugar. And this grandpa also can't let him know."

Liu Dao Xiang was afraid that Zhang Gui Hua would take out all these things and explained them to her immediately.

Zhang Guihua sighed in her heart. Even her seven-year-old daughter knew how to be good to her own family, but she hated her and San Gui for being her parents. She had never thought about being good to her daughters at all.

"In the future, all of the money you earn will belong to you. Your Milk's character... Father and Mother will not take you. "

Liu Dao Xiang could understand the meaning behind her words. She knew that Zhang Guihua's mental state had changed, but she did not want to force him to be too hasty with his cheap parents.

"Mom, let me have these things. When we get home, we can find a place to hide them."

"Forget it, I'll just take it myself." Liu Dao Xiang believed in the safety factor of space even more.

Zhang Guihua rested for a while, then felt that she was feeling better, so she let Liu Dao Xiang look at the packing basket, then carried Liu Chunxiang into the embroidery workshop.

As a woman, Zhang Guihua had indeed suffered a lot in her life. Her small hands clenched into fists, as her mother who got off easy, in the future, she would definitely go out and have a sedan made for her. Some people would listen to her when she entered the door.