The Emperor Reigns Them All

v8 Chapter 114: Battle of Tsushima (4)

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It sounded like a statement that patience had finally run out and could not help but launch a battle.

Whenever the other party leaves without speaking, Tadashi Fujiwara will yell at each other, ridicule the other side, let out his anger, and let Tang Jun know that his copper-walled and iron-walled deployment has been completed. He is incompetent if he can break through his water wall defense.

Unfortunately, the other party walked fast.

Fujiwara Tadashi didn\'t spit out in his chest in a breath, and was uncomfortable.

However, as soon as he thought that his sailor would not be defeated, he had a smile on his face again, and felt that he was insulted in this way. When Tang Jun can\'t break through the water village, and is scorched on the sea, and finally can only retreat, he will definitely seize the opportunity to laugh at the other side, and report the new hatred and the old hate together.

"Brother, next we just need to sit in Dazhai and watch Tang Jun attack. They only need to shoot with bows and crossbones. If they are slammed into anger and rushed directly, that is to die!" Fujiwara Tadashi said calmly. , Full of the pride of Zhizhu holding.

Fujiwara Shihei laughed: "I don\'t know how to fight the water. You can preside over the whole situation. Naturally, everything is fine. Let\'s take a look. What will Tang Jun be so anxious and degenerate!"

Having said that, the two met each other again and laughed loudly and vigorously.

The Lingnan sailor competed with thousands of sails and opened up numerous sea waves. The speed rose again. Under the leadership of the first three cruisers, it didn\'t take long for him to reach the front of the Dangzhai sailor.

Every water division camp will be built in the bay. If there is a small island in front of the bay door, it would be better. The coastline of Tsushima Island has twists and turns, including the main islands in the north and the south. There are four large islands and many small islands. The environment is very favorable.

In the Dazhai on the island of Tsushima, the Lao national sailor was built in a natural bay. A small island outside the door was quite large, blocking a third of the bay\'s entrance, which was a natural barrier.

Fujiwara Tadashi arranges the layered defense of the 倭国 水师, relying on the middle island, Heiyan Island, and he is confident that he can block the Tang army\'s attacking crossbow, for no reason.

At the moment, the navy ship of the Lao State sails across the bay, connecting Heiyan Island and the land on both sides of the bay. The fortifications on Heiyan Island are solid and complete. It is rare to have steep cliffs on the sea side. Most places are as high as ten feet. By boat, the sailor can not land from here.

The ships that lock the bay are not small in size. As a wall that consumes Tang\'s weaponry, there are no armors on it, and only some monks keep the ships running.

A total of four tiers of ships and cities form a thick defense system, and there is not a small gap between each other. Even if Tang Jun uses a fire attack, it is difficult to destroy the entire defense line. The monks on the ship, combined with the defense power of Heiyan Island, also made the fire attack difficult.

Moreover, the fire attack has always depended on the wind direction. The current wind direction is not conducive to the Tang attack.

"The so-called fortifications are nothing more than nesting turtles in the bay. Now that they are ready to be beaten, you are welcome." Li Yan stood on the cruiser deck and gave Yang Xingmi an attack order.

Yang Xingmi looked at the “tortoise shell” of Li Guoshui, with a cruel smile on his face. With the semaphore, three cruisers drove out of the array and came to the front of the array.

The cruiser turned straight into left and right cruises hundreds of steps away from the defense line of the Lao National Marine Division. With the order of Yang Xingmi, the cruiser\'s plain black shell lit up for the second time, communicating the nodes, like Link the stars together.

After the attack was ready, Yang Xingmi looked up at Li Yan, waiting for him to give the cruiser the first battle order.

Li Yan stood with his hands on his back, his robes frowning, his eyes frowning like a sword. At his feet is the most majestic and advanced cruiser in the world, and behind him is the sea-like fleet of sailors. In front of him is a stumbling block that prevents Datang sailors from sailing to the sea.

His voice was sober and powerful: "More than two hundred years ago, Wang Wanshi defeated 40,000 pirates at the Baijiangkou. We let Laos know what a great country is.

"For more than two hundred years, as countless Tang envoys have entered Changan one after another, we have taught them what the feudal dynasty was;

"Today, two hundred years later, before Tsushima, I want to let my country know what the naval battles of this era really look like!

"Unfortunately, they are destined to be unable to learn, because from today on, there will no longer be a navy sailor in the world! The cruiser listens to the orders and gives Tatar the enemy in front of him.

Yang Xingmi raised his fist: "Cruiser takes command!"

Then he turned around, pulled his knife out of his sheath, and held it forward, "Cruiser, get ready!"

With a command, the ship\'s cruiser lit up with star-like runes, and suddenly made a thunderous thunder, and a large array of dazzling auras burst out.

After the ship\'s first trebuchet, a real-life monk presided over the formation. There were four trebuchets on the left and right sides, and one at the stern. Next to each trebuchet, there are four weapon bed crossbows, and each weapon bed crossbow is controlled by several monks.

The trebuchets on cruisers are different from the trebuchets that attacked Pyongyang. They are fixed in the center of the circle. Not only is the body made of spirits and wood, it can also greatly enhance the power. The same is true of the weapon bed crossbow.

This configuration is only available for cruisers.

Yang Xingmi once again ordered: "attack!"

Boom, boom, boom!

The magical projectile throws off its arms and throws a large number of spirit stone fireballs into the air. These spirit stone fireballs are already powerful. Even a solid female wall like Pyongyang City can be destroyed. Increased aura, the power is huge.

Fujiwara Tadashi and Fujiwara Shihei, when they saw three mountain-like cruiser hulls, revealing a complex and bright array of runes, their proud smiles disappeared as before.

When the cruiser uploaded a thick and crisp aura of roar, thirty sun-like spirit stone fireballs flew in the air and hit the hull of the blocked bay. It was like a firecracker exploding in a tofu group, breaking the cabin apart The expressions on their faces became frightened again.

Exactly the same as before.

It is just that the former was seduced by the enemy, but now it is the headquarters ship.

They looked at their ships, and with one glance they couldn\'t help shaking.

If it is said that ordinary weapon crossbow can only “penetrate” the hull and mainly kills armored men, the crossbow of the weapon bed crossbow can “tear” the hull and cause irreversible damage to the hull. A fireball is a cabin that "blazes" over a hundred steps.

If a medium-sized battleship has good luck and is hit by a spiritstone fireball in the cabin, it will not immediately collapse and sink. If the luck is bad, the bilge is smashed and blown through, and it will be destroyed directly.

The ships that lock the bay are mainly medium-sized warships-small warships cannot be locked, and large warships are also used as the main force to fight-and now, the cruiser volleys a round of spiritual stones and fires. The ship dismembered and sank.

And when the power of the enhanced instrument bed crossbow also began to show power, what they "penetrated" was no longer the female wall cabin, but went straight to the basement. The powerful penetrating power makes the basement torn open the huge hole even if it is underwater, and the sea water swarms in!

The roar continued to whisper. They did not ring on the cruiser, but exploded in the hearts of Fujiwara Tadaka and Fujiwara, each sounding like a king\'s life drum!

"What the **** is that ?!" Fujiwara Shihei swallowed hard and turned to ask Fujiwara Tadashi.

"I, I don\'t know ... I have never seen it!" Fujiwara Tadashi regained the thought of crying.

It is astounding that the roar of the three cruisers has no meaning to stop, waves of red aura fireballs, with rounds of star-shaped bed crossbow, constantly hit, shot In the water ship of Lao Guo, the fired crossbar flew up into the air, and the water never stopped.

Only half an hour later, the ships that formed the first line of defense were almost blown up, exposing a huge gap that could accommodate the fleet\'s navigation. The sea was covered with old wood and waved up and down.

Fortunately, there are no ordinary armored soldiers on these ships. If not, it must be the blood-stained sea at this moment, and the dead bodies are everywhere.

Seeing this situation, Fujiwara Shihei\'s features were twisted together, and he couldn\'t bear the fear and anger in his heart. He grabbed the collar of Fujiwara Tadashi and shouted, "Go on like this, but for two hours, we The defense line will be breached, and the ship will be completely destroyed! By then, when the Tang army kills into the water village, the sailor will not be able to resist it, and the whole army will be overwhelmed. As the commander of the sailor, is there no way to deal with it ?! "

Fujiwara Tadaka was sprayed with a spit, and his face was extremely ugly.

Fujiwara Shihei made him cope, how did he cope?

The enhanced instrument bed and crossbow are no longer able to effectively intercept the high-end exercises, and the power of the spirit stone fireball is equivalent to a real-world shot. But unlike the monks, both the bed crossbow and the trebuchet can continue to roar uninterruptedly. If the monks attack like this, they will run out of aura within half an hour!

In other words, Tang Jun\'s bed and crossbow and Lingshi fireball cannot be intercepted at all!

If it is forcibly intercepted, is it that the monks in the Tang army are all furnishings? They are now standing still!

"Don\'t tell me, you can\'t help it!"

When Fujiwara saw that Fujiwara was flat, she had no intention of speaking, and angrily shook her opponent\'s collar and shook it vigorously. "You are the master of the sailor! If the sailor is defeated and the whole army is annihilated, not only will you move your head, Fujiwara The family will also be ashamed of you!

"Not only that, the country will suffer unprecedented suffering. Once the country is in danger, the Fujiwara family will no longer exist, and the accumulation of years will disappear! Can you afford this blame? Come to think of a way, you bastard!"

Fujiwara Tadashi was so dizzy that his opponent\'s roar brought the power of repair and disturbed his mind.

In the end, Fujiwara Tadashi was severely dropped on the ground by Fujiwara Shippei. He took a long time to recover before returning to God.

"Brother, I regret only one thing now." Fujiwara Tadashi covered her neck, looking sad.

"what\'s up?!"

"When Tang Jun\'s messenger came over, we should have surrendered."

"What are you talking about ?! Do you want to die ?!" Fujiwara was so angry that he pulled out his sword and seemed to want to give Fujiwara Tadashi a knife.

Brothers, friends and brothers who were just respectful, harmonious, and spirited, the two brothers seemed to turn their heads into revenge.

Fujiwara Tadashi raised his head and looked at Fujiwara Shihei in despair. "In front of the Tang army, all kinds of powerful military instruments are emerging in an endless stream.

"I thought that after years of development, the navy division has not lost to Tang Jun. But I did not expect that the current Tang Jun is no longer comparable to that year!

"Brother, this is not a battle of snow shame, but a repeat of the battle of Baijiangkou!

"And compared to that time, the gap between us and Tang Jun is bigger now! You let me think of a way, what can I do? The two armies have so great a difference in combat power that we have no way to deal with it, whether our tactics are correct or not Wrong, right or wrong, the result is the same!

"Only ..."

"What can I do ?!"

"Only, surrender ... otherwise, the entire army will be destroyed! Brother, please go quickly and go back to preside over the state administration. We can\'t stop Tang Junshui. You must return to the country to arrange defenses. If not, the country may be here this time. It\'s really dangerous!

"We were too arrogant before, thinking that we are not as good as we were today, and we did n’t want to be too far behind the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty ... We can\'t fight at all! You go quickly, otherwise, wait for Tang Jun to completely break through our defense line. The whole army is dispatched, and the monks are attacking, you will not be able to leave! "

After hearing this, Fujiwara Shiping couldn\'t help but take a three-step step back, looking like a funeral.