The eSports King's Crush

Chatper 425

The voice seemed to be intentionally rang in her ears.

No need to think about it, Fu Jiu knew that the Great God was waiting to settle accounts with her.

Immediately, I felt that I should invite the Great God to come to my house for dinner or something.

It\'s a huge pit.

However, He Honghua was very happy. Any mother would not like to hear others praise her child.

After a meal, Qin Mo ate very luxuriously and elegantly, and his every move was like his temperament, a son like jade.

He Honghua has finally seen what it means to be born in a famous family, such a man should be liked by many girls...


The men that too many girls like are always unreliable. There are too many temptations outside.

So let\'s just be friends.

It\'s just that Xiaodong said it.

The reason why her Jiajiu became obsessed with games was also because of the child Qin Mo,

Her family should not...

When He Honghua thought of this, there was a hint of worry in his eyes, and he stood up: "Sit down, and I\'ll let someone make a pot of tea for digestion."

In fact, He Honghua didn\'t go to make tea, but needed to be quiet.

He Honghua has never realized like today that her Jiajiu is already a big girl.

She couldn\'t help wondering whether her decision back then was correct.

If nothing.

Her Jiajiu should now be like all girls, free to fall in love with anyone.

but now……

He Honghua didn\'t want to talk about what she would lose if she didn\'t do this back then.

There is no going back to the rural home.

All the money was invested in Fu\'s.

He Honghua never forgot until now, when the doctor told her that the child had congenital asthma and had to be hospitalized.

How did she make that call.

In a sense, He Honghua is more loyal than the women in the city.

She couldn\'t stand her man having another person, and the divorce agreement had already been written.

She used to be so stubborn that she didn\'t want anything at all, just hugging her family and raising her by herself.

It doesn\'t matter if life is hard, she still has hands, she can still be a nanny for others.

The words "congenital asthma" made her contact Fu Zhongyi.

Fu Zhongyi was very impatient at first, but when he heard her say that Jiu was a boy, he immediately sent the money.

At that time, He Honghua knew that if she wanted her child to live well, it had to be like this...

Although He Honghua was a rural person, she was a mother by nature. She didn\'t want to be seen by Fu Jiu in this state, so she never went out.

This is convenient for the Great God to interrogate someone.

"Now that Auntie is gone, you can slowly talk about the shareholders\' meeting." Qin Mo sat on the sofa, looked at the young man with deep eyes, and said with a handsome face, "What trick did I use?"

Fu Jiu knew that she couldn\'t escape this calamity, so she simply explained the matter a little bit.

"You are deceiving." Qin Mo\'s voice was still very weak.

But Fu Jiu could still hear some disapproval, and smiled slightly: "Sometimes, white lies are necessary."

Like the fact that she is a girl.

It\'s not good for anyone to say it.

If Mrs. Fu doesn\'t come back for a day, she must keep this attire for the time being.

First, it is a good move, and second, it can prevent Fu Zhongyi from making a big fuss about this.

It\'s just looking at the appearance of the great god.

It seems that I am particularly resistant to deception...