The Emperor Reigns Them All

v8 Chapter 142: Reopen Kunlun

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Time flies, and time flies, when the Far East fleet reaches the size of thousands of freight sea vessels, and from the Far East to Hufu, it is constantly transporting various resources back to Datang.

When the warehouses were full of cultivating resources that day, Li Xun began to consider the issue of reopening the Kunlun passage.

In this year, Yan Ping at home and all industries are flourishing. Potatoes and corn have been planted in all Datang land suitable for planting. People live and work in peace and family, and they no longer need to worry about clothing, food, shelter, and transportation. 30% of terror.

Although most of them have not yet practiced qi, the situation is very good. This is visible to everyone. Therefore, the domestic people ’s recognition and support of the court has reached a rare level in history.

Li Yan has basically gained the luck of all the Tang Dynasty people, and Xiuwei has been greatly improved again.

In particular, the effective management of the grasslands, Andong Dufu House, and Zhendong Dufu House by Datang, in particular, allowed Li Zhi to gain a lot of luck for the “foreign” people.

He is now the pinnacle of Da Luo Jin Wonderland.

Cooperating with Emperor Taoism, he can control all forces and situations with his own power.

After losing the incense worship in the world, the strength of monk Xianyu fell a lot. Fortunately, it has not been falling all the time, and after a period of time, it has stabilized, and it is considered to have returned to "normal levels." In the case of not being able to continuously **** the blood of the mortal world, if the monk of Xianyu wants to improve himself, he can only practice hard work, and he also has to look at his personal qualifications.

But in any case, the realm of the fairyland monk is still falling. Except for some monks who have solid foundations or do not enjoy the incense of the world, everyone falls from one realm to half a realm, which leads to the overall strength of the fairyland monk. Great drop.

The battle for the Western Regions is already on the string. At that time, Datang will inevitably face up to the big food, and the two sides will also have to separate a victory and defeat, determine who is the true hegemon of this world, and see who can truly unify the world of cultivation.

As the high-level combat power of the monks on both sides, the status and role of monks in fairyland are unquestionable. At this time, Li Zhi must raise the monk\'s cultivation as a monk.

This requires resources.

Li Yan could not wait to open the Far East routes, which is based on this consideration.

Although after the Kunlun channel was opened, the immortals would be greatly suppressed, and with the strength of Feihong Holy Buddha, they could not exert the combat power of the real fairyland. However, Li Xun allowed Xian Fan to communicate, not originally to let the fairyland monks go to the lower realm.

It is for the immortal resources that have been prepared and should be given to the monks of Xianyu so that the immortals can bring them through the Kunlun passage.

In addition, it is time for the county chief to return to the realm. Li Ye has no queen yet.

In order for the Tang Dynasty to continue for generations and to maintain long-term peace and security, Prince Edward will appear sooner or later. As far as the current momentum of the Tang Dynasty is swallowing the mountains and rivers, it is better to appear sooner than later.

"When the Kunlun passage was closed, Xian Fan was isolated. Under the laws of heaven and earth, monks outside the immortal realm could not come to the land of China; and if the Kunlun passage was opened, the imprisonment disappeared, and monks outside the immortal realm could enter the Tang Dynasty.

"But the monks on Shenzhou Fairyland can powerfully suppress and even easily kill foreigners when they enter their own territory."

Feihong Shengfo heard Li Zhi\'s plan and talked about the rules and regulations involved in the Kunlun passage.

"At the beginning, Daomen controlled Shenzhou Xianyu. With the Kunlun passage open, I was able to bring Buddhist monks into the Tang Dynasty. It is also because Shimen has a good foundation in the Tang Dynasty world.

"But in general, Daomen Xianting was still the unshakable master of Shenzhou Xianyu. When I went down to the world, I was greatly pressured by Xianting.

Many methods cannot be used.

"Even so, it would be in the interests of Daomen Xianting if I was not to deal with you in the next term, and Shimen and Daomen did not completely tear their faces. Xianting would not allow me to walk in the world. To kill me, even if the old holy Buddha is in the way, it is not difficult. "

Hearing this, Li Zheng nodded his head suddenly and said, "In the beginning, Shimen lost at the Tianzhu Festival. In order to open up a new situation in Datang, he did not hesitate to let you go down. It really cost a lot and took a lot of risks. It is indeed unfair to say. "

When Li Yan\'s words were clear, what Li thought was about, and Feihong\'s eyes looked strange.

It is estimated that from then on, Feihong was very dissatisfied with the old Holy Buddha. After all, when she got to her realm, there was nothing more important than her own life. It was used by the old saint Buddha as an ordinary chess piece. How could there be no resentment?

Later, when Feihong opposed the Holy Buddha, it was so decisive that in addition to judging the situation, I was afraid that this matter was also a basis.

Naturally, it is not necessary for Li Kun to break this point. This is not a problem. Continuing the previous topic, "Anyway, the closure and opening of the Kunlun Passage can determine whether a monk outside the immortal realm can enter the Divine Land. The world ’s heaven, earth, and air are integrated, is it a whole? "

Feihong nodded, "This world is a world, natural gas and machine are united as a whole. In the final analysis, the demarcation line inside and outside the country is no different from the national border line. It is an area delineated and controlled by monks on both sides.

"The difference is that monks can determine this \'borderline\' with a rule of law. They can spread a layer of control between heaven and earth with magical powers. Outsiders need to enter, either they have the power to break the rule, or they must defeat. The high-level monk in charge of this \'one country\' tears the net.

"In the world of Shenzhou, the master has always been Daomenxianting. His ancestors were able to repair it as high as possible, and the rules set are extremely powerful. The monks outside the fairyland have never broken it.

"So all foreign invasions can only be conducted in a proper manner. The warfare method of immortal vs. immortal and mortal vs. mortal is at best beneficial to each other and invoking each other."

Li Yan understood the meaning of Feihong Holy Buddha. After he reopened the Kunlun passage, the fairyland of the big food still couldn\'t enter the Tang Dynasty area. He doesn\'t have to worry about the danger from the big food.

After talking with Feihong Shengfo, it was determined that reopening Kunlun would not lead to unsolvable problems. Li Yan discussed the matter with the county chief, mainly to tell the other party that she could return to Changan.

"Finally can go home?" The county owner was very excited, his face flushed with joy, and she could see that she had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Xianfan is one, but after all, Xianfan is also different.

In the various whimsical talk novels contacted by Li Xun, even if monk Xianyu is noble, he holds power to kill and seize power, and according to his long-term ability, he sits in a dazzling palace, which is nothing to the prosperity of the world. Without resistance, many people are taking great risks to walk in the world.

The prosperity of the world, after all, has the irresistible charm to most people.

That\'s the Lantern Festival in Chang\'an City. It\'s the laughing and talking Yanyan in the restaurant. It\'s the infinite style in the green building. It\'s the chase of children in the streets. It\'s the sturdy crops in the fields. , Is the food and wine on the banquet, is the love of children under the moon, is the brotherhood in the market, is the poetry and poetry by the river and the river, is a hundred warriors on the battlefield, is the willow willow flute on the border, is on the grassland The flock of white sheep is a thousand sails racing on the big lake, it is the rough sea ...

"Brother Xi, I want to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, sweets, and go boating on Weishui and mother-in-law Liu

The family sells rouge ... "The county board started to count his dreams with Li Yan, pointing his finger.

Li Min rubbed her little head and smiled brightly.

Half a year later, Li Zhi brought the Minister of the Dynasty to Kunlun, presided over the Jiuhe Dingding Formation, and reopened the Kunlun channel.

In the following days, a large number of monks from Xianyu descended to the world, and transported the part of Li Xi\'s prepared resources to Xianyu day and night.

After falling and stagnation for a period of time, the realm of the monks of the fairy lands finally ushered in a spurt of mushrooms. Although the immortals, large and small, did not return to their peak strength all at once, they were similar.

Such encounters led them to surrender to Li Zhi, and finally they were forced to bow their heads to a true identity.

Prior to Li Ye\'s beheading of the old immortal Emperor, powerful control of the immortal realm depended on force and power, as well as checks and balances on the forces of all parties.

Fundamentally speaking, the monk in the fairyland of Daomen Fairyland does not have much sense of belonging to Li Zhi, the new immortal emperor; in comparison, the monks of the Buddha domain are more pure in their submission to Li Zhi. After all, Shimen was defeated by the Crescent, and Li Ye gave them a way of life.

But after the sacrifice of the earthly incense was cut off, as strength fell and various benefits were lost, the monk Xianyu gradually became resentful against Li Zhi. Fortunately, this time was not long, Li Yu beheaded the old immortal Emperor Yu Wei, and the monk Xianyu did not make a big mess.

Now that the resources are in place, the monks have raised up, and their senses of Li Zhi have changed from the heart.

After all, the joy of being lost is much greater than simply getting something.

And the situation in the world, Li Ye did not hide the monk from the fairyland, they also know that there will be more cultivation resources in the follow-up, and will continue to be transported from the Far East to Datang, some of which will be supplied to the fairyland stably. Let the monks in Xianyu thank Li Dade for Li Ding.

After all, this is Bai Na.

Of course, Li Wei also made it very clear that after the realm of strength returned to the original level, in order to obtain resources, you must kill the enemy to build merit, discuss rewards for merit, and will not give it away in vain.

This is deserved, and Monk Xianyu has no problem. Many people are full of energy, and they want to flex their muscles in the next war.

During the reign of the Emperor Xiandi, although there was the power of incense in the heavenly world, there were many people in Shenzhou. There were so many peak believers. Taoist believers were only a part of it. After the nobles were divided, it was not many ordinary fairy\'s turn.

Far less than Li Zhi\'s masterpiece.

You know, the resources provided by Li Yan this time, but in the ten days, they will improve Xiuwei by about half a realm, which is put in the past, that is a century of accumulation!

The difference is as big as cloud mud.

In order to get more resources and know that there are so many resources, the immortal people naturally sharpen their swords, and could not help but make contributions to the battlefield.

In a nutshell, following Li Xin, the new imperial emperor, is very promising.

Li Ye was satisfied with the reaction of the immortals, which was also expected.

This place in Shenzhou has been developed for a long time. How many resources can there be for cultivation?

The Americas are different. The two continents, north and south, are vast and extremely fertile, and they are basically virgin lands. If you just scratch your head, it is a huge amount of resources. It is very easy for Li Zhi to let the monks in China raise this level.

This is also the established plan for Li Zhi to inspire the immortals to fight back and cultivate their expansion.

No profit can not afford to be early, wealth is moving, people in the world are profitable, since ancient times.

Every fairy is the same.