The Emperor Reigns Them All

v8 Chapter 47: Battle of Chuzhou (3)

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The change in the battlefield has always been a matter of moving the whole body, but the formation of troops has always been about stability like Mount Tai.

The Tiger Guards have invaded the Khitan battalion from the west, occupying large camps, but the Khitan fighters in other battalions have not messed up, but under the command of Yerezhnech, part of the camps and part of them , Supporting all parties in the same robe, enriching battle lines and defense lines everywhere, resisting the onslaught of Tiger Guards.

At dawn, the battle became fiercer.

The offensive Tang Jun seemed to see the light right in front of him, and he ran more and more bravely.

Although the morale of the Khitan soldiers in the camp is much lower, no one has stepped back because Yeluzianiechi came to the front of the battlefield. If the color of the day is bright, the most difficult night will pass, and the Khitan soldiers are involuntary. Refreshed.

"General Zhao, the sky is going to be bright. We still have the last two battalion defense lines in order to break into the Khitan battalion! If we fail to break into the battalion in time and obtain a decisive victory, we will simply occupy the Khitan west camp and the battle will be It will be delayed, and may be countered by Khitan! "

The Lieutenant returned from the battle with blood, and said to Zhao Polu anxiously, "The Khitan Army is quite determined. It is impossible to break the last two lines of defense in a short period of time. Unexpectedly, I lost my heart. Ministry, Yeltrenetch is so difficult! "

After listening to these words, Zhao Polu still looked as iron and showed no negative emotions.

After a moment of groaning, he suddenly smiled slightly: "The situation you said will not happen, and we will win soon!"

Seeing that Tang Jun was blocked out of the defense line by death, Yeluxianye could not break into the camp in front of him. The calmness in his eyes gradually turned into calmness.

He shouted to the fighters fighting left and right: "The Tang Dynasty embargo is nothing like this! Defending the city is okay, and the attack is nothing special!

"The warriors of Khitan, as long as you fight hard, we will block the Tang army today. As soon as the reinforcements arrive tomorrow, we will be able to defeat them and break into Huairong City! This is our great opportunity. Huairong City is the Tang Army base camp. There are countless fortune beauties, and you will all be by then! "

The Khitan fighters heard the words, groaned loudly, and their morale rose a lot.

But at this moment, a huge roar suddenly came from the north camp area. The momentum was so loud that it was more terrifying than the thunder on summer night. Only the collapse of Mount Tai could be described.

Yerudyenich\'s face suddenly changed, and he looked northward, screaming, "What\'s going on ?!"

He didn\'t wait for someone to report.

I saw the gate of Beiying no longer existed, and the wreckage of Yamen was trampled under his feet by a torrent of iron armor! And on that elite riding battle array, the glare of the soldiers battle array light, Yeluxianiechi can not be more familiar!

"Shangguan\'s Allure ?!" Yeluxianiechi was like a mouse that saw a cat, and his fear could not be suppressed anyway at this moment!

What he didn\'t understand was that he obviously sent 50,000 cavalry to the north to intercept, why did Shangguan Qingcheng still appear here! And according to the monks who came back from the horns, Shangguan Qingcheng also suffered almost half of the casualties in that battle! At this point, why can they launch such a strong attack on the big camp? !!

The only thing that Yerudyenich knew was that it was difficult for Beiying to stop Shangguan.

After a night of fierce fighting, the North Battalion was not attacked by the Tiger Guards and the defense line was complete. However, in order to keep the Chinese Army ’s large barracks and prevent Zhao Polu from driving straight in, Yelunianechi mobilized the elites of the battalions to stop, and the same is true of the North Camp-if Otherwise, how can he stop the Tiger Guard all night in Xiying without the belly in the camp?

To be honest, even if there were no elite soldiers in the Beiying, relying on a complete defensive force, it was enough to defend the camp.

Tens of thousands of camps must be set up in large camps and small camps. Before the camps were interlocked and linked.

Throwing a few small battalions, the entire Dazhai only needs to shrink the front. According to the battalion behind, the defense system is still in place, and it is not easy to attack and forge a team of more than 10,000 people.

But it came from Shangguan!

In the battle of Luoyankou, Yeluxianiechi defeated the Langfang Army and became famous on the grassland. He overcame Yeludi, the general of Sijin, for a moment, and he was always content with himself.

But what exactly happened in that battle, Yerudyenech, the then Khitan chief, knew better than anyone else.

The impact that the Langfang Army brought to him on the battlefield, and the oppression brought to him by Shangguan Qingcheng, was a nightmare that made him sweat sweating when he returned to midnight.

If he could, he didn\'t want to meet Guan Qingcheng on the battlefield all his life.

But now, Shangguan is here.

With a theory of elite level, do not lose the elite riding of the old Spike Army!

Yerevorianic felt that the sky\'s rays had collapsed, and the world had fallen back into darkness, and the boundless night would never be scattered by light again—it had no end.

After a short dizziness, Yerutnejchi bit his tongue and calmed himself.

He is one of the most brave and warlike generals on the grassland. In addition to Yeluabaoji, only Yeluo Rugu is equal to him, and his courage will not be lost at any time.

"You blocked Zhao Polu, and your army followed me to stop Shangguan Qingcheng! After all, she only has more than 10,000 people. Even if I am dead, I have to stop her! The reinforcements sent by the king will be here soon, as long as we can hold on to tomorrow , Tang Jun has fewer soldiers and will definitely lose! "

With a red eyes and a yelling, Yerutnejer shouted to his lieutenant, and after giving himself a reason to hope for victory, he had the courage to ignore himself.

At this moment, Yerlezhnech, has put aside life and death. He lost his belly and heart, and his sin was unforgivable. If he couldn\'t hold the camp today, and he didn\'t have the trust of Yelu Abaoji, he would face himself without face!

In all fairness, Yerutzhnech\'s judgments and arrangements are correct. As long as he can defend the large army camp, even if the other camps are lost, once the reinforcements dispatched by Yeluabaoji come tomorrow, they will form a center of battle. The blooming situation, echoed internally and externally, they will never lose!

Although Tang Jun is elite, Yeluxianiechi has 200,000 troops. After being fully prepared, it is not difficult to hold the camp for two days.

The key is that the reinforcements of Yeluabaoji were dispatched in a timely manner, and when Tang was facing the situation of attacking Tang from all over the world, the strength of the northern border was not dominant, and he was fighting with bravery.

Unfortunately, Zhang Changan and Buchen didn\'t plan to give him this opportunity.

In the camp, Baratu had talked with Zhang Changan and Fuchen for half an hour.

Although the other party\'s requirements are very generous, for example, after the victory of this battle, the cattle and sheep of the Khitan food-raising team captured by the former army will be divided into tens of thousands of heads, so that their clans will not have to worry about the problem of winter, but they can grow stronger. However, if the Tang army uses soldiers in the grasslands in the future, it will not meet their tribe soldiers and so on.

But Barato couldn\'t decide.

The benefits of withdrawal are large and tempting, but the risks are not small. If this battle of Tang Dynasty was finally won by Khitan, and after the war Khitan believed that the responsibility for the unfavorable war was him, then his tribe would certainly cease to exist.

After all, at this moment, the Khitan Army has not shown signs of defeat.

Barato did not struggle for too long, and the news of Shangguan\'s invasion of Beiying came to them.

Having figured out the changes in the situation, Barato had wanted to leave.

Zhang Chang\'an and Buchen also made it very clear that if he persisted in staying in the camp, he would be the enemy of the Tang army. Once the Tang army broke through the camp, all of them would surely die, there is absolutely no excuse!

But Barato was still undecided.

This decision is too big, hesitating and hesitating, leading to fear and intimidation, making it difficult to make decisions, which is a common mentality of ordinary people.

But Barato did not miss the opportunity.

It wasn\'t that he figured it out, but the soldiers in the tribe suddenly gathered in large numbers and asked to go back to graze one after another. He didn\'t want to fight and send death here.

These people are naturally people who have been bewitched and controlled by the whole truth and unleashed.

Baratou saw that it was hard to disagree. If he didn\'t make a decision, his majesty would be lost. He might not be able to control his people, and the situation had indeed reached a critical period. , Ordered the tribal soldiers to retreat from the camp, leave this battlefield before talking!

Baratu had made up his mind. After leaving the battlefield, he waited a short distance.

In case, the Khitan reinforcements arrived early, or the Tang army lost unexpectedly, and they returned to help, but it can be said that they left the camp to jump out of the chaotic battlefield and open the situation-so that they would not be blamed.

This idea is indeed a good idea, with the best of both worlds.

But there is nothing cheap in the world. If Khitan really wins, Barato and his tribe will be slaughtered by Yerezhnech. It\'s just that many people always think that they are smart. When making a decision, they always think that all the benefits are exhausted, and they don\'t know how to choose.

On the one hand, this is because they are not intelligent enough, on the other hand, it is also due to human nature.

With his tribal fighters, Baratu quickly left the camp and evacuated. Without going far, he saw that many tribes of tribes followed, and fled the battlefield.

Only then did he realize that he had been used as a **** by Zhang Changan and Fuchen.

The other prairie tribes that followed him must have been "wandered" by him as well, and the same concerns, just waiting for the emergence of birds. In this way, even if Khitan wins, after the war they can also say that they left with Barato, and their guilt will be much smaller.

Barato was angry.

But the arrow had shot, and there was no turning back.

One thing he hasn\'t yet figured out is that the reason why Zhang Chang\'an and Buchen came to persuade him personally and make him the first to evacuate is not only because of the high hatred between him and Yereuznech, but also because of the truth Guan He\'s release from the air has the greatest penetration and influence on his tribal fighters.

Even if he didn\'t want to leave, he was afraid it would be impossible.

With his own army, Yeluzianiechi was fighting fiercely with Shangguan\'s army. Although it was guarded according to the battalion, it was still broken by a line of defense by the Shangguan Qingcheng Division, which could only be barely supported.

Originally, Yerlezhnech thought he could persist until dark.

But all of a sudden, he heard the loud noise in the big camp behind him, thinking that another Tang army soldier had been killed, and he was puzzled in his heart. Then he turned around and found that the grassland tribal troops evacuated without orders. To stare!

"This set of rice barrels is not enough to lose more than defeat, and I am miserable to the Khitan state!" Yelu Xianiechi screamed.

Of course, the retreating grassland tribal army is not all, or even less than 30% of the total tribal army.

But that\'s also thousands of people!

So many people fled without permission, it was like a corner of promotion, which soon caused panic in the army.

Not long after, more and more grassland tribal army, morale fell to the bottom of the valley, one after another to join the evacuation team.

In just one hour, the main army of the eight dandans of Khitan also collapsed.


Yerlezhnech couldn\'t hold on anymore, a spit of blood spewed, his body flickered, his eyes turned dark again, and he fell to the ground.