The eSports King's Crush

Chatper 453

At this moment, Fu Jiu didn\'t know that she was being targeted.

He only looked at the people in the Yunzhong team with slightly raised eyes.

Next is 2V2.

All the members of Team Yunzhong held back their breath.

"Captain, don\'t worry, we will definitely get your face back." This sentence was said by the team member who looked down on Lin Feng before: "Lin Feng and Yin Shanbei, one of them is old, A defeated opponent who was originally my subordinate, I will win back all the blows Yunzhong received just now!"

Ling Xiao\'s eyes darkened for a moment, and he stabilized his emotions.

He didn\'t forget that apart from himself, he was also the captain of Team Yunzhong, with a deep voice: "Pay attention to their movements, don\'t let them steal the tower, and pay attention to the grass when two people fight."

The man nodded, and then exchanged a glance with his teammates. The two of them went to the battlefield together. When they met Lin Feng, they were obviously disdainful.

After seeing this scene, the commentator surnamed Jiang seemed to regain his aura, and immediately said: "In the first game, Yunzhong was too underestimated, otherwise Spade Z wouldn\'t have won so quickly. Chang Yunzhong can get serious."

This sentence seems to be talking about the lightheartedness of the Yunzhong team, but in fact, if you listen carefully, it means nothing more than saying that Spade Z\'s victory this time was a fluke.

That\'s what he said when he got slapped in the face.

Spade fans really want to haha, this commentator has a look on his face.

However, Lin Feng, who played, really did not expect that his partner would be north of Yinshan.

After all, he was always with Yunhu not only when he was playing alone.

Never parted.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at the guy who had been mixed with him since he was wearing crotch pants, and he always felt a little unaccustomed to it for no reason.

After Yunhu saw that look in his eyes, he paused, then paced over.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, just about to say what you are doing.

I saw the man lower his eyes, wearing a black wristband on his left hand, his voice was low, accompanied by the peace of the years: "Protect the good hands and win well."

Yunhu\'s words are always concise and to the point, just like his people.

However, Lin Feng understood the comfort in it, and smiled with his lips curled up: "Don\'t worry, I will definitely bring you back an MVP, so that I will have more trophies than you."

Yunhu looked at the guy in front of him smiling, and wanted to say that you can give me the trophies I got if you want them.

But in order to prevent this person from being too proud, he just let him sit in front of the computer without saying anything more.

But it was such a scene.

It still makes people feel the beauty of being together since childhood.

That\'s why there is a saying in the e-sports circle.

Seeing those two people makes you believe your childhood sweetheart. \'

That has nothing to do with love.

Instead, we have come all the way, and we persist together.

Lin Feng raised his eyes and glanced at the preparation area of ​​the Imperial Alliance team.

No one can accompany anyone for a lifetime.

if it is possible.

At least he gave Yun Dahu a youth without regrets.

Last year, because of themselves, they did not enter the national breakout competition.

This year, he has to win!

Actually, seeing this, Fu Jiu was no longer worried, that\'s why she stood up.

"Where are you going?"

As soon as the boy moved, God Qin\'s face turned sideways.

Fu Jiu lowered her voice: "Buy some drinks, I\'m thirsty."

"Little Spade, don\'t you continue to watch the game?"

"There\'s nothing to see."


"Because Lin Feng will win."

Even in the face of adversity, Fu Jiu believed that relying on each other could defeat everything.