The eSports King's Crush

Chatper 528

The appearance of Li Mengran reminded Fu Jiu of a long time ago.

For so many years, the reason why she hasn\'t changed is probably because of the words that person left her after he left.

When she started using computers at the age of six, Fu Jiu was taught countless times by her father, Z, you have to control your abilities and don\'t be influenced by your emotions. You have to know that some abilities can become destructive if you can\'t control them.

She thought she was sensible enough.

But it turns out, no.

Her father passed away, and she began to be active on the Internet under the title Z.

At that time, many people were obsessed with Z, thinking that this hacker was handsome and arrogant, especially when he brought down the bad guys, it made people applaud.

Fu Jiu thought that no one would find out that she was Z.

But in fact, you can fool everyone, but you can\'t fool the people who really care about you.

Even if some people know all your secrets, she won\'t tell them, she will just look at you with a smile.

Even when you came home after finishing your work, you squatted at the door of your house, rubbed your legs and said: "My mother made your favorite boiled pork. I have been waiting for you for a long time. Why did you come back? Look It\'s all cold."

At that time, Fu Jiu felt more and more that she was the righteous one. Sometimes because of the case, she even forgot the friend she needed the most and should care about.

When that person wants to talk to her about something.

But she hugged the computer and said without raising her head, "I\'m busy."

Often even absent from school for days.

So, by the time she knew it, the other party had lost all body temperature.


What kind of pain does it take to commit suicide?

It is unacceptable that such an important person leaves.

We grew up together, went to school together, discussed what type of boys we liked, and even went to the toilet together after class.

What did she want to say to herself at that time.

Fu Jiu only found out after reading the diary.

Some things will always be buried under the light.

It\'s like these sanctimonious beasts, dressed like human beings, but they like to attack some very young girls.

That was the first time Fu Jiu wanted to kill someone.

the second day of junior high school.

When her outlook on life has not been established yet.

She even thought about the plan to kill that scum countless times.

And also took action.

If not for that Christmas card on the table.

She\'d do it that afternoon, a complete murderer.

There are such people in this world.

She is beautiful, smart, cute, and delicate. She will suddenly jump on your back when she is noisy, but when you need to be quiet, she will accompany you with a smile.

Stuff you don\'t want her to know.

Even if she knew, she wouldn\'t expose it.

She will help you keep all the secrets.

Because she doesn\'t want to harm you, she wants to protect you, even if she is weak, she is helping you to cover up some things, otherwise, when the police come, she won\'t lie to the police that you can\'t play computer at all.

But what about her?

What did she do...

When her friends want to talk to her, she is standing up for what she feels is just.

It\'s just those unverified trivial things on the Internet.

Probably from that moment on.

Fu Jiu began to change.

She knows what\'s important.

What should her abilities be used for?

She wants to protect those people.

Those who want to speak out desperately, but have no way to speak out.

All those who are like that guy...