The Employed Empress

149 Chapter 149: Their Most Behave State

Back at Wei Yi Yi and Jiang Liu...

The duo, without taking any precautions, leisurely entered the hunting grounds.

This time, Jiang Liu brought two maid servants with him. His shadow guard is also following behind.

Tang Mei exchange a few greeting with the two maidservants while praying for their sanity.

"What is she being so proud of! Isn't it still second brother who cleans up after her mess?! Just because second brother is one who cannot directly say no, she deliberately took advantage of him!" Jiang Liu stomps his feet frustratedly. He's snapping every branch he got hold of.

"Are you crying?" Wei Yi Yi asked.

"No way! I'm mad! These are tears of anger!" Jiang Liu pointed out. "It may look like my feelings are hurt but trust me, I only want to stab someone with a sword!"

"Bro, your feelings are obviously hurt." Wei Yi Yi said.

"Come on, let it go already. Didn't I make a comeback for you? If it still makes you feel bad, just remember that pettiness run the world and there's still a long list of troubles awaiting her." Wei Yi Yi pats Jiang Liu's shoulder. "But really, Wen Yang didn't retaliate as much as I expected her to."

How do you expect someone to retaliate when you suddenly zoom in to their face? Jiang Liu dryly laugh. Giving such a welcoming smile, you'll make them feel guilty if they indeed smack you in the face.

"That woman is too proud. Unless she can assure that it will be you who appears to be the villain in the end, Wen Yang wouldn't deliberately pick a fight she couldn't win." Jiang Liu got bored on hurting mother nature and shifted to kicking the stone on the animal trail instead. "Especially at this moment."

When Jiang Liu gave him a knowing look, Wei Yi Yi laugh. "Does she think I'm holding Jiang Chen hostage?"

Excuse me? It's Boss who kidnapped lil' one!... Alright, maybe I'm also an accessory to the crime...

Wait! Wei Yi Yi finally remembered something she forgot! She was supposed to get along with her sister-in-law!

Now she has done it. She just dug herself a pit.

Wei Yi Yi felt a heavy headache coming in the future.

Too late for regrets though. Not that she felt any.

Argh, sorry, lil' one. Your mother is kinda a lost cost. We'll try with your father instead.

If things didn't work, your aunt still have the ability to tie and drag them for you to see!

Wei Yi Yi got motivated by herself.

"Is he really not?" Jiang Liu put a break on her self consultation moment. "Then, with what feelings are you viewing him with? Is it pity?"

Hearing such question, Wei Yi Yi stopped from walking and giggled.

She then answered seriously. "What he experienced inside the palace is indeed heartbreaking. But pitying someone who bravely chose to breathe in, continue to live, and face their tomorrow is nothing but an insult. For me, Jiang Chen is not pitiful. Not in the lease. And he doesn't need pity as well."

With a mouth copying the actions of a fish's, Jiang Liu stares at Wei Yi Yi. His big sister really says a lot of amazing things.

Jiang Liu stared without blinking that he didn't notice the sudden turn on the path. With a loud thud, he slammed face first to a big tree.

Even in this backward era, it seems like karma is still digital.

"Ouch!" Jiang Liu touched his redden nose. "Tsk. This is because you suddenly kept praising Jiang Chen that I was distracted."

"Hiding his embarrassment, I see." Wei Yi Yi proudly pointed on Jiang Liu's face. "Listen well here, Jiang Chen is Da Xian first rank prince! He is awesome, strong, brave yet very adorable! And he's also this empress' will to live."

The moment Wei Yi Yi woke up and realized she's away from home, the people around were already viewing her with worry, concern, respect, and hidden intentions.

However, are they really looking at her? Isn't it someone else that they needed?

Whenever she looked at the mirror, she would touch the familiar face she knew she was born with and question herself, 'Is this still really me?'

They would call her name and she would respond, for she was supposed to know them.

But she knew deep inside that it was not her that they are calling.

It was someone else.

Even though it was also her name.

Her sense of reality felt stolen from her.

Then there's Jiang Chen who didn't know her. And she too didn't know him. When the child calls for her, it was she that he's calling.

Not someone he expects her to be. Not the one in the past.

In this foreign world, Jiang Chen was the first one that felt so real for her.

"How's that? I can keep praising him until you're distracted enough to fall into the river," Wei Yi Yi teased him.

"Will to live? What kind of label did you put on Imperial nephew?" Jiang Liu smiled.

And Wei Yi Yi answered with a smirk. "Jiang Liu, you would never understand."

"Alright, now it's my turn. Big sister, don't be shy to rain praises over this loyal brother," Jiang Liu said with open arms.

Raising her brow, Wei Yi Yi replied, "There's nothing but insult that I have for you."

"How bias! This is unfair!"

"The world is unfair to her. It is also unfair to him. And surprisingly, it makes the world fair in a sense."

"No! No! I wouldn't accept this injustice. It's only me that you treat unfairly."

"For every time I'll praise lil' one, I'll also insult you. Is that fair enough for you?"

Bai Shui, Jiang Liu maidservant, was starting to tense up. "Isn't the conversation escalating quickly?"

Her twin sister, Bai Huo, echoed her, "Are they going to fight?"

The twins blink their eyes multiple times but they can't still follow. At first, aren't they talking about a common enemy? Why is it that they are against each other now?

Tang Mei felt the responsibility to train the two. "There is nothing to worry about. I assure you, taking their time talking like this is a lot better than them getting interested in their surroundings. This is their most behave state."