The eSports King's Crush

Chapter 1663

"What do you think of this afternoon? I'll let yebing bring them all." Han Junxi smiled and was very polite to Mo Bei.

It can be seen how much he wanted to poach people before.

Han Junxi had a wish to dig bey and yebing into the same team since he became a coach.

After all, in those years, everyone knew that only two people could level the teams of various countries during the youth training camp.

Night ice is well known.

After all, it has attracted much attention since childhood. No one knows it at home and abroad. Some even predict that the world champion will only appear in the H national team in the next five years.

At that time, when everyone thought that night ice was a genius that no one could surpass in a short time, no one expected that a bey would come out in the Milan war.

At that time, many people in the team were shocked.

Han Junxi can't forget the performance of bey at that time.

Whoever goes up will be beaten down.

You think she's only here. Who thought she learned tricks on the spot and was dealing with you.

Imperial League.



Since that day, the forecast has changed.

They failed to stop the spades Z

In the future, they can't stop bey

Fortunately, it gave them a chance.

After the battle of Milan, the imperial League was dissolved, the Chinese team was replaced, and the iron triangle in southern Hunan was no longer.

This is great news for them.

When the imperial League is gone, bey is bound to find a new team.

What's more, Qin Mo himself said that where his people go is their freedom.

Han Junxi was very happy. In order to express his sincerity of cherishing talent, he hurried to Jiangcheng with Han Bing. At that time, he was worried that Zhao sanpang, an old oil head, would rob him.

But think about it carefully. Zhao sanpang has left the team. It's impossible to rob people any more.

Of course, he was also afraid that it would be difficult to seal the fox.

However, the contract price can be negotiated.

What he didn't expect was that the most sad Guan was not Zhao sanpang or a fox.

It's bey himself.

Feng fox even lost his merchant nature. For the team that came to talk about, he only asked a little. Don't limit bey.

I'm kidding. People who have seen the way bey plays understand that players like bey can cooperate fully. How can it be limited.

Han Junxi certainly agrees.

It's bey. Bey doesn't want to go.

At that time, he came to talk.

The whole imperial League is almost empty.

Many media came from outside, and some even asked Qin Mo to give an explanation why he should be dissolved.

Bey sat in the training room, young and light: "the imperial League is there, I'm there."

Han Junxi also wanted to advise: "the imperial League has been dissolved."

Unexpectedly, she raised her eyes: "then I won't fight."

Night ice was also keeping her, anxious to drag bey's clothes.

Han Junxi has not forgotten that scene so far.

Because of bey's answer.

"I will only compete as a Chinese player."

Han Junxi has been very worried. Suppose one day they really meet bey in the competition, how should they deal with it.

Fortunately, over the years, the H team has always been invincible.

By now, bey has appeared.

They also have countermeasures.

Because the current Chinese team is not the Chinese team of that year.

They have studied the current situation. As far as China is concerned, it is impossible to put all the opportunities on bey. After all, there is a responsibility problem.

If a player like bey doesn't let her play, it's equivalent to cutting off half of her strength.

Coupled with the cooperation between teammates, I'm afraid there is no tacit understanding.

Several people can keep up with bey's thinking and hand speed.

This time, he came to facilitate this friendly game and have a good look at how to deal with bey.

As for other people, king can't find his original state and is not afraid.