The Enchantress of Medicine, with the Heaven Defying Child, and the Black Belly Father (Lady Charm)

Chapter 4800

The elders and generals glared in disbelief. For a moment, I don't know whether it's time to digest emperor beixuan alive, or whether it's time to digest his own monarch and go after his father. There was a moment of silence in the forbidden area, and the needle could be heard. However, Yingmei still kept a cold face and said in a clear tone: "the reason why you were sent to the land of mantra God in the martial arts mainland a few years ago, why you were able to kill the God, why you were able to die several times, and why your life was hanging on the line, is that emperor beixuan was calculating in the dark."“ If you have anything else to ask, just ask them together. But we don't know enough to answer all your questions. However, one point must be made clear... "The cold vision of the shadow swept all the people present," emperor beixuan was the emperor of the polar region. I don't care if you had ever submitted to him and were loyal to him before. If you don't want to fight against emperor beixuan, you can come up with it now and leave the polar region. But if anyone dares to disobey the emperor and submit to the emperor superficially, but colludes with emperor beixuan secretly, don't blame our emperor's guards for being impolite! " The cold night and Sirius were shocked by the voice of shadow. They did not expect that the shadow spirit did not hesitate to expose the existence of emperor beixuan. However, after the shock, they immediately came back to their senses, and could not help admiring Ying's decision. Now your life and death are uncertain. The people behind emperor beixuan and their conspiracy are not clear. Xiuxian land is also in turmoil. It's not the time to grind haw into intrigue. Polar regions must work together to get through this. Think of here, the cold night looked at the shadow with admiration and admiration, hand a Yang, a signal. All of a sudden, the imperial guards and imperial guards stationed all over the polar region began to gather here. It took a long time for Mr. Yu to relax. He grabbed his chest and said, "do you think emperor beixuan is still alive? My Lord, will you kill him? Kill your own father? " "Not bad! Mr. Yu, who would you choose as the emperor of the polar region“ Isn't that bullshit? " Yu Laobai glanced at him, "emperor beixuan, the former Emperor who didn't make any contribution, has been dead for many years. How can he compare with you. But emperor beixuan is your father. If you really kill him, will the way of heaven punish the thunder“ Yes, if you really want to kill emperor beixuan, you can beat people to death and arrest them and let us kill them! "“ How can you say such nonsense, phantom? We are loyal to the emperor of the polar region, and there has always been only one of you! " Phantom and cold night, star wolf are a little stunned for a moment. Before that, Emperor beixuan was full of confidence and felt that he would take over the polar region. They thought that some people in the polar region would really miss the former Emperor, Emperor beixuan. However, the public's response was completely unexpected. Yu laoleng snorted: "do you think we are stupid? Emperor beixuan is dead, but since he's not dead, why didn't he appear when Jiyu was teetering because of his disappearance They will never forget. Only emperor mingjue in the realm of fairy King ascended the throne of God and was oppressed by the demons and the nether world. These years, because of the deliberate suppression of emperor beixuan, Emperor mingjue was not taught the art of the emperor. His cultivation strength has been suppressed.