The Emperor Reigns Them All

v8 Chapter 108: Wagoku

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Lao Kingdom, Heian Beijing.

In less than August, Ping An Jing is out of business. In the five days, the neighbouring vertical neighborhoods were dark and lonely. In addition to the officials who got up early to face the dynasty, there were only martial arts patrolling the streets, and no ordinary pedestrians could be seen.

A lot of officials have gathered in front of the illuminated Miyagi gate, and they are polite to each other, whispering about the recent events and hidden news. Looking at their positions, they are divided into two distinct groups, but they are not divided by culture and military, which is quite strange.

On the wide road of Suzaku, an honorable team appeared, the guards were neat, and the BMW car was carved. When the officials approached each other, they quickly calmed down and stopped their conversations, waiting respectfully. They were so awesome, because it was the driving of Fujiwara Shihei, who had just been promoted from a great apprentice by the previous two years to the left.

Fujiwara Shihei\'s car just stopped, and a row of cars and horses drove along Suzaku Road. The performance was also not small, but the specifications were slightly worse than Fujiwara Shihei. The officials who had not moved in front of the palace gate rushed to meet at this time.

Wearing a suit and awe-inspiring Fujiwara Shihei stepped off the carriage, turned his head and glanced aside, and saw that at the same time, Sugawara Road, who had been promoted from right to right to minister, appeared. He nodded slightly.

Sugawara Dojin took the initiative to come to Fujiwara Shihei.

After the ceremony, they didn\'t talk to each other and walked towards the gate of Miyagi together. At the moment when the court was not yet in session, the palace door was opened in advance, and the ministers left and right rushed into the scene of Miyagi, seeing a lot of officials facing each other, and the second monk scratched his head.

Fujiwara Shiping came from the Fujiwara family. The Fujiwara family has existed since the Asuka era, and made great achievements in the Dahua reform more than two hundred years ago, and gradually became a powerful aristocracy in the country. Fifty or sixty years ago, with Fujiwara\'s Liangfang taking the position of "off-white" and exercising the power of regency, the Fujiwara family was already the largest aristocracy in Laos.

Not only the emperor, but also the princesses of many princes, who have women from the Fujiwara family.

Compared to Fujiwara Shihei, Sugawara Dojin, although he was born from Shuxiang Mendi, is a so-called celebrity in the world, but he can only be regarded as a child of Hanmen. The two are heads of Lao officials, but the relationship is not harmonious.

When Fujiwara Shihei and Sugawara Daozhen came to the Taiji Hall, the hall was brightly lit, and the waiter waited under the steps to see them appear and greeted him. He said respectfully: "His Majesty the Emperor has ordered it. , Go directly into the hall to discuss. "

Fujiwara Shihei and Sugawara Nod really nodded and followed the waiter up the ladder.

The sixteen-year-old emperor\'s concubine, sitting high in the imperial case, had not lost all his childishness on his face, but his eyebrows were full of British spirit. While the two ministers were performing ceremonially, he held his anxiety in his heart, and his voice slowly made them stand up.

"Two Ai Qing, Ping An Beijing received an emergency military report last night. The Tang Dynasty sailor has left Jeju and is attacking our country! So it seems that Fujiwara\'s previous speculation came true. This is Tang Dynasty\'s attack on our country!"

His fists were clenched, his voice began to tremble, and his eyes were intertwined with fear, anxiety, anxiety, and anger, which were extremely complicated, which made his face look uncertain.

The Emperor has no family name and family register, as does the Emperor.

Sugawara was so frightened, "How is this possible ?!"

Fujiwara Shiping snorted coldly and looked at Sugawara with a deep dissatisfaction: "A few years ago, the Emperor ordered you to send Tang envoys and wanted you to make a mission to the Tang Dynasty, but you repeatedly pushed back and didn\'t want to go, but in the end it didn\'t work. Let this matter come to an end!

"If you went to the Tang Dynasty at that time, you could learn more about the Tang Dynasty. How could there be such a situation now, when Tang Jun had already dispatched, and we only rushed to learn the danger?"

A few years ago, the resignation of Tang envoys did exist, and Ebara Tao really quickly argued: "At that time, the Tang Dynasty was civil strife, the vassals conquered each other, and the court authority was lost. It was really not appropriate to send Tang envoys ..."

"If the Tang dynasty was really as unbearable as you said, but now just a few years have passed, how can they send troops to attack us?" Fujiwara was pressing slowly.

"This ..." Sugawara was so speechless that the information he inquired at that time was absolutely true. But he couldn\'t think of it. Datang would calm down civil strife so quickly and have the ability to send troops to neighboring countries!

"Well, now is not the time for quarrels!" He yelled and stopped the argument between them. "Right now the Tang Dynasty does not declare war, how to survive this crisis is the most pressing issue! What are the opinions of the two Ai Qings? ? "

Fujiwara Shihei and Sugawara are silent.

Compared with Datang, Lao Country is just a barren land with few people. If it were not more than two hundred years ago, countless ambassadors had sent Tang dynasties to risk their lives and crossed the black sea to study at Datang. Now the country is still in a slave society.

After sending Tang envoys back to Laos, he carried out the "Dahua reform", fully imitating the Tang\'s military and political system, and rebuilding various orders of Laos, which allowed Laos to evolve from a slave society to a so-called feudal society.

Although the Jing division of Lao Kingdom is called Heianjing, the structure of the city and the setting of the streets and squares are copied from Chang\'an and Luoyang of the Tang Dynasty. At present, the area of ​​Ping\'anjing is only one-fifth of that of Chang\'an City, but two counties are also set up like dogs. I don\'t know if the so-called one is Changan and the other is Luoyang.

The street in the city that divides "Chang\'an" and "Luoyang" also stole the name of Chang\'an Suzaku Avenue, called Suzaku-daero, and the Tai Chi Temple in Miyagi is naturally a Tai Chi Temple which imitates Chang\'an Palace.

However, Chang\'an City is divided into Miyagi and Imperial City, collectively known as the Imperial Palace. Ping An Jing does not have so much financial resources to build a magnificent Imperial City. Only the Palace City of Heian Palace can be used.

At this time, everything in Lao Country had a strong Tang style, including the Emperor\'s self-proclaimed. It\'s just that compared to the magnificent Tang Dynasty, everything in Lao Guo is much smaller. To some extent, it is equivalent to the difference between a native dog and a tiger.

If the Tang people came here to live, there would not be much problems except for the language-if they were to learn, then there would be no problem with the language. The poems, songs, essays, and interpretations of the Buddhist scriptures here all come from the Tang Dynasty.

At the beginning of the battle in Pyongyang, Li Yong went to speak with Pei Xuanqing before the battle. The language used by the two was Mandarin.

So if someone from Datang Chang\'an really comes, the most intuitive feeling should be to go to Datang\'s countryside.

Of course, in fact, these states around Datang have all learned the Han and Tang civilizations. Khitan, Bohai Sea, Silla, Goguryeo, Baekje, Nanzhao and Annan are all the same.

It was the Han and Tang civilizations that allowed them to evolve from a foolish and obscure slave society to a feudal society. They have the possibility of developing their own sub-civilization and building a prosperous society under the system of the Han and Tang civilizations.

"Your Majesty, according to my humble opinion, this time the Tang Dynasty came to commit soldiers, it should be that we have not paid tribute to them on time as usual. According to Tang\'s nature, as long as the surrounding countries show their surrender and recognize their supremacy, Their army would not attack.

"If we can sacrifice some wealth every year, they will be very willing to live in harmony with us and even help us. It is precisely because of this that the Tang envoys we sent to the Tang Dynasty have always been treated with courtesy. You can even work in Datang.

"So Chen\'s suggestion is ..." Sugawara said this, with a strong expression of remorse in his eyes. If it had been known that Datang could quickly calm down civil strife, it would be necessary to go to Datang Chang\'an to say anything. Since then, the country does not have to face this situation now.

"Enough! You are a word of disaster to the country and the people!" Fujiwara Shihei didn\'t wait for Sugawara to finish speaking, so he jumped out of his responsibilities.

He arched his hand to the puppet: "Your Majesty, the officials have found out that the sailors who came from the Tang Dynasty were only about 100,000 soldiers and horses. Why should we be afraid of this strength?"

Speaking of this, he was right and righteous, Dayi said bluntly: "We are not at fault, but the Tang Dynasty did not declare war. This is already a perverse act. Losing the righteous status is bound to be angry and angry. How can these unjust teachers be able to succeed?

"What\'s more important is that after the country\'s self-improvement reform, the country has a strong country. It is not the same as before, and there are 100,000 Tang troops. What fear do we have? His Majesty only needs to let his ministers in command, and the ministers will be able to defeat the Tang army!"

When I heard this, I couldn\'t help but startled and my eyes were bright.

He had previously heard that Tang Jun was attacking. It was panic and restlessness. Now he heard that Fujiwara Shihei had ascertained Tang Jun\'s quantity and truthfulness early, and his words were well-founded, and his mind was immediately settled, "Fujihara Is Qing really sure to defeat Tang Jun? "

Sugawara heard this, and could n’t sit still anymore, hurriedly refuting: "Your Majesty, the Tang Dynasty is a dragon in the sea and a tiger in the mountains, and it must not be easily offended. We still have to deal with it carefully as long as we can use some money, one Why does the paper state book solve the problem? If the soldiers are murderous, if they move the sword arrogantly, blood will flow into the river and their lives will be covered with charcoal ... "

"Takihara Michi!"

Fujiwara Shihira shouted his name in anger. He was a nobleman, and had a sense of superiority to the Uehara Hara. He pointed to the other side\'s nose and said, "You are as timid as a mouse, and He Yan is standing in front of him. Above the hall? If the Tang Dynasty was really as powerful as you said, how could there be the Anshi Rebellion, the Huang Chao Rebellion, and how could it be taken away by a large area? "

Sugawara was so yelled at, so angry and blowing his nose and staring, what he wanted to say, but he heard Suzu said, "The two Aiqings don\'t have to fight, I have decided!"

The two made the appearance of bowing their lives.

His eyes glowed: "Although the Tang Dynasty was strong, we have learned them for hundreds of years, and we are not weaker than them! In these years, the Tang Dynasty has experienced wars and national strength, but our state is stable and has been growing. This time the Tang Dynasty\'s unjust soldiers, 100,000 sailors, I have to look at what qualifications the Tang Dynasty has, let us always bow to them! "

Speaking of which, I stood up from my seat, standing tall and fighting spirit.

He looked at his two ministers with long-term expectations: "I hope you will remember that the people of the God of Astrology are the best existence on this land and do not lose to anyone! Even if we are temporarily inferior to other countries, You need to learn from another country, but the ultimate purpose is not to be a courtier to other countries! It is to prove that the people of the **** of the sky can also become a dragon in the sea and a tiger in the mountains!

"Fujiwara, fight hard! If this battle can defeat Tang Jun, it will become a child of the **** of heaven, and declare to the people that he has truly risen and will be the best opportunity to cross the world!"

"Chin, take orders!"