The eSports King's Crush

Chapter 182

"Monan's brother?"

"I'm kidding. Nange and I have known each other for so long, but we haven't seen his brother."

"And who is this?"

People in the second middle school are also a little confused.

After all, seeing his brother Nange's appearance, he said that this child was his illegitimate son. It's estimated that some people believe that it's OK to let that child hold his thigh. He's very patient.

Feng Lin also realized that people around him were looking at him.

"Little brother, there are too many people here. Can you take me to find my brother?" he asked

Mobei's black eyes looked around: "now?"

"I want to take photos. If I can't finish the task, my mother will think that I just came here to play, and I'm separated from Uncle Li. My brother will be angry with me. I'm afraid." It's just like the real thing that the children in Fenglin complain about their grievances.

Zhao Jianjian was stunned to see. Are the children acting so well now?

Mobei lowered his eyes, half bent, pointed to the belly and wiped the ashes on his face. His voice was light: "OK."

Some God should be in the background, not gone.

Mobei's idea just came to an end.

And she heard a sister who was near her, and did not know why she covered her mouth abruptly, and her face was red, and she suppressed her voice: "God K, God K."

Mo north side passes Mou to go, see a person that is wearing black mask, coming along with the crowd.

He has been deliberately hiding himself, so he will change the suit coat into a hooded fir that he doesn't know where to get from. The black one is lined with a white shirt.

Those are like light eyes that can pour out light. At this time, they are slightly deep, looking at her in this direction.

Nothing was said.

But even so, no matter in body shape or temperament, he can catch people's eyes at the first time.

So that the camouflage is useless, or recognized.

Almost in a flash, there are many people around here.

After all, it's not the same to watch from such a close distance.

After seeing Linkeng and his little brother together, fengnai stopped on his long legs and looked in this direction across the crowd, not moving forward.

There are too many people here, and where he is, there will be more.

It is estimated that the little Luobu head in the pit will be crowded.

Fengnai has seen someone taking photos, and he will not go to the pit. He stands in place with his pants pocket in one hand, then bows his head and sends a message to someone.

The people entering from him can only see the nickname of the little brother flashing on the screen.

It's also because of the sudden appearance of fengnai.

There are not so many people around Mobei.

Scattered all ran in that direction.

Only when Zhao Jianjian was looking at the information with one hand in his South brother's eyes, his eyes all shook a little: "is it a little information?!"

Mobei gave a faint hum, and then returned with the word "good".

Looking at his brother Nan, Zhao Jianjian wants to shake him and ask him.

When they met xiaonailin, they didn't know each other's surname, so his brother Nan raised the child as his own.

No problem.

Who let others say that Zhao Jianjian of baixiaosheng didn't think about that!

However, how does his brother Nan and Feng Shao become wechat friends!

That's wechat!

The most intimate contact!

The first and second middle school leaders have exchanged wechat.

How can I make an appointment later! , the fastest update of the webnovel!