The Escort

EPILOGUE: In Which She Lives

EPILOGUE: In Which She Lives


a/n: Sorry for the wait. Anyway, this is exactly two years after. Quite a bit has changed...


“Hi, Mum. Brought you a few hydrangeas. See how gorgeous they look?” Getting to my knees, I placed the bouquet of purple and pink flowers on the ground and picked up the wilting ones off the marble plaque. What with the rain and the fact that I hadn’t been to the gravesite in over two weeks, they were deader than a doornail. Plus, they reeked something awful. It was shameful.

A shadow fell over me. Looking up, I smiled.

“I didn’t think you’d come.”

Gingerly, Grace knelt beside me. The scent of her perfume was welcome, like an old friend. I hadn’t seen her since last weekend and she looked gorgeous. Her long hair had been cut into a pixie bob, little wisps of newly-dyed raven-black hair framing her ears. In her black pants suit, she reminded me of a very fashionable black widow spider.

“I haven’t been here in a while,” she said quietly. “May I?”

I handed her a bunch of hydrangeas. She placed them on the plaque.

“How’s Pat?” I asked after a long silence had elapsed.

“Good. He’s with Yelin. You know, the Korean au pair? She’s wonderful with him.”

“I should swing by. Alone, this time. I don’t want him to learn any more bad words.”

To my surprise, Grace let out a giggle. “It’s still under debate whether or not he said cunt. He only has two teeth, Amor.”

“Do you need any teeth to say cunt?”

“Goodness, we’re cursing on Mum’s grave. What’s come over us?” But she was smiling.

“I think Mom would be happy that we’re cursing together.” Grace and I had become best friends over the past few years. I used to think that that could never happen but somewhere along the line, it did. And I was thankful.

Grace looked away. “Milton wants full custody. I’m scared.”

Ah, so that’s it.

I took her hand in mine and squeezed. “You have the best lawyer in the city, Gracie. You’re not going to lose.”

“But what if –”

“Come on. Let me buy you lunch. You look amazing but the bags under your eyes ruin the finishing effect.”


“Shut up,” I hissed, laughing as he pulled me onto his lap. “The point of this exercise is not to get caught.”

Ashton’s hands ran down my back. “Then where’s the fun in that, babe?”

It was getting chilly, as it would at eight o’clock at night outside. The few lampposts in the park cast a dull glow on their surroundings, slightly illuminating the jungle gym, see-saw, merry-go-round and various benches. Faint laughter echoed in the wind, letting us know that there were still other people enjoying the park.

“You’re right,” I whispered into Ashton’s ear, running my tongue down the side of his neck. “This is going to be one of my favourite chapters.”

“I hate to think that I’m just your homework.” Ashton’s hands flew to the hem of my skirt. His hands slipped up my goosebump-ridden skin and felt their way to the bare parting of my legs. “Mm. No underwear. Sexy.”

“No, you’re sexy.” I bent and kissed him, cupping his face in my hands. Parting my lips, his tongue slid inside and duelled with mine.

I felt him shift underneath me as he unzipped his fly. Slowly, I sank onto his manhood, biting my bottom lip. Placing my hands on each shoulder, I leaned forward and rocked against him. Securing me with both hands on my waist, Ashton allowed me to ride him. I’d initially told myself that I’d be quiet but how could I, when he felt so damn good inside me?

Besides, it was always physically impossible for me to be quiet when I was fúcking Ashton.

He came first, his grip tightening around me. I released an animal-like cry, climaxing after.

“You’re amazing,” Ashton said in awe. Still inside me, he flipped me onto my back on the cold bench.

“Slowly, this time,” I breathed, and he gradually began to move inside me, keeping the bulk of his weight off me.

Our eyes locked, I felt that there was no other man I ever wanted to explore my body with but Ashton West. His hands sought mine and when he clasped them in his, I knew that I wasn’t scared anymore – of being with him; of wanting him in this way.

“I love you,” I said for the first time in my entire life.

Ashton’s face softened. “You should. Because I love you more.” He kissed me. “I would do anything for you, Amor Page. Anything.”

“I know.”

“Mommy,” a voice called from the shadows, “there are two street people on the bench and I think they’re doing what you and Daddy do sometimes! Come and see.”

Ashton laughed and the rumble in his belly vibrated against me. “We’re so going to jail. This isn’t good for either of our reputations.”

“Then pick up the pace, buddy,” I said, slinking my arms around his neck. “Make it worth it.”


“I know I shouldn’t be so scared about tomorrow,” Grace said, setting a mug of coffee and plate of Oreos before me. “But I am, Amor. I’m so scared that Milton might take my baby away from me.”

I gratefully picked up the coffee and took a delicate sip. To my disappointment, it was lukewarm. “He’s a drunkard and a cheat,” I said heatedly. “No judge in their right mind will give him custody.”

“Yes, but he has a job,” Grace murmured, cracking her knuckles.

“So? You’re looking for one, aren’t you? Besides, money isn’t everything. Love is, Grace. Love is what really counts.” I paused. “Milton might love his son but he’s not solid right now, is he? He cheated on you and his best friend is a bottle of alcohol.”

“He called me emotionally ugly, Amor. What the hell does that mean?”

Ashton walked into the living room, undoing his tie. “Hello, ladies. The door was unlocked,” he explained. “You know how dangerous that is, Grace.”

She smacked her forehead. “I’m a mess.”

“That’s okay,” he said cheerfully, setting his briefcase on the coffee table. He took my mug from me and gulped the drink down in one go. “Too much sugar, sugar.”

“I’ll make you a cup,” Grace said, getting to her feet.

Ashton held up a hand to stop her. “No; we should start with business.” He took the couch opposite us. “We should go over what you’re going to say tomorrow, Grace.”

She nodded nervously. “Right.”

Ashton gave her a gentle smile. “Relax. You’ll be fine.”

“She’s worried that being unemployed will work against her,” I said quietly, taking my sister’s hand.

Ashton’s brow furrowed. “The judge will ask about your financial status. That’s a given. But you dohave funds from your mother’s trust.” He paused. “Granted, that’s not a fixed income but it’s something.”

“I’m looking for a job.”

“I know that,” said Ashton. “Have you had any contact with Milton since he left?”

Slowly, Grace nodded. “He came by last week and we got into a screaming match and...and I thought he’d hit me.”

“Did he raise his hand to you?” Ashton’s face clouded over.


“I’m asking because the judge will ask what your relationship with him is like at this time. You don’t want to come off as the vindictive, psychotic ex-wife.”

We spent an hour talking. I watched as Grace grew more terrified of losing Patrick with each question Ashton fired at her. It was horrible to think that Milton could win sole custody, or even joint. No one could’ve been more surprised by his behaviour than me. I’d always thought Milton’s spine had been made out of custard and that he was as interesting as a brown paper bag. He’d proven all of us wrong when he’d slept with Patrick’s first au pair – a German girl called Anke – then became a permanent bar patron.

Later that night, Ashton and I took a bath together and ended up doing the one thing I’d been anticipating the entire day. It was amazing to realise that even just an hour without his touch made me go through terrible withdrawal.

“I have to be in court by seven,” he said offhandedly, wrapping a towel around his waist. “Your sister will probably break down and –”

“And it would be great if I could be there,” I interjected.

He smiled. “I love how you finish my sentences.”

“Is that all you love about me?”

He pulled me towards him, looking down into my eyes. “Every cell in your body. I love those, too.”

I laughed. “You’re silly.”

Ashton’s towel fell and he took me against the wall, every thrust bringing me to a cliff of pleasure.

I jumped.


“Cunt,” said Patrick, grinning up at me and raising his arms, wanting to be picked up.

Ashton groaned. “I thought he’d forgotten that word.”

Patrick laughed when I spun him around in the air. “You’re clearly a good teacher.”

Grace came out into the garden with a tray of lemonade, setting it on the plastic table, and Ashton shot me a conspiratorial look, mouthing ‘Don’t tell her’.

“A toast,” Grace said brightly, “to the youngest partner at the firm, and the best family lawyer a woman could’ve asked for. To Ashton.”

We raised our glasses in the Saturday afternoon sun.

“I try,” Ashton said cheerfully, throwing an arm over my shoulder. “It’s thanks to this lady over here. If it weren’t for her, I’d be taking some geriatric to the horse races right now. For a handsome fee, of course. I’m worth it.”

I rolled my eyes. “And you’d be hitting on her mercilessly.”

“You know me far too well,” he grinned, just as Teddy appeared on the patio.

“The door wasn’t locked,” she called, and Grace reddened when Ashton shot her a warning look.

“I keep forgetting to lock it,” she said sheepishly.

“Axe murderers still try the front door, you know,” Ashton chastised her, a wide grin on his face.

“Ash, you are such a drama queen,” said Teddy, taking his glass from him. “What’ve I missed?”

“Cunt,” Patrick spoke up.

“He’s saying can’t,” Ashton said quickly, and Teddy reached out for Patrick.

I handed him over to her, nodding. “Yes. Can’t.”

Grace rolled her eyes. “And I’m a sasquatch. I know he learned that word from you, Mr. Hotshot Lawyer.”

“Change of subject.” Ashton turned to me. “Amor, promise me that you’ll say yes.”

“To what?” I quirked a brow.

“Just promise.” Without another word, Ashton lowered himself onto the grass, one denim knee on the ground.

I took a step back, my eyes instantly misting. “What are you doing?” The question was stupid, but I had to say something.

His dazzling green eyes were fixed on me. “Amor Page, you frustrate me more than any woman on God’s green earth but I love you,” he said, suddenly serious. “You intrigue me; you fascinate me; you make me believe in myself. I want nothing more than to grow old with you – so, Amor, will you make me the happiest guy out there and marry me?” He dug into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out a black suede box and flicked it open.

The ring he’d chosen sparkled like a tiny pool of water in the sunshine. I heard someone gasp, and figured that it was Teddy.

“ want to marry me?”

“With every fibre of my being,” Ashton replied, smiling.

I was lightheaded. “Then yes. Fúck it – hell, yeah.” I held out my hand.

He laughed, sliding the ring onto my finger. He stood up and I threw myself at him, burying my face in his chest. Teddy breathed an audible sigh of relief.

“I was worried our baby would be a bastard,” I laughed.

He froze. “What?”

I raised my head, gauging his reaction. “You probably haven’t noticed but I haven’t been able to keep anything down lately.”

“I thought you had a bug.”

“I do. Your bug.”

Ashton stared at me for a long time. Finally, he laid a gentle kiss on my forehead. “Let’s not tell my kid what his – or her – dad used to do part-time for a living.”

“If you promise not to tell what I do now,” I grinned, and he pulled me into an embrace.

“As far as they’re concerned, I’m a simple lawyer and you’re a good old-fashioned writer.”

I sighed when his lips brushed against my ear lobe. “Good call.”

There was no doubt in my mind that Ashton would make a good father. No doubt at all – as long as he kept his mouth shut. One foul-mouthed baby was enough...